
Aptitude test

Opening the door of the building wasn't easy due to the fact that it wasn't attached by metal hinges but what looks like dried vines coiled together to make an even thicker vine.

"Thanks kid." Said the man rushing inside with his load of twigs and branches. "Come in, come in. I'll meet you after I get rid of these."

Kol never met Rosseler but he's heard rumors, about how he's a Wizard who can cast 3rd level spells. Which is the highest rank a wizard could achieve. There's also a rumor of him being a merman because they saw him help with some fishermen and he had been under water for an hour at most., or that one of his experiments went wrong and he was sent to this town as punishment. Either way if this is Rosseler, he definitely isn't who Kol was expecting.

Walking through the door Kol took mental notes of the area. How everything was full of vegetation. Plants big or small, alive or rotting, hanging from pots on the shelves or placed on the floor. It looked like a very unkept and contained forest inside Rosseler's house. Every now and then he would pass an open door and catching a glimpse inside some of the rooms to no one's surprise there were more plants. Kol's heart sank as he sees a room that looked like it was suppose to be a library, but the plants found their way into the pages and is now using the books as sustenance.

Eventually Kol finds his way at the bottom the staircase that leads to the second floor, but blocking the way up are two people he couldn't recognize. To the left is a boy with his hair cut too short, standing with his back to the wall with his arms crossed wearing robes in blue and the other to the right is an elf girl, her pale-yellow skin almost reflecting the small beams of light that slip through the cracks from the ceiling. She looked beautiful, she was the first elf Kol saw in his entire life, elves aren't rare they are in fact common but since Kol doesn't go out much this is his genuine reaction. She wore dark blue robes with an even lighter blue outline, with gloves on her hand matching the color of her hair. Black.

"You here for the lessons?" the boy walks closer extending his hand to Kol. "My name is David."

"Kol. Nice to meet you." Kol looks at the elf who's watching the whole interaction.

"Oh, her don't worry I've been trying to talk to her for a while now but she doesn't respond. She may not even speak our language." David says still shaking Kol's hand.

Suddenly a door shuts from the second floor and out of the corner in comes the same person Kol saw from the outside.

"Alright! Now that that is settled time to go gown to business." He says as he walks down the stairs. "I'm sure you all already know me and if you don't, my name is Rosseler."

He then walks pass the 3 bellow the stairs "follow me." As he ushers everybody to what looks like a kitchen that was attacked by the jungle. Rosseler pulls a small pot with a dark liquid inside, then fire erupts from Rosseler's hand boiling the liquid inside. He pours the liquid to a cup and takes a sip.

"Yup. That a good cup of Coffee." He says as he walks out of the kitchen again.

The 3 following Rosseler to another room. This time, again it looked like a living room complete with furniture covered with in plants.

"Sit. Sit." Rosseler points to the empty spaces in the sofa, with a small flick of his hand the greens shrunk and coiled back to the side.

The 3 sat down and waited.

"So. You all want to be my student?" Rosseler asked. "You all want to be Wizards?"

Simultaneously all 3 gave the same answer. Yes.

"Good. Now before me begin I will first test if you have the aptitude of being a wizard." He sips coffee from his cup.


Rosseler then put 5 colored crystal balls in the center table and writing some sort of rune in the space between each ball.

The memory flashed in Kol's mind as he remembered seeing the same crystals Nicole stole from her father a few years back. Kol helped her activate the crystal after reading it from the book that she also stole. For Nicole is showed the color red and blue. Although Kol wasn't able to perform one for himself before they were caught, that event cemented the decision for both Kol and Nicole to want to become wizards.

"Now. Each crystal will glow their respective colors and we will know if you have the aptitude for the arcane. Don't be discouraged if you don't have it, I can still teach you and eventually you will be able to unlock it. It just means you'll be spending a lot time with me more." Rosseler laughs as he takes another sip of his coffee.

"You. How many sources of energy can we access to convert to mana?" Rosseler points at David.

Stunned at the immediate situation everyone was caught off guard to Rosseler's question, prompting everyone to sit up straight.

"5 Sir! We call them colors of energy that we convert to mana." David says sweating nervously.

"Good. Don't call me sir, call me Ross instead if my name is long." He says now eyeing Kol.

"You. How many colors are we born with as an aptitude?" He points at Kol.

Kol took a deep breath and slowly exhaled.

"None. Aptitude to a certain type of energy is cultured after birth through the lifestyle and characteristics of each individual. That is why even if we don't have the aptitude in your test, you can still teach us a way on how to gain one." Kol says as he continues to exhale.

"Excellent. Now you girl, if a person has access to all colors do the mana mix?" Rosseler asked the elf, taking another sip from his coffee.

Almost like she already knew the question or that she was going to be asked next she answered.

"No, the energies don't mix. If you are a multicolored person, the energy count of each color can be seen in bellow our Health in our system." She says laying back on her chair.

Rosseler was about to speak until she interrupted.

"Yes, spell use a certain color of energy to cast. This is where professions such as wizards are created to categorize spells only available to that color." She says as if she heard this set of questions before.

Smiling from her initiative to interrupt him Rosseler smiles. Looks like I have quiet the set of new students. Rosseler thinks to himself.

"Well then, lets begin the aptitude test."