
Scared of Herself

The feeling of his mouth against her palm elicited a shiver from her and she had to quickly look away from his intense gaze. He wore an expression that seemed to suggest he wanted to eat her whole rather than the cake they were sharing. 

Seeing her become nervous, Henry retreated, having no desire to press forward if she wasn't comfortable doing something so intimate where they were. He misunderstood her reaction. 

"Let me feed you," he said quietly. 

"Please," she said quickly, hoping it would break the tension she had just injected into the environment by accidentally shutting him down. 

He offered her the cake in the same way she did to him and she gratefully took the small piece into her mouth. 

The situation was forgotten the moment the sweet cake touched her tongue. A gasp escaped her lips and her innocent eyes widened at Henry. 

"I've never tasted a cake so delicious," she said breathlessly. "It's so simple yet so wonderful."