
She noticed

The party found the treasure. The very treasure that brought the sea witch to the town of Lindow.

The room itself is small, the pile of money overflowing from the chest in the center. Shelves filled with weird skulls, different bones, empty flasks, and vials filled with unfamiliar objects. In the corner of the room lies a long sword, beside a wooden table.

Balfir lit a few torches left inside the room, making their shadows dance in different directions. With the room now lit both Drew and Kol could bask in the presence of the treasure.

 [Wisdom D20+D4 roll] – 10

The different colored gems and coins mixed with the dancing light of the torches almost made it seem not real. The value inside this chest is enough to make someone live lavishly for their entire life with extra to spare.

Kol looked around the room. Aside from noticeable weapons and portraits, there was no protection. No safety system whatsoever. Surely a treasure of this magnitude and the witch's previous behavior, she would post guards or booby trap the place.

'That's stupid of her to leave this unattended.' Kol thought to himself.

"I'm grabbing as much as my pockets can carry," Balfir said as he went through the pile, taking a fist full and shoving it into his pockets.

"Leave some for us," Drew said laying his harpoon down, and started imitating Balfir beside him.

Soon Zar did as well.

Kol wanted to do the same but the priority was to leave this place as soon as possible.

Kol went directly to the table in the corner. Papers littered the table's surface, written in a different language, sketches of runes, monsters, people, and locations. Nothing grabbed his attention as important to the task at hand. Opening one of the drawers underneath the table Kol found a book. The book itself was covered in black leather with its corners decorated in gold, in front bore the title 'Black runes'.

Kol's eyes light up as he opens the book before him. Kol brought out his spell book and quickly transferred the black book to his. Books regarding the understanding of runes were already rare, this book, in particular, is even more so. The knowledge regarding the runes of volatile and unpredictable color of energy such as black is even rarer. The book would probably cost a quarter of the treasure chest in the middle.

After Copying the book, Kol then proceeded to the drawer beside it. Inside the second drawer were pages written in common. They were spells scrolls. Checking on the scrolls Kol noticed they didn't have a trace of energy In them. The scrolls were defective, most likely the result of someone getting interrupted halfway through finishing the scroll. Nevertheless, it was copied by Kol.

Drew came by beside the table, grabbing the dragon-decorated long sword beside it.

"Did you find what you were looking for?" Drew asked.

"No, but I'll keep looking." Kol went to the shelves opposite the table.

Looking through the shelves, Kol is interrupted by Zar.

"Hey, I found this cloth underneath the chest. It's not pretty but this will do." Zar said pulling out cloth behind him. "If we find the exit, we can use the rope to tie the barrels and attach this cloth as a makeshift sail."

A went across Kol's face.

"We can use one of the harpoons to prop up the sale," Kol suggested.

"About that, we can use this," Zar revealed a long metal staff that is a few inches taller than Kol, on its tip is a short chain attached to an oil lamp making it look like a flail with a long handle and a very short chain.

"This is for you."

"For me? Why?" Kol asked.

"It's magical, and since you can't see in the dark. This is perfect for you." Zar held the staff and then spoke, "Gravis."

The oil lamp dangling by 3 chains on the tip of the staff lit up.

"See," Zar said. "The good thing about it is that it doesn't cast any shadows made by its light."

Kol thanked Zar, then took the staff from him. The good news echoed in Kol's head. The plan he has been concocting for the past few days is coming to an end. Although it wasn't the perfect plan, it was the best he could do given the circumstances they were in.

Kol then continued scanning through the shelf. Some of the vials were empty, some were filled with unusual ingredients labeled and unlabeled.

Kol looked through the labeled vials, knowing the risks, especially with his curse when it comes to unlabeled potions.

There were only 3 labeled potions. Though there were no instructions or notes as to what they did, it took Kol's Notice. Feast bug, Devil's Eye, and leeches of life. Kol placed the small vials of potions inside his bag.

After going through the shelf, Kol approached the party who was now by the chest seemingly waiting for Kol.

"You people. Always so predictable." Eden's voice echoed through the room.

The whole party is now on high alert.

"Damn it, they know where we are." Drew unsheathed his longsword.

"How?" Balfir asked.

Wondering how they were found out, Kol contemplated the question while readying staff pointing towards the entrance of the room.

[Intelligence D20+D4 roll] – 18

The treasure chest.

"It's the chest. It must've been enchanted with something." Kol explained.

The feeling of guilt washed over the three, as they scrambled to return the leaves they took from the chest.

"What do we do now?" Zar asked.

"We fight." Said Drew.

"No, that's suicide." Kol interrupted.

"No offense kid, but I don't plan on being this bitch's plaything forever." Drew clarified.

Stuck in his delusion of Eden taking them to prison once again or his companions would wait for another opportunity to escape, Kol didn't realize what his companion would be subjected to if they were captured again.

Coming from the entrance of the room 6 fish people appeared, equipped with harpoons in one hand and daggers or bucklers in the other. Eden soon followed behind them.

"I am very disappointed in you. I thought you were happy here, with me." Eden asked with one eye covered by her black wet hair. "Just when Mother, is about to arrive."

Kol inching backward from fear. Not noticing everybody is doing so as well.

"Kill them," Eden ordered. "I need to get ready for Mother."

The fish sprang into action.