
Cleaning Up The Mess

Despite waking up and being told to take things slowly, Commander Lothian was immediately back in full armor and ready to get back to his duties.

The first meal he attended after waking up in the infirmary tent, the commander finished his food quickly before standing up and addressing the men who were there - most of the knights and apprentices eating at the same time.

"As many of you may know by now, we have solved the problem regarding the poisonous gas in the duke's tower," the commander's voice was somewhat hoarse, but he was still able to talk in his distinctly powerful voice. Unfortunately, he did have to stop so he could cough after nearly every sentence. "If it weren't for the wizards, we wouldn't have been able to accomplish this." There were a few more coughs from him as the men in front of him voiced their agreement. "I will be going back to the duke's tower in the morning to see the outcome of what we accomplished there."