
I want to be an Immortal Mage

What is a new lifes value? If you lost everything, what would you do? Start over? Give up? Jason Smith was a one in a billion genius of cultivation and a decent mechanic from a world colonized by earth of 6820 where cultiviation has been found to be real for the last 30,000 years. Technology was far more advanced. He came from poor origins and overcame them to be one of the top experts of his world. Then because of a betrayal he died and reincarnetd into a world without ki but instead had 2 more violent energies used by the locals: vital qi and mana.

firelord49R · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Learning About the World 2

"So how old are you dad?" questioned Jason . "Cheecky brat I'm 83 and my talent is pretty good. If not for the sequela from my injury I would have long been a corporal. As it is I'll probably reach 9th stage corporal before i die and I have a decent chance of reaching captain. The odds of my reaching past the 3rd stage of captian though are too poor now."

Jason looked towards his mother then thought better of the idea to ask her age. One thing holds true no matter the time or even the world "never ask a woman's age or weight".

Seeing Charles finish his part of the lecture Martha began hers, " Magic is often more powerful in area attacks while knights usually deal larger single target attacks. This isn't always the case but just a generalization. Magic comes from the mana we condense inside our bodies after absorbing it from the world around us. We have only one mana condensing art, the Cosmic Furnace Art a low tier 6 art I won for the family during my time at the Counts Magical Academy. Luckily it works no matter what the practitioners elements are so as long as you can sense any element you can use this to become a mage. Mages gain 50 years of life every time they level up. The talent of a mage is determined by the number of elements she has and the talent she possesses for each of her elements."

"Martha before we go to far into explaining all this we should check his body and his mana talents." Charles stated. Martha looked at her husband with a little worry before nodding her head, "Ok hun. I am sure his talent will shock us."

"Jason let me see your hand. I need a little blood . This device," Charles held up a gold plate with tens of thousands of runes on it, " will test if you have a special body type. special body type are somewhat rare but the kingdom demands that all three year olds be tested."

Jason's father gently held his hand before cutting his finger. As the third drop of blood fell onto the plate he quickly bandaged the finger. Looking at the plate three runes light up. Seeing that Charles sighs with slight disappointment, "Jason these three runes represent that you have a 3rd tier mortal body. This is the lowest tier body that a child of 2 people with occupations can have. We thought with your strength maybe you had a mystic metal body or even a fiendgod body. Ah, oh well you can still level up. Come here and hit this pressure plate as hard as you can."

Walking forward Jason took a deep breath to center himself. After centering himself he punches from his core with all he has. As his punch lands the number 2700Ib flashes, this number startles him to his very core.

Charles exclaims, " 2,700 pounds that's the strength of a 20 year old mortal!" This statement further floors Jason as in the world he came from a mortal with a punch strength of 325 was considered the peak. Only a gorilla could throw a punch with 2,700 pounds. This is a number nearly NINE TIMES that of any man from earth.

"How can he realese such power with only a 3rd tier mortal body?," asked Jason's mother. "I don't know I've never heard of such a thing.," Charles responded.

"I will ask the baron later, for now let us test his magic talents." Saying so Charles put a glass bracelet with runes on it on Jason's right arm. "This is a mana gate. It's a creation of the elves and it measures both the types of mana you absorb and the quantity in which you absorb them. This is how we will measure your mage talent."

"All you need to do is take a deep breath and try to pull all the energies you can sense from around you into your heart. As you do so the runes will light up to show which elements you have and your talents for each." Martha explaines to Jason.

Hearing their explanation Jason sits down in the meditation pose he learned in his past life, took a deep breath and merged with the world around him. as he felt the energies around him he started to pull all the new energies that he did not try before as quickly as he can bringing them to rest inside his heart. As he pulled in the energies his parents stared at the bracelet on his wrist. Four runes lit up. One lit up gold, one was silver and one was bronze. The final one was black, and seeing this both parents frowned slightly with worry before looking at each other for hope.

Jason opened his eyes as the runes all dimmed down. Seeing his parents faces he became anxious. "Mom, dad is my talent bad? " Jason asked.

"No son, your talents are slightly above average. You have Four elements which is great. The bad thing is you have no suprem grade elements and .... well I will get to that later. Your strongest element is high tier fire, then medium tier lightning, and low tier metal element. There is always a possibility of each element being upgraded in talent although it's somewhat rare and very hard to do. Also even poor tier elements can be used in battle. There are 6 tiers for mana talent: poor, low, mid, high, supreme, and peak. Unfortunately there is sometimes a seventh, which is referred to as a broken talent. These talents power will increase with the power of the mage but they can't be used in combats or even directly, instead they must be used through formations. You have broken gravity talent, the one piece of good news from this is you can still use it to make formations such as the gravity chamber or use it to compress metals in a forge through the use of formations or multiple other uses in professions."