
Back in Lindow

Without a place to hide them Kol had no choice but to lie about it if Ross would ask about them.

He placed the staff and sword behind the door which would at least cover them if it is opened.

Kol then unlocks the door.

"Come in."

The door opens to Rosseler with a mug in hand.

"Are you alright?" Ross asked before taking a sip from his coffee.

"Yes, I will be."

Ross then walks inside the room leaving Kol by the door. Kol left the door open to keep the weapons hidden.

"You're not mad at me, are you?" Ross asked as he sat on the bed. "I mean for not rescuing you sooner."

"No. Why would I be mad?"

"Well, if I knew you were alive I would've." He takes another sip. "I heard what you did when you were captured. Trying to escape like that was bold. Stupid. But bold."

"Thank you. I guess." Confused whether to take it as an insult or not.

"When you're ready you can come back to class."

"Really? What about the duel?"

"You don't have to worry about that since all three of you already suffered enough, you most of all."

"I would love to rejoin your class, sir."

"Good, 'cause the two are no fun. They will also be happy to know that you're alive." Taking another sip.

The thought of David and June hasn't been frequent, but he always welcomed it. To return and learn more about magic with them would be the greatest, especially with how competitive both Kol and June were.

"Now that, that is settled. I best be off." Ross stands from the bed.

"Of course. Thank you for your time, sir." Kol said keeping the door open for Ross to go through.

"One more thing before I leave." Said Ross with one foot out the door. "You didn't happen to make a deal with her now, did you?"


"Deal what deal? "Kol answered.

[Deception roll D20+D4] – 14

Ross sighed.

"It's ok I'll find out eventually." He continues out the door. "One of the servants will bring you a new set of clothes. We'll be back to Oakheart by morning."

The door then closes, leaving Kol alone to his thoughts once again.

After a while, one of Ella's servants came knocking and presented a high-quality black long-sleeved turtleneck and black pants. Kol hesitated but eventually accepted the gift.

Kol then spent the night inside his room alone and by day he is awaken by the servants informing him their arrival. He first placed both weapons into his bag before leaving.

Drew accompanied Kol as they walked out of the ship but to Kol's surprise, the people didn't bother them. Although the attack was a big event their rescue must not have been known to the people.

"Tree's, it's good to be back." Said Drew. "If you have time kid, I would like to give you a gift."

"A gift? For what?" Kol asked.

"I know you're going to do great things in the future and I want to help with that." Drew said with smile. "Come to the barracks when you're free, I have something to give you."

Before Kol could answer his attention was taken from Kayil who called his name.

"Kol!" Kayil shouted.

"I'll see you kid." Drew said as he walks down the ramp leaving Kol up the ship.

"Hey, forgive me for leaving early. We were supposed to go back to the orphanage together but I am called for another matter." Said Kayil.

"It's ok, Kayil I don't mind."

"Alright, Ross already left but he told me to give you a message," Kayil said. "He said so go back to class whenever you were ready."

"Yes, I will don't worry."

"Alright. Now if you will excuse me, I have a meeting with the bishop."

After he left Kol then walked down the ram, the passengers of the boat then followed minding their own business. Though Kol was thankful to them his awkwardness wins over and decides to mind his own as well and find his way back to the orphanage.

Walking down the dock, he couldn't help but remember the attack that happened a few days ago. He remembered the storm that followed the ship and thought what kind of spell it was a how amazing would It be if he was able to acquire that spell.

Kol then walks down the wooden road of Lindow until he finds himself in the shop he visited with his friends before 'The Ebon Siren.'

Kol walks in to find the place still empty aside from the 4 blue tieflings running around the shop.

"Good morning how may I help you?" asked Shaphi.

"Hi, I'm here to have some items identified." Kol replied.

"Of course, that would be 3 silvers per item." Said shaphi, "But If you want to buy the spell it would be 5 gold."

Kol contemplated about the amount but if he would encounter more items in the future that would require further identification it would be best if he buy the spell.

"I will take the spell." Kol says.

Shaphi appeared shocked at Kol's decision but after looking at Kol's high-quality garbs she thought of him as a man of wealth.

"Of course. May I tempt you with something else within the shop." Shaphi now blushing at the idea of someone rich and powerful would spend his wealth in her shop.

Kol was taken aback at Shaphi's behavior, this was not how he remembers her. Although what he back then was an illusion of the original.

"Do you sell robes?" Kol asked. "I'm looking for a black one."

"Yes, sir we do and may I tempt you with something else?" Shaphi said as she plays with a scroll in her fingers. "If you only plan on buying one, then I would suggest getting this spell as well. It will greatly help you in the future."

"What is the spell?" Kol's curiosity peaked.

"It is a simple but very rare spell that can clean you and your clothes. With this, there is no need for you to physically wash your high-quality clothes." Said Shaphi with a smile.

The idea of not needing to but another set of clothes amuses him and it would greatly reduce his labor and he wouldn't not have to alternate clothes.

"How much would that set me back?" kol asked.

"The identify spell and the robe would already be 6 gold." Said Shaphi, "And the 'clean clothes' spell would be 20 gold." The smile on Saphi's face was big.

[Insight roll D20+D4 roll] – 8

Although shocked by the amount Kol could not help but understand why since it would be a very useful spell.

"Deal." Kol said.