
I want to be the villain in this story

Hello ~ This is my 25th draft story/novel that I have wrote few months ago. I am debating whether I will upload this here or not but I will try my luck, maybe you will like my story. Kampaii!

Chaasenpaii_ · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 5: A Glimpse of our friendship

It was the first day of school. I was a first-year high school student along with Gavin, Armond, and Franco, my dear friends.

I was wearing a light blue midi dress and white doll shoes, paired with my new Christian Dior spring collection backpack. It was a small backpack. I wore my most expensive watch from France. I made sure my hair was properly done. I believed in making a good first impression.

Our car parked at the enormous gate of Carriage Saint Academy, the most prestigious school in the country. My bodyguard opened the door for me, and I put on a pleasant smile.

"Princess Chesry!" I turned to the person calling me. It was Franco, who had just arrived. He was running towards my direction.

I looked at his outfit. His OOTD was not bad. He looked cute.

"Good morning, Your Highness," he greeted with a goofy smile. I lightly bowed my head, acting like a princess, and we laughed at my gesture.

"You're so loud this early, Franco," Gavin complained, yawning. He had a bad boy look today, wearing a plain white shirt and black pants, paired with sneakers and a boyish backpack.

He approached me and put his arm around me, ruffling my hair a bit. I scowled and glared at him.

"You're ruining my hair, Gav!" I complained, escaping from his embrace. But he still caught me.

"I'm sorry, Princess Chesry," he said with a playful smile, pinching my cheeks. I slapped his hand.

"Let her go, Gavin," a cold voice came from a cold person. The three of us turned to look at Armond, who had just arrived as well.

My heart started beating faster. He looked dashing with his outfit! No matter what he wore, he looked handsome.

We made eye contact, and a smile appeared on his face. I smiled back.

I felt like I was on cloud nine.

We decided to head inside and start our high school journey together.

"Stop pouting, Princess Chesry," Gavin pinched my cheeks while Armond scolded him.

"Why are the three of you in the same class? Why wasn't I included? I don't want to be alone," to be honest, I was scared to be far away from them. I had become so dependent on them that we always had to be together. But now, not one of them was my classmate! The thought of being on my own made me want to cry.

"Our classrooms are just next to each other, Princess Chesry, so you can come to us anytime," Franco assured me.

"Why would she come to us? We should go to her," Gavin replied, a bit annoyed by what Franco had said.

"I agree with Gavin," Armond said seriously. I couldn't look at him; his gaze might make me melt.

They escorted me to my classroom, making sure I was comfortable before heading to their own room.

I sat there quietly. Everyone was noisy. Some already had friends, while others were wandering around like me. Could I survive this on my own?

Suddenly, my phone vibrated. I placed it on the table. It was set to silent mode but vibrated for notifications. I opened it and saw messages from my friends. A big smile appeared on my face.

From: Franco

Don't be shy about making friends, Princess Chesry. Don't worry, they will like you! :) :) :)

From: Gavin

Are you okay there? Let me know if someone bothers you. I'll crush them.

From: Luwen

What snack do you like? We're planning to buy something to cheer you up.

I immediately replied to them. We texted for a while before our designated teacher came in and started the introduction. I hid my phone and listened to her.

Lunch break. Everyone immediately got up from their seats and rushed to the cafeteria. I took out my lunchbox before walking outside where my friends were waiting for me.

We decided to eat in the gymnasium. It was Franco's idea. He told us it was cooler there compared to our classrooms. I wondered how he knew that, but it turned out to be true. The air conditioning in the gym was stronger than in our classrooms.

We settled on the first bench, placing our lunchboxes. Gavin had the biggest lunchbox since he ate a lot.

"Try this, Ches. It's Chicken Parmesan made by my mom," Franco placed two pieces of chicken in my box. Even though they weren't warm anymore, they still smelled good. I immediately tasted them, and they were delicious! Tita Melaine cooked really well.

"Then, you should try this too. It's made by my mom," Gavin offered me a sausage. It was a homemade sausage, and it tasted great as well.

I looked at Armond, hoping he would offer something. We made eye contact before he put a chicken hotdog in my box and added some sauce. I knew that sauce was made by Tita Elaine.

I gave them some of my food as well. We ate while Franco and Gavin teased each other.

I was laughing while looking at them. I think

anywhere would be the best place as long as we were together.


One month had passed, and the four of us were enjoying our days at school. Gavin and Franco's teasing never stopped.

I was watching the soccer team's practice game. Gavin had joined the soccer club, and they called him the rookie. Armond joined the basketball team, and Franco joined the multimedia team. I didn't join any club; I wasn't ready to mingle with people, and the three of them respected my decision.

"Go Gavin!" a group of first-year students cheered from another bench. They were always present during Gavin's practice. I smiled. Gavin was popular too, just like the other two.

Their practice ended, and Gavin looked at me, waving with a playful smile. He walked towards me.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting, Princess Chesry," he greeted as he approached me. He ruffled my hair and pinched my cheek, something he always did. I was used to it by now.

He grabbed his things and my bag. This was our usual scenario when I watched his practice.

"What do you want to eat?" he asked as we walked.

"I heard from my classmates that there's a new cafe that just opened. I think it's called Wendy's."

"Oh! I know that place. One of my classmates gave me cheesecake from there, and I liked it. I think you'll like their cheesecake too."

We went to Wendy's and enjoyed the afternoon. The other two joined us at the cafe after their practice. It was a lovely afternoon.


"Have you heard about the transfer student from the public school who got into a fight with Armond?" I paused and looked for the person who spoke. It was Becka and her friend Jenna, my classmates.

"I heard that! It's the talk of the hallway! That commoner has such an attitude!" Jenna exclaimed.

"She even told Armond that he has no manners."

I didn't hear anything else. I took out my phone and sent a message to Armond.

To: Armond

I heard that you got into a fight with a transfer student. Are you okay? :(

I waited for his reply, but it didn't come.


Rumors were spreading about the transfer student from the public school. Girls hated her, while boys had a crush on her.

Her name is Keanne Xyn Pasaras, and I was currently walking behind her in the hallway.

At the end of the hallway, I saw Armond and Gavin. They were talking about something and didn't notice me. I was about to approach them when Keanne Xyn approached them first, catching their attention.

"Armond Luwen Santella, I'm done with the tasks you gave me," she said, handing over three notebooks.

Armond accepted the notebooks while Gavin stared at her.

"Thanks, I'll call you if I need anything else. You can leave," Armond replied coldly. But I didn't feel the coldness in his words. It felt artificial.

They didn't notice my presence. They were focused on the girl. I didn't like the scene I was witnessing.

As the girl turned her back, she accidentally bumped into me since I was standing behind her. We both lost our balance. And before she could fall, someone grabbed her hand and arm. Two hands held onto her, almost in slow motion. I fell to the floor alone.

Even though I was on the ground, my gaze immediately went to the girl. I wanted to see if what I was seeing was true.

Gavin held her arm, while Armond held her hand to prevent her from falling. I hated what I was seeing. Both of them had worried expressions while looking at the girl. I hated it.

After that, my eyes grew heavy, and before I knew it, darkness enveloped me.

When I woke up, I found myself in the school clinic, lying under a white ceiling with a white blanket covering me. I wondered who brought me here, either Gavin or Armond. I sat up.

"Oh, you're awake," said the nurse, as she helped me get up.

"Ma'am, who brought me here?" I asked, needing confirmation.

"If I remember correctly, it was a student. Wait a minute, let me check the logbook," she said, briefly leaving and returning shortly after.

"His name is... Andrew Cantilan." I remained silent. No. My mind went blank.

The nurse asked me some questions before allowing me to go home.

I remained quiet during the entire ride. When we reached our home, I saw my father waiting for me.

I stepped out of the car, and he walked towards me. He was about to say something when I hugged him, tears streaming down my face. My dad didn't say anything; he just hugged me back.