
Kol's Playtime

She looked so elegant, so pristine, so beautiful. It did not matter to Kol that she was older than him, she was the kind of beauty any teenager would crush on as soon as they saw her. The type of woman any man would cheat on their wife with. A beauty that deserved to be royalty.

She locked the door behind her and approached the bed.

"You won't be needing that." She says as she points behind Kol.

She circles the bed opposite Kol, slowly untying a series of laces keeping her dress on her person.

"Do you know who I am, Kol?" She says as a layer of her bottom dress drops, leaving only a thin skirt layer.

He hesitates to answer because of her charm affecting him. Kol is unsure whether what he says is what he wants or if it is because of her charm controlling him.

"Yes," Kol answers.

She stops untying when she hears his answer, then turns smiling at Kol.

"You're Eden's Mother," Kol says. "Desherine."

Her smile widens, "I have to admit I underestimated you." Pulling on the last lace, dropping her entire black dress, leaving only a tight black laced corset around her.

"Tell me Kol, do you know what hags use for currency?" She asked.

[History D20+D4 roll] – 7

Kol's mind goes blank, trying to focus on keeping immoral thoughts away as he stares at her perfectly curved body.

"Look at you all flustered, do you like what you see?"

"Yes," the words escaped Kol's mouth faster than he could catch it.

"Sweet boy." She says crawling onto the bed cat-like, keeping her eyes on Kol. "We deal with corrupted souls, baby boy."

'Corrupted souls?' Kol thought of the past few days since the attack on the port.

'Is that what playtime was for and not growing a fish army?'

"Do you want to get out of this cave, baby boy?" she says interrupting Kol's thoughts.

Without thinking Kol immediately responded.


"Perfect." She says sitting on her knees upright on the bed.

"We witches have a quota of souls to fill," flipping her hair to one side exposing the skin of her neck. "Who do you think hasn't filled their quota?"

The lamp inside Kol's head lights up.


"Very good, baby boy." She says Unlacing her corset. "So, here I am with a dilemma. Since Witch law dictates, we cannot kill a fellow witch. How can I, the Mother of witches kill another witch?"

"You want me to kill your daughter? But she's your daughter." Kol asked.

"Mother is only a title I possess, I am not literally her mother. But I don't want you to just kill her. No. I can see a lot of possibilities where I can use someone like you."

The thought of her using Kol repulses him, but because of the charm, it will be difficult for him to escape this situation.

"I don't want to be your puppet." Kol declares.

"Why don't we make a deal?" She says dropping the corset, exposing her skin. 

Kol's mind goes blank at the sight of her two heavies but manageables.

"Kill Eden for me." She says crossing the bed and standing before Kol. "Kill her for me and you're free."

She grabs Kol's hand and pulls him towards the bed. Kol only looked like a puppy thirsty for water before her.

She then kisses Kol, quenching his thirst.

"Go on baby boy, have your fill." She says as Kol takes the lead, moving all around her face down to her neck.

'Snap out of it. Don't take the deal.' Kol mentally struggling.

"Do we have a deal?" She asked letting Kol get familiar with her body.

"What happens If I don't kill her?" Kol asked as he pulled away from her chest.

"Then," she says pulling his face in for a kiss. "Your soul is mine."

Kol's body heated up; this would be his first encounter with a woman of this caliber. Being a teenager he had indecent thoughts around women especially when near Nicole. But he never acted on them. Picturing the perfect night about Nicole after they had wed. All thoughts of Nicole disappeared.

"Of course, to be fair. I will not send you out while you're still injured." She says as she lay on the bed.

"What do you say, baby boy, do we have a deal?"

Kol looked at the beauty before him. Contemplating about the deal. Taking into account that she would heal him, a one-on-one battle with Eden, especially the Fear status he acquired just by being close to her. Kol quickly had the idea of attacking her from a distance. Hiding in the shadows might be a good strategy. With the price of freedom on the line, this was Kol's only chance. If he succeeds, he can come back with more men to free those who survived. It was now or never.

"We have a deal," Kol replies.

Desherine's eyes darkened, her iris black while her pupil turned red. Then I turned back to normal again.

"Excellent." She says as she relaxes herself. "Well. No successful deal should go without a celebration."

She then spreads herself before Kol.

"It's your time to play, baby boy."

Hearing those words, Kol attacked.