
I Transmigrated Into a Messed Up Body

Jake Dane died in an accident. When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a hospital. “It's good you're doing fine, Cadet Jadel Wayner." The doctor called him by a different name. Upon knowing where he was and who he was, he was shocked. ‘I got transmigrated to a novel that I dropped and to this guy’s body. He was transmigrated to the body of a character named Jadel Wayner that the protogonist and main characters absolutely despise—a supposedly dead character. But what shocked him more was that his body is a mess and he is basically a normal human. 'Fuck, how am I going to survive in this world with this body? I don't even know half of the story. SHIT!’ In his former world, Jake Dane was a coward. But now that he has transmigrated into a new body and a new world—a world ruled by power—will he still stay as a coward? __________________________________ Note: If you like my work please support me with power stones, that will be a great motivation for me This is my first work, and sorry guys if there are any grammar mistakes. English is not my native language. But I will do my best to not make any mistakes.

LightOfMoon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs

Chapter 47

The next morning, I arrived at the training grounds early, the crisp morning air invigorating. Lui was already there, stretching and preparing for our session.

"Morning, Jadel," he called, waving.

"Morning," I replied, walking over to join him. "Let's get started without any delay."


We began with a review of core acceleration, and I demonstrated the technique again, emphasizing control and steady mana flow. Lui watched intently, his focus unwavering.

"Now you try," I instructed.

Lui closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. As he exhaled, I could see the faint glow of mana flowing through his veins. It wasn't perfect, but it was a solid start.

"Good," I said, nodding. "Now, let's move on to sparring. Remember to use core acceleration to enhance your speed and strength." I took my stance, ready to face him. "Now let's spar."

"No weapons?" he asked.

"You can use it if you want to."

"Then I will go with my bare hands too."

"Suit yourself,"

"Let's go," I said, and with my words, his figure disappeared from the spot. "Huh!" Seeing a blurry figure appear on my left side, I tilted my body backward, narrowly avoiding the punch.

In my bent position, he tried to punch my face, but with a slight twist of my body, I dodged the punch and kicked him. But my leg only phased through him as he again vanished from his position.

'He is definitely a speed type.'

Regaining my balance, I observed his movements. Lui reappeared, his fists moving in a blur.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

I blocked his punches, but the force of the punch increased with each strike.

'He is improving'

He aimed a low kick at my legs, but I jumped, delivering a downward strike towards his shoulder. Lui rolled to the side, evading my blow, and retaliated with a flurry of punches aimed at my torso. I parried and countered with an uppercut that he narrowly dodged.

"You've improved," I said, surprised by his improvement. 'To improve this quickly, his control over the mana is amazing.' I smiled slightly as I dodged another series of punches.

"Thanks," he replied, his eyes gleaming with determination.

Lui then feinted a punch to my right, quickly shifting his weight and aiming a powerful kick at my left side. I blocked with my arm, feeling the impact reverberate through my bones. Using the momentum, I grabbed his leg and twisted, attempting to throw him off balance.

But he reacted quickly, flipping in the air and landing gracefully on his feet. "Nice try," he said, smirking. Somehow, the smirk irritated me.

「Core Release: 10 percent」

I charged at him, throwing a series of punches and kicks. Lui matched my speed, blocking and countering each move. His agility was impressive, and I could see the improvement in his technique.

"You're faster than before," I noted, narrowly dodging a high kick aimed at my head.

"Speed is my forte." He replied, breathing heavily but maintaining his stance.

We continued exchanging blows, the intensity of our sparring increasing with each passing moment. Lui's core acceleration was working well; his movements were fluid, and his strikes were precise.

I feinted a punch, and, extending my hand, I covered his vision.


"Whoa!" Lui exclaimed as I swept his legs, but as he approached the ground, he did a handstand and kicked me.


After what felt like hours, we both sat down to catch our breath. "You... Your improvement rate is far better than I imagined." I admitted, wiping sweat from my brow. "And you also have amazing control over the mana."

"Thanks," Lui said, grinning. "I couldn't have done it without your help."

"Well, I didn't do anything... Keep practicing," I advised. "Consistency is key."




After the training with my master came to an end, I walked to the library. The academy library was a sanctuary of knowledge, with its towering shelves filled with countless tomes and manuscripts.

The novel had hinted at hidden secrets within these walls, but as a first-year student, I knew my access would be limited. Still, I was determined to find something—anything that could give me an edge.

'In the novel, it is stated that the academy library is connected to an unknown hidden library that is guarded by a guardian beast.' Not only that, but the books were also arranged by the guardian beast.

'That's why MC was able to find some hidden books; not only MC, but there are also other characters who were able to find these books, so I'm expecting something today'

As I walked through the grand entrance, the echoes of hushed whispers and the faint rustling of pages greeted me as the students were engrossed in their reading time. The library was vast, almost labyrinthine, so it's a perfect place to lose oneself in study.

I headed towards the section dedicated to mana studies, my mind set on finding a book that would help me find a way to maximize my mana output despite my crippled body.

'So, how do I find a suitable book for me?' I thought as I looked at the never ending bookshelf that was filled with countless books.

After walking for a few minutes, I found it. The shelves were lined with books on various aspects of mana manipulation, from basic principles to advanced techniques. I pulled out a few books that had promising titles and settled at a nearby table. As I skimmed through them, I felt a growing sense of frustration. Most of the content was either too elementary or too advanced, offering little practical help for someone in my condition.

'Fuck, it's making me frustrated. If they cast magic that would help the students pick their desired book that's suitable for them by just thinking, I wouldn't have to waste my time—sigh'

Hours passed, and the sunlight filtering through the high windows began to wane. I stood up to stretch, deciding to take one last look around before calling it a day.


As I wandered deeper into the library, an odd sensation washed over me—a subtle pull drawing me towards a dark corner I hadn't noticed before.

"Hmm, dusty shelves!?"

There, half-hidden behind a stack of dusty tomes, was an unassuming book with a worn leather cover. It was as if the book had been waiting for me. I picked it up, feeling a faint tingle of energy as my fingers brushed the cover. The title, inscribed in Elvish, faded gold letters, was "The Veins of Mana: Hidden Pathways and Forgotten Techniques. The heck! It's like someone put it for me."

I opened the book, the pages crackling softly. The text was written in Elvish language, but I could make out the words with some effort.

"Mmm, breathing techniques?" I mumbled in confusion. "Whoa! Whoa! Whoaaa! It's like"

It detailed obscure methods for enhancing mana flow, techniques that seemed almost tailored for someone with my limitations. My heart raced as I read, the knowledge within these pages resonating deeply with me. I stood there and read with excitement.

"It's perfect; I can—huh? The page is not budging." I tried again, and again I even used mana to enhance my strength; however, it wouldn't budge. No matter how much I pulled, the page remained stubbornly in place. I frowned, inspecting the book more closely. It was almost as if it were enchanted, allowing me access to only a fraction of its secrets.

"It's like a fucking cliffhanger," I sighed. "As you get interested, it just ends quickly, leaving you wondering what's next," I mumbled in irritation.

I leaned back, pondering my next move. This book was a treasure trove, but I needed to unlock the rest of its contents. Perhaps there was a way to lift the enchantment, or maybe I could find someone with more expertise in magical artifacts. For now, though, I had to be content with what little I could read.

The few pages I could access were invaluable. They described a series of exercises and meditations designed to open up new pathways for mana flow—techniques that could help me channel energy more efficiently despite my physical limitations. I committed the exercises to memory, determined to start practicing them immediately.

As I left the library, the book was safely stored in my watch's spatial storage. I couldn't shake the feeling that this book would be a hidden gem, like the secret books that were hidden on the shelves. The hidden knowledge within those pages had the potential to change everything. But I needed to tread carefully; secrets like these were often guarded for a reason.

Back in my dorm room, I set the book on my desk and began the first exercise. It involved a complex breathing technique combined with specific hand movements, designed to stimulate the flow of mana through my crippled body.

Inhale! Exhale!

I focused, feeling the familiar warmth of mana stirring within me. It was slow at first, but gradually, I felt the energy moving more freely.

The exercises were exhausting, but I persisted, pushing through the pain and fatigue. By the time I finished, I was drenched in sweat but exhilarated. I could already sense a slight improvement in my mana control.


As I lay in bed that night, my mind raced with possibilities. 'The knowledge I had gained today was just a glimpse of what lay hidden within that book. If I could find a way to unlock the rest of its secrets, I might get a hidden gem that helps me overcome my limitations.'

With this newfound knowledge, I felt a spark of hope healing my mana veins other than drinking an elixir. I would continue my studies, pushing myself to master these techniques. And someday, I would unlock the full potential of "The Veins of Mana."