

After a minute the hand disappears and whatever it was assigned to do or doing at the moment would stop. A moment before it completely disappears though it would send a mental alarm inside Kol's mind. After a few minutes of thinking and experimenting, Kol came up with the following conclusion.

The consumes 1 point of blue energy and will only last for 1 minute. The hand will follow simple instructions such as writing, bring or getting things, opening and closing door. The hand can carry around 8 pounds of weight and can go to a distance of 30 feet. If Kol or the hand are apart from each other for more than 30 feet the hand dissipates. When the spell is about to end a signal will be detected in Kol"s mind signaling him allowing him to spend another point of energy if he wants to keep the hand longer or let the spell end.

Panick starts to set in in Kol's mind as he now only has one spell in his spell book. Although Rosseler didn't say it was a competition as to how many we can copy, but Kol didn't want to be left behind either.

Kol instructs the hand tear every page from Peter's diary and attach them to his spell book.

Having that enchantment really is useful. I'll have to read it tonight, right now I have to look for more spells. Kol thought to himself.

The hand went to work while Kol looks around.

(Perception D20) – 3

None of the books seem appealing to Kol, some looked badly damaged that the rest while the others had different name or title that were not appealing to Kol. Such as. Teacher Haven, Headman of fish, Captain of forestry, and so on.

His search is interrupted though, as a hand holding a book is presented in front of him. 'Lady of steel' the front of the book says in a plain blue leather, with no particular design. Looking up who the hand belongs to, Kol sees David.

"Here. it's mostly boring but normal don't read I just skim through them and get the spells recipe that they wrote down." David said gesturing to Kol to take the book.

No wonder he has a lot of spells, he skims through the book only looking for the spells inside. I wonder if June is doing the same? Kol thinks to himself.

"Thanks." Kol says as he takes the book. "I think I'm falling behind I only found one spell so far."

"don't worry about it. Besides I don't really like reading." David says as he walks back to his corner.

Going through the book David gave, Kol decided to do the same and he was glad that he did. There was only one spell that this book provided and it was written in the last page. If Kol had continued the way he was, he would have spent a few more days going through this author's life only to be rewarded with one spell.

After tearing the last page Kol went back to his hand who was now just floating above his spell book.

Kol could not deny his excitement in reading Peter's diary, though unsure of the answer himself as to why he was excited, he felt as if he owed it to the victims of Peter to figure out why he did what he did to earn the label of criminal.

Entry- 11

Josh lives alone. Desperate for a partner. The old man is loaded, saving all his money from guard duty over the years until he retired. No other family left alive to miss him. Looks like I found my next test subject. He invited me to dinner again tomorrow. I better shave.


Entry- 12

It has been a week since I last wrote down. Lying to this old fool is tiring, but enjoyable none the less. I moved in with him. The sex is not great since I mostly do the work but I most just vent my rage out, he just thinks since I'm young I still have the energy of a bull. I have been giving him small doses of the potion, no symptoms are evident yet for now.


Entry- 13

Josh and I are now publicly showing our love for each other all around town. This procedure is needed in order for me to gather witnesses incase the old man eventually gets it. Josh is now exhibiting symptoms like spacing out and screaming out of now here in public. Josh has a fear of insects and this is what he usually sees during his hallucinations. I will now regulate the doses to every other day. I still need everyone to see that he is slowly losing his mind.


Entry- 14

I am so good at lying, sometimes even I believe them. It has been a month now since I have given Josh the potion. I also stopped having sex with him after the symptoms manifested, just in case it is transferable through other means of bodily fluid. I have also modified the conjure hand spell using a bit of my knowledge with black magic, I am now able to conjure it and render It invisible. I have used this to throw or move things around the house during the days I don't give gosh the potion. I can't believe I am using a lot of energy for this, but I know it is what needs to be done in order for him to further believe that he is truly going mad and me who is the love of his life, will be the one to take care of him during this troubling times.

Kol surprised at the entry. He stops and thinks for a while. He is reading the accounts of Peter experimenting on another person, an old man no less. Though Kol's excitement was still there for his love of books it is now overweighed by the shear lack of empathy and mercy that Peter portrays in his entries. The tone in Peter's diary shifted from a person who was in pursuit of knowledge and now into a complete psychopath who took pleasure in manipulating a helpless old man.

(Intelligence D20) – 19

Kol steadied his mind. He has to keep reading, just like Peter, Kol is also in pursuit of knowledge. But never will he allow himself push his morals aside for the sake of knowledge. With a deep breath Kol regains his composure and continues to read.


Entry- 15

I have created 2 more spells to help me with the rouse. I mentioned earlier that josh was scared of insects, so I made a spell that can conjure insects. The parameters of the spell would allow the insects to crawl and bite on the person I cast them on, but it was useless for me since I wanted to convey the insects are nothing more that hallucinations. So, I casted the spell on my self and in doing so will not take any damage since I am the caster. I will make them crawl around me when I talk to Josh then quickly dismiss the spell to illustrate that it was all in his mind, all I needed to do was pretend there aren't any bugs crawling around my face. For the second spell I would use while Josh is asleep. This spell is a little stronger and would cause significant mental damage, if used frequently on Josh I have no doubt it would kill him. The good thing about this is, whenever we were outside and Josh would take to other people while not being affected by the symptoms of potion, I would cast the spell on him from a safe distance and just watch as the people panic and struggle as to how they could help him as he writhe in pain.

(Intelligence D20) – 20

Despite the wickedness of Peter, Kol continues reading in hopes of understanding and hopefully copying the spell.