
First Permanent

Reading the notes of the next spell in Peter's diary, he knew it would be a challenge.

[Poison beam] [1st level]

Note: 1

This spell took all my knowledge in rune scribing regarding poison. There aren't a lot of spells that directly poison the target so there wasn't much for me to work on, but I knew I had to create something simple and less conspicuous.


Note: 2

The beam is fast. It would require you to good aim. I would suggest using this spell on a none moving target or at the beginning of a battle with someone who isn't expecting to be attacked.


Note: 3

This spell would cause the victim pain in the abdomen, vomiting, dizziness, and loss of balance. But the symptoms will not last long. With my experiments with Josh, I estimated the symptoms to persist for around 30 seconds, then the spell ends.


Reciting the magic words, the circle appeared in Kol's hand once more and lingered for a few seconds. Not wasting much time Kol instinctively knew what he had to do. Kol pointed his hand away from him and aimed at a piece of rock sitting on the ground. The spell then burst from his hand and onto the rock in a sickly green hew. It left no marks on the rock nor did it fly upon impact, but Kol knew if the rock was living, it would be exhibiting the symptoms described by Peter in his diary. 

[Blue EN: 6/10]

And with that Kol learned his 3rd spell.

The giant leaves in the clouds whose light illuminated the world during the day, now dwindled. Each Leaf would give off a spray of blue and white light in a predetermined pattern as night sets in. Still in the backyard, Kol's thirst for knowledge took the better of him as he scrambled to find the spell David suggested.

"Kol, aren't you coming in for supper?" Angel asked from the other side of the fence.

"I'll join you in a bit Ange." Kol replied, his mind still buried in the pages.

Soon it was dark enough to hinder Kol's vision. He lit a torch and prompted it upright in the corner of the fence. Soon after a few seconds of searching Kol found what he was looking for.

It was a simple spell, and though Kol did not know why the spell was made he was sure that like Peter's diary, there were notes describing its process.

[Weakness awareness]

Note: 1

The spell improves your eyesight. It will not last long, so I suggest scanning your opponent fast to locate his weakness immediately.


Note: 2

Based on my experience, every time I fought against the king's knights the spell would indicate a crack or exposed area between their armor that would normally be difficult to see during a heated duel.


Note: 3

For the duration of the spell, you must focus on your opponent and never keep your eyes off of them. Blinking or looking away would be a waste of energy as it is precious time that the spell does not have. I have not experimented with it as much but I believe the spell will not work If you are blind or if your eyes are closed when you cast it since it relies on your sight. I shall confirm this theory soon.


Note: 4

Do not cast the spell when your eyes are closed or are affected by a blind spell. Your time to cast this spell is better spent attacking since it will render the spell useless. My severed left arm is a testament to that.


Without thinking too deeply about the spell's description. Kol instead thought about the combination of his Poison beam spell and this. At least with a good setup, he can guarantee a near-fatal hit when the two spells are cast in succession.

Not thinking twice Kol began to recite the spell, then the magic shatters as the spell took effect.

Kol's vision seemed unchanged. With nothing to test the spell on he decides to try the spell tomorrow.

Then a familiar sound rand in Kol's ears. It was his system.

Opening his system, Kol's jaw dropped.


[Weakness Awareness]

Focusing on a target, your magic grants you a brief insight into the target's defenses. Provided that the spell has not ended.

[Duration: 6 seconds] -> [Duration: Permanent]


Panic sets in in Kol's mind as he paced around the tree. Because of his haste in learning spells, he forgot to be cautious. Kol of all people should know the dire consequences of not being cautious. Kol did not mind the permanent duration of the spell Weakness awareness in his being, he is happy in fact. But his happiness is offset by the sudden realization. That the ability he has is no joke. One wrong move, wrong spell, wrong potion and it could be the end of Kol. Kol now understands a little bit more regarding his ability, which means If someone were to cast blind on him, he would be permanently blinded.

The thought sends chills down his spine.

Regardless of the good news he received, his fear only grew larger.

"This ability will be the death of me."

Kol then quickly got inside the house and went straight to bed. The kids did not wait for Kol's story time and understood that Kol needed time to study. But they were curious about their foster big brother.

Kol fell asleep almost immediately after lying down.

The night was uneventful and when morning came Kol left before Bea could cook breakfast for the kids. On his way to Rosseler's, Kol was able to spot some people going out of their houses and getting ready for the day.

Kol decides to try his eyes on them while he walks. Focusing on the baker who was sweeping the front porch of his bakery. The entirety of his being glowed in a yellow hew. Does that mean if I hit him anywhere it would've caused a lot of damage?

Kol focused once more on a patrolling guard. This time bits of yellow glinted in his elbows, knees, neck, and eyes.

This spell is quite useful.