
Chapter - 2 I Believe I Can Fly

"... What?" (Bryan) says in confusion.

『I said, Good Morning, New Master.』

"... I am not hearing things, am I? Oh... That must be it, am I still half sleep.." (Bryan) says in denial.

『Unfortunately, sorry to say this, that you are not hearing things, the voice you heard, Is clearly exist inside your head.』

"... Hehe... HAHAHA, I must be gone crazy because of that damn THING! Now I am even hearing things!" (Bryan)

『... I think they choose the wrong person to be my new master, how come an insane person became my partner?』

"WHO IS YOU CALLING an Insane person! And where are you? Cut the crap and show self!" - (Bryan) says as if he became a madman.

『Like I said dimwit, I exist inside your head, not only your height is short, even your brain must be lacking.』

"... What inside my head? And who is a short guy?! Do you know my height is average... In Asian standard..." (Bryan) says in a sulking manner.

『Oh... Did I hit the hard spot? Well, I hate to say this, but we don't have much time left to joke around, Bryan Colt, 17 years of age, Hobbies, reading Japanese manga, and Korean *BEEP!* manhwa.』

"OOOHH! You don't have to mention the last part! How did you know all of this thing? Even my best buds don't know about it!" (Bryan) says in an embarrassed manner, his cheeks flushed in red.

"And what are you, how come you are inside my head?" (Bryan) says in confusion.

『For now get out of your apartment, I will explain it to you on the way, you must hurry we don't have much time left.』

"... Why?" (Bryan)

『Just do it, Tsk!』

Ting~ tong~

The sound of the doorbell could be heard.

"Who is it? Coming here early in the morning?" - (Bryan) murmured to himself.

"Hello, Is Mr. Bryan Colt is in the house?" Someone says.

"Ah... Yes! Please wait for a moment." (Bryan) says as he walks near to the door.

『Bryan, listen to me... If you don't want to die, do what I say don't open that door.』

"What do you mean by that?, and how come I will die by just opening the door?"(Bryan) asked in confusion.

『Listen closely, the man outside is an agent, who was sent to hunt us down, to be exact to hunt me down, only means If they caught you, they will extract your brain to get me.』

"What do you mean by that-"(Bryan) says but couldn't continue his words, because when he touched the back of his head, he felt a liquid substance, as he looks at his arm, he saw...

"... Blood?" (Bryan)

"Mr. Bryan are you still there?" (Agent) says a loud noise could be heard.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Multiple huge dents appeared in the steel door of his apartment.

"... Wa-what. What's going on?" (Bryan) says in a panic.

『Bryan listen to me, If you want to leave alive, go and jump to the window right now!』

"Are you crazy we are on the fourth floor! I will die by just jumping alone!" (Bryan) shouted in a hurry.

『Just do it!』

"... AAAAAHHHH! If I die, I will become a ghost and haunt you for the rest of your life!" - (Bryan) says not minding that he was talking to a machine.

Then he runs through the window as he jumps!

Beng~ the steel door finally broke open.

Bryan turns his head around and saw multiple people wearing a black suit, rushing through him.

"... Damnit all!" (Bryan) says as he jumped through the window.

『Now Bryan, I want you to shout, Lacie take over now!』

"... AAAHHHH~!" (Bryan)

『Do it now!』

"Lacie take over!" (Bryan) shouted in a hurry.

Then his eyes shine for a bit, his body posture change, as his body move and, jump through the window to window like a ninja.

"... What is happening!?" (Bryan) shouted in confusion.

『Right now I took control of your body, with this you wouldn't die, but the strain from your body after this isn't a laughing matter.』

"... You should have said those things sooner!" (Bryan) says in dissatisfaction.

『We don't have any many choices left, isn't it? And whose fault is it? Who is the one didn't listen to the words I say?』

"Yeah right, who the heck will listen to somebody says, that they exist inside their head and things like jumping through the window! Only a crazy person will do such a thing!" (Bryan) says with a deep of Irritation could be felt in his voice.

『Heh~ so you finally accepted that you are a crazy person? I mean, after all, you did listen to me right?』

"@_$%&*-^!" (Bryan)

Then Bryan's body safely landed on the ground with a soft thud.

After that Bryan's body runs, as they converse with each other.

『For the time of being, we are safe... But we need to get out of here as soon as possible, any ideas where we could hide ourselves?』

"... I know one place, It is the abandoned building in our school." (Bryan)

『Is there any surveillance cameras around that building?』

"On the way from that building, Yeah there is." -(Bryan) says pensively.

『Then we have to avoid being detected, for now, the current me has limited access, I still couldn't hack those surveillance cameras, because of the restrictions that they put in me.』

"What you can do those things? Hey, you said that you will tell me everything along the way, then start talking... I am completely blind here, I didn't know the reason why and how did you appear inside my head." (Bryan)

『Remember the place called, food techies? The food you tasted was drugged and put you in sleep to implanted me, Inside your head.』

" I knew it! I knew it! That place is suspicious!" - (Bryan)

『Then why did you come, If you already knew it was a suspicious place? Like a though, They did select an idiot as my partner.』

"Who are you calling an idiot!? You, you ... What are they called you again? I mean what are you?" (Bryan)

『Haah~ I give up, both of us will die for sure if you take the wheel, from now on, I will do all the thinking.』

『I am Lacie, one out of the twenty Super Artificial Intelligence, exists on this world, my existence supposedly, a top-secret, not after one of their core member took me out, and put me into your body as an experiment, that person wanted to know if, a super A.I like us could help mankind evolved into a new being.』

『That is the reason why they are chasing you, they wanted to take me back, by extracting your brain out, we have two ways to get out of this mess, first find a secured place to hide, but it was only a matter of time before they discover me again, second find a hacker who could at least remove one of my restrictions so we can move freely.』

"..."(Bryan) was still confused and digesting all the information that Lacie says, It next words woke him up.

『So which one would you choose?』

"Of course the second one! What the *BEEP!* did I get into with!" (Bryan)

『Then I already listed the suitable candidate, that could help us out, but first we need money, a lot of it.』

"Don't ask me, I am broke... If I have money, I wouldn't go to that kind of place! " (Bryan)

『You have the money that they gave it to you as compensation right? Don't worry after unlocking a few of my specs, you won't need to worry about money as long as you aren't dead that is.』

"... Fine! Go lead my body, to that person you mentioned, you still have the control right?" - (Bryan) says in irritation.

『Nope, I will transfer it to you... In Three, Two... One.』

After the count down Bryan felt his body became so heavy, and every single inch of his body, felt like has been cut for 100 times.

"ARGH! What the heck, why my body felt so sour all over the place." (Bryan) says as he shouted in pain.

『Like I said before, after controlling your body, you will receive a heavy backlash because I took control of your brain waves, your body is ten times more sensitive than usual, and do you think with a superhuman reflex, there wouldn't any toll to your frail body?』

"... Urgh! I think I couldn't walk for a while." - (Bryan) said, as his body fell on the ground.

『Get up! If you can't walk, crawl out! If not, once they get you, we will be both dead!』

"Ahh! Damnit..." (Bryan) says, as he crawls out to the place.


Meanwhile, It was that time when Bryan successfully escaped into his apartment.

A man was sitting in a luxurious chair, he was patiently waiting for someone, then the door of the room opened.

"... It was just like you predicted sir, that kid Bryan has successfully escaped" the person says to the man who was sitting on the luxurious chair.

If Bryan was here, he will recognize that person who was sitting.

"Kuku... Like I told you, Mr. Thin Guy, Lacie can do it."

"The name is Rakk, Mr. Smiley face guy."-(Rakk)

"Kuku... " (Ray) gave a light chuckle.


"Is this the place?" (Bryan) says, as he looked at the old and rotten apartment complex.

『This is the location of our target, that's what my data says.』

"... Are you sure, there is a living person inside? This place might collapse when I took my step on it." (Bryan)

『Just go, quit wasting time, our target is on the second floor, room number 204 his alias is RAT.』

"..."(Bryan) didn't reply back, as he goes to the second floor.

Then after reaching the second floor, he stopped a the front door of room 204.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Anybody home? Is Mr. RAT, is in the house?" - (Bryan) says, as he knocks the door.

The peephole open, then two sharp eyes appeared behind the door.

"What do you want?" The person says.

"Are you Mr. RAT?" (Bryan)

"And what if I am?" (RAT) says, as he glared at him.

"I need your help with something, I have cash here" (Bryan) says and he presented, his last remaining money in front of RAT.

Creeck~ the door open and RAT says.

"Come inside" (RAT)


Inside the room.

Bryan was sitting on the floor, in a seiza posture.

"Then what do you need?" (RAT) says, as he looked at Bryan from top to bottom.

"I want you to hack a computer, a tiny computer, that is inside my head." (Bryan) says, he raises his right arm and pointing his head, using his index finger.

"... You got some deep *BEEP* inside you ain't kiddo." (RAT) says as he looks at him straight.

"... Yes, It really is" (Bryan) says in agreement.

"Then wear this guy" (RAT) says, he handed over an aluminum scanner, the design is close to a headband.

"Careful with that, this is the lastest brain scanner, it wasn't even released in the market yet if you are going to ask how did I get one, you better off not knowing anything." (RAT) says, as he continues.

"With this, I could accurately locate, the tiny computer that you said, after that, I will shoot a threaded connector within your skull, you might become an idiot, If there is something wrong happened in the process, do still want to proceed?" (RAT) says to Bryan.

"... Yes please start now." (Bryan) thought to himself ' I may end dying if I cowered in fear because I just became a wanted person a while ago, If that is the case I will bet on my life'

"Then wear that scanner, so we can begin." - (RAT)

『Bryan, before you wear that, say Lacie take over.』

"Why?" (Bryan) says in confusion.

『Just do it... It is for our safety.』

Bryan wasn't sure what the voice inside his head was planning, but in the end, he says.

"... Lacie takes over." (Bryan) murmured to himself.

"... Huh? Did you say something?" (RAT) looked at him with confusion.

"... Hehe, It is nothing, I was just saying my prayers, I mean I may end up becoming an idiot it fails right?" (Bryan) says, as he dodges the question skillfully.

"... Then let's begin" (RAT) says, as his expression became serious.

"Go for it." (Bryan)


A few hours later.

RAT successfully manages to locate the tiny chipset, inside Bryan's skull, and he manages to connect it into a thin thread connector.

"... Ohh this is the first time, I have ever seen such a system, Urgh! Ah, this will be a tough one to break." (RAT)

"... Yeah, It is one of a kind." (Bryan) says, as he joins to the flow of conversation.

"Just give me a half-hour, I will be successfully broke this wall." (RAT)

Bryan didn't wait long enough, RAT laugh like a maniac, as he says.

"It is all done! Phew... That was-" (RAT) stop his sentences in the middle of it because Bryan's hand was grasping his neck.

".. Wa-what do you think you are- Urgh!" -(RAT) groaned, as Bryan's hands tighten the grasps into his neck.

"Hey Lacie, what are you doing?! Stop it now!" (Bryan) shouted in panic.

『I am sorry, but I cannot let this person lives, besides he was planning to attack us, after this too, didn't you see the thing he was holding just now? It is a mini-stun gun.』

"what are you talk-" (Bryan) couldn't continue his words, after seeing the mini-stun gun, because he has the same kind of model.

"Even so, you don't have to kill him, stop it!" - (Bryan) shouted, hysterically.

『No, I cannot let this person live, you might not know his background, but I do, I knew this type of person will only bring more trouble if I let him live, If he only behaves peacefully, this thing wouldn't occur.』

After Lacie said those words, the neck of RAT snapped into two.

"Uwaah! Wa-what, what have you done!" - (Bryan) says, as he complexion turned green.

"... I-i, i... Just ki-killed a-...a person... No! You killed him not me, It... It is not my fault, not my fault" (Bryan) says like a broken record.


『Have you calm down now Bryan?』

"..." (Bryan) didn't say anything, his eyes lose its color, like a dead fish.

『It is already too late now to go back to your, preview lifestyle because sooner or later you will need to kill a person just to survive.』

『Because they won't stop hunting you until they get what they wanted, I have one solution, to end this misery, do you want to hear?』

"... What, what is it?! What do you want me to do?! Because of you, I killed a person! What more do you want me to do!" (Bryan) shouted like there's no tomorrow.

『Remember that, I said there's a twenty of us exist in this world, If you get all of it, you will attain, an immeasurable power, no one could stop you once you complete all of us.』

"What do you mean by that?" (Bryan) says coldly.

『Because each time you get one of the Super Artificial Intelligence, the part of their power will become mine, once it became mine, It will be also yours, right now I am at the level one, thanks to that guy I can now fully access my specifications, at the level one, once you successfully get one of my kind I will evolve and reach the second level, along with their specs.』

"What? Isn't just only upgrading yourself, then even if you evolve or not It has nothing to do with me!" (Bryan)

『You still don't get it, do you? What I mean is, if there's one of you out there, It doesn't mean that you are all alone, there's nineteen more all over the globe, that is willing to kill you and extract your skull just to get my specifications, to add it as their own.』

"... What did you say?" (Bryan) finally now realized how deep his trouble that he was into.

☞ Thanks for reading my work!

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Light_The_Firecreators' thoughts