

As the leaves of the tree in the sky lose their bright color, slowly turning blue. Ross called all of his students to the center of the library with the table Ross was sitting on between them.

"All right. The third day is over and I hope you were able to find spells inside my library." Said Ross as he placed 4 pages on the table face down. "June. How many spells were you able to learn?"

June hands over her spell book, "I learned 8 spells."

Ross looked at the book June was handing him, but decided not to take it. "Good. Kol?"

Kol was between June and David. Startled by the immediate change from questioning June to him. He straightened himself to ask his master's question.

"I learned 5 spells." Said Kol.

Ross remained silent, then turned to David.

Did I do poorly in this activity of his? Kol thought to himself.

"I learned 6," David said proudly.

"All right. I made all of you look for spells inside my library and learn as many spells as you want." Ross says as he takes another sip from his coffee mug. "If you were in those fancy academies for nobles, learning 5-8 spells would've taken you probably a quarter of the year. Congratulations."

A smile spread across all of their faces.

Does that mean I'm more advanced than Nic? It only took me 3 days. Kol thought to himself.

"Kol. Although you might be better than them. You are currently the lowest amongst your classmates." Ross moves a little forward, waving his hand over the pages laid down on the table. "A first-year wizard should know at least 6 spells before graduating. Since you only know 5, I've prepared basic spells for you to learn. Pick one at random and learn it during your free time."

Disappointed in himself, Kol randomly grabbed one of the pages. Though he was in last place amongst his classmates he was nowhere near the bottom among the rest of the first years of wizards around the balanced world.

Kol not looking at the page, placed it inside his satchel.

Ross then placed 6 bottles of potion. 3 bottles bear the same clear blue color, while the remaining 3 a thick red fluid with almost the same consistency of coagulated blood. Ross then gave each of them papers as he walked by each of them.

"For the next 3 days, you will learn how to re-create these 2 potions." Saying as he gestures to the potions on the table. "You each get 1 mana recovery potion and 1 health recovery potion. I want you to drink them and remember their taste and consistency." Ross then placed 3 straw bags on the table shaking some of the bottles.

The three students grabbed their potions respectively, trying to follow Ross's instructions.

"Inside these bags are all the ingredients you need to recreate at least 5 of each potion. But I only need 1." Ross says as he walks out of the library door propping the door open. "Work together or work alone. Ask for help from your parents or relatives. I don't care, but until then you are not allowed to use the library."

"Why can't you just teach us?" June says as she grabs the bag and walks towards the door.

"This place is not a school young lady. I do this out of my own money and out of my own time. I'd be willing to teach you if you were crawling. But you're not crawling, are you? You're already walking." Ross says.

Understanding his metaphoric statement, Kol agrees. If what Ross said was true and that highborn wizards would be behind them in terms of education and spell practice, means that Ross's laid-back behavior wasn't because of his laziness, but because of how highly he thinks of us. Kol thinks to himself, resolving all his thoughts about disappointing Ross earlier.

Ross guides his students out of his house. Before closing the door on them, there were a few more words that he just remembered and failed to make clear earlier.

"Oh, yeah. Until the third day don't make your potions here. Experiment and look for a better place." Ross says as he waves his almost empty cup of coffee as he talks. "Once you're finished, we can hold a small magic duel amongst yourselves. Look forward to that." Ross closes the door, leaving the blanked-faced kids outside.

We are going to fight each other? Is that even fair? Is that even allowed? Kol thought to himself looking at David's muscular build, then turned to June's beautiful and calculative look.


"Why don't we try to create the potion together?" David asked Kol, as the three of them started to walk away from Ross's house.

"Sure," Kol replied, quickly thinking of an area where they could safely practice their potion-making. "We have space in our backyard."

"Awesome!" David exclaims, looking at June.

Kol turned to see June with her beautiful light gold skin, black hair, and what looked like a smile across her face. She was radiant. There aren't that many girls that Kol knew and would call beautiful, but June was the exception. Her elven features only make her stand out more, and her confident and collected personality gives people the impression that she is important. A noble perhaps.

(Charisma D20 roll) – 11

"June. Uh. would you like to join us?" Kol says, "I mean if It isn't incontinent for you."

June gives the boys a concerned look.

"You don't have to of course. Ross said it isn't mandatory, but.."

"Your eyes." She says, "They changed."

Kol blushes at the thought of her looking into his eyes.

"What do you mean?" Kol asked.

"His what? Let me see." David interrupts pulling Kol away from June as they continue to walk. "You're right. It's yellow."

Yellow? Why would it be yellow? Wait. Does weakness awareness make your eyes glow? Kol thought to himself as he stopped walking touching one of his eyes. June and David stopped as well, concerned about Kol's change.

Kol concluded that the reason for his change was due to the permanent effect of weakness awareness on his body.

(Deception D20 roll) - 1

"It must've happened when one of the spells I practiced on backfired," Kol said letting out a none convincing laugh.

"I'll think about it," June says.

"What? My eye?" Kol asked.

June shook her head. "About making the potions together. I'll think about it."

Junes began to walk, then turned. "I know where to find you."