
A New Friend On The Horizon

The fastest breakfast they could create on the road was porridge since all it required was oats, various spices if they wanted, and water to boil it. 

All the knights fell into a silent routine of preparing the meal and filling bowls. They couldn't blame the commander for not participating in the morning meal considering all that had been laid on him that morning. 

He was staring at the mages who left a half hour before. His expression was intense as turmoil stirred up in his mind. 

Those present couldn't get used to the sight of him sitting so comfortably with a dragon behind him.

The image of a knight and a dragon was a common theme in stories from their childhoods and not something they would expect to ever be able to witness in their lives. While many stories featured kind dragons, there were many more that were created with the intention of scaring children away from dragons. Those stories were embedded in each one of their minds.