
I Transmigrated into an Otome Game as Heroin

Ryota suddenly finds himself trapped in the body of Elara, a beautiful heroine in the fantasy world of the Academy of Swords and Sorcery. As Elara, he must face difficult challenges: adapting to his new body, avoiding romantic paths with the handsome men who pursue him, and uncovering the secrets behind the game system, which seems to have its own hidden agenda. With the power of magic and the sword, along with the help of a mysterious system window, Ryota strives to change Elara's fate from a weak girl into a formidable hero. However, a great threat that wasn't in the original story begins to loom, forcing Ryota to make a choice return to the real world or accept his fate in the game.

Yuhi99 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Initial Failure at Sword Training

The next day, Elara woke up with mixed feelings. After two days of living in this academy, she still felt awkward in her new body, but also had a strong urge to improve. Yesterday's magic lesson had left a deep impression, and she knew that today would bring new challenges with the more intense swordsmanship lessons.

After breakfast with Seraphina, Elara walked toward the training hall, where the swordsmanship lessons would take place. The hall was filled with students ready to practice, each holding the wooden swords provided by the academy. Some of them looked confident, discussing techniques and strategies, while others, like Elara, appeared a bit nervous.

As Elara entered the hall, Professor Eldric's sharp gaze immediately fell on her. The man was known for his strict discipline in training the students. With his towering height and strong posture, he looked like a seasoned warrior who was relentless.

"Alright, students, today we will continue our swordsmanship lessons. I hope you have all prepared well. The art of the sword is not something that can be mastered in a day, but every small step will bring you closer to excellence." Professor Eldric's voice echoed throughout the hall, bringing an expectant silence among the students.

Elara stood in line with the wooden sword in her hand, trying to remember everything she had learned in the game. However, the game and reality were two very different things, and Elara quickly realized how heavy the sword felt in her grip. The weight made her hand tremble slightly, and she struggled to maintain her balance.

"Today, you will all practice basic techniques," continued Professor Eldric, "basic attacks, defenses, and simple maneuvers. Remember, strength is not everything; precision and balance are more important."

The training began, and each student was asked to repeat the movements demonstrated by Professor Eldric. Elara watched closely, trying to carefully imitate each move. However, when her turn came, she quickly realized that what seemed easy was much harder when put into practice.

With the sword in her hand, Elara attempted a basic attack. However, her movements were not smooth the sword felt heavy, and her footwork was awkward. On several occasions, she nearly lost her balance, which only increased her frustration.

Some other students, including Seraphina, noticed Elara's struggles. They practiced with ease, as if the sword was merely an extension of their bodies. Seeing the difference, Elara felt even more disheartened.

"Concentrate, Elara," said Professor Eldric, suddenly appearing beside her. "Focus on the sword's center of gravity. Don't let your body dictate the movement; let the sword guide you."

Elara nodded, trying to follow that advice, but the result was still not what she expected. Every time she tried to swing the sword, the outcome was the same her attacks were neither strong nor well-aimed.

The training continued, and the longer it went on, the more difficult it became for Elara. Her hands started to tire, and sweat dripped down her forehead. Every time she glanced at the other students, especially Seraphina, who easily swung her sword with precision, Elara felt a strong urge to do better, but her body seemed unwilling to cooperate.

Finally, as the training session was nearing its end, Professor Eldric stopped the entire class. "Alright, we will end today's practice here. However, remember that what you learned today is the foundation for everything that is to come. Keep practicing in your spare time, because on the battlefield, only the best will survive."

Elara sighed with relief as the training ended, but inside, she felt disappointed. This was the first failure she had experienced since arriving in this world, and even though it was just a practice session, the impact felt very real.

As they left the hall, Seraphina approached Elara. "Are you okay, Elara? I saw you were having some trouble earlier."

Elara gave a weak smile. "Yes, I'm fine. I just need more practice, that's all."

Seraphina nodded understandingly. "I can help you if you want. We can practice together during our free time."

"Of course, I would really appreciate that," Elara replied sincerely. Seraphina's offer of help was exactly what she needed at that moment.

Throughout the day, Elara tried not to dwell too much on her failure. She attended other classes like history and alchemy, but her mind kept returning to the morning's sword training. She knew that if she wanted to survive in this world, she had to master combat skills, not just magic.

In the afternoon, Elara decided to return to the training hall after everyone had left. The hall was empty and quiet, with only the sound of her footsteps echoing off the stone walls. She picked up a wooden sword lying in the corner of the room and began practicing alone, repeating the basic movements Professor Eldric had taught.

Every swing of the sword, every step, she repeated carefully. Though slow and heavy, Elara did not give up. She knew that this was the only way to get better. Today's failure was just the beginning, and she was determined to turn it into a strength.

She kept practicing until the sun began to set, its golden rays streaming through the hall's windows. Her body felt tired, but her spirit remained unbroken. Elara might not be perfect yet, but she wasn't going to stop trying.

Elara knew that this world was full of challenges she had yet to face, but with every sword swing and every step she took, she became a little more prepared for whatever was to come.