
The Brave

Kol wakes up to find himself alone in the silk sheets.

He could not remember the last time he slept so peacefully, even when spending the whole day reading, he couldn't reach that level of ease when it came to sleep.

Kol walked over to the table beside the shelf where his bag was, after opening it his heart made a little skip. The leather bag was still inside.

Kol then puts his shorts on and the leather bag around his shoulders, the contents of his previous bag in it. Kol then checks his status.


[Name: Kol (family name unknown)]

[HP: 17/16(+1)] [Blue EN: 20/20]

[STR: 9]

[DEX: 9]

[CON: 13] 

[CHA: 12] 

[WIS: 18]

[INT: 18]


[Weakness Awareness] [Frightened by Eden]

[Blue Energy Accumulation] [Charming Beauty]

[Health Development]




It looked like what the witch said was true, she did heal him.

The room then shakes, startling Kol.

He glanced at the room again, looking for his shirt, yet he couldn't find it. The room then shook again, distilling dust and lost rubles from the carved-out room.

Equipped with only the void space bag, his spell book, a few potions, some unread spells he found in the treasure room, and his worn-out shorts. He hurriedly left the room.

As he leaves, he finds himself in the same carved-out tunnel he was once in. Though it was dark, a light at the end of the tunnel illuminated the path to his left, leaving the right covered in darkness.

Faced with the obvious choice, Kol made his way down the tunnel. Once again, his feet broke the water's surface that led up to his shins.

The tunnels continue to shake in irregular intervals, each time it does the tunnel cracks and creeks. Whatever is making the tunnel shake exhibits significant force. The thought of something bigger or more dangerous than Eden inside the tunnels made Kol question whether it was a good idea to have taken the deal. After all, it was because of his unclear planning and arrogance with his capabilities and power that led him to that situation in the first place.

Approaching the light, the exterior of the room looked familiar. Yet, Kol could not help but question. Where were the fish? When they were trying to escape the fishes were almost in every corner of the tunnel, guarding rooms, and patrolling around the caves.

The room itself looked bright, with shelves and tables on the sides. The contents of each shelf and table seemed scattered around the room; only until the room shook did it make sense. Catching his balance Kol then smiled.

"It's still here." He said to himself.

In the center of the room was the seemingly untouched chest of leaves and gems. Kol then opened his bag and paused.

'Isn't she going to notice when I touch this?' Kol thought to himself.

The room once again shakes interrupting Kol. Rubble fell onto the treasure prompting Kol to look up. In the carved-out ceiling of this room lies a giant crack, that seemed to be getting bigger after every shake.

'It's gonna fall eventually.' Looking at the treasure, Kol had an idea.

He starts scooping the treasure, pouring each leaf and gem into his bag that didn't look weighed. After a few minutes, Kol finished transferring all the leaves into his bag. He took one more walk around the room, finding the staff Zar gave him and the sword Drew used. Kol's stomach then churned as he saw Zar's severed head floating with a hole through his eye down to the back of his head in a bubbling clear blue liquid inside a glass jar, with a note that said 'Head, ears, teeth, and tongue of the brave.' clearly indicating that his friend is now a treasured ingredient for the witch.

Kol's face drowned in anger as he placed his friend inside his bag, hoping to give him the freedom he deserved. He looked around once more making sure none of his other friends were also here.

After confirming they weren't, he then moved to the entrance of the room and waited for the next quake. When it came Kol then recited the magic inscribed in his book and shattered it in his hand, pointing it towards the already racks roof. Three purple butterflies then launched from his hand causing a small explosion of force to the roof causing a cave-in.

The roof collapsed onto the treasure chest causing a cloud of dust to form. The hole left in the room did not open to an exit instead, it only made the loose rocks fall. Kol then heard splashes of water from the tunnel he came from, causing him to hide behind the rubble.

[Stealth D20+D4 roll] – 17

4 fish then pass by the room not noticing the collapsed roof, hinting to Kol that something else must have their attention. Probably the source of the quakes.

After waiting a few minutes, Kol decides to follow them. Thinking he would be able to kill Eden if she was distracted by something else more powerful and if the source was under her control or her doing, Kol would at least be able to make a proper assessment of what to do next.

Following the fish, the tunnel then becomes unfamiliar as they go through a different set of tunnels he and his companions took. Giving a good distance between him and the fishes Kol used the staff to light his vicinity. The shaking has now stopped.

Reaching the end of the tunnel, Kol could already feel the fresh air enter his lungs. He then hides in the corner allowing the fishes to go first. Kol waited for a few seconds then the sound of clashing could be heard from the direction the fish went. He then sneakily approached the opening of the room and peeked inside.

Kol's heart drops at the sight before him.

'She tricked me.' The words repeat themselves in his mind.

"She knew. I'm confident she knew. She knew they would come." Kol told himself as he broke down to his knees in front of the entrance.

"there's a survivor." A voice echoed through the cave.

In front of Kol is a group of people, 8 who are covered in white and gold armor intricately detailed with branches, roots, and leaves with the symbol of a tree wrapped by a cloth on their shoulders and shields, they were the paladins of the church of Obedience. 10 wore padded and leather armor that Kol was all too familiar with, they were the guards of Oakheart and Lindow. In the center of the room making orders and taking charge was Ross, beside him was a priest who Kol remembered but did not expect to be here. It was Kayil. Besides the two was the source of Kol's turmoil, The severed body of Eden.

"I'm screwed."