
I told you I was trouble

sarah_henriques · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 9: Good Girls are Bad Girls

Dai's pov

As I turned the corner, I saw Matthan and Alice canoodling. I rolled my eyes and made a u turn, as I did I bumped into someone. Their firm hands grabbing me to steady me.

I looked up and saw Jayden, he looked down at me with sad eyes.

" What's wrong Jay?" I asked a bit concerned and confused.

he pulled me aside to a secret spot and started pouring his heart out.

" You know, I always thought Matthan was the one pushing Alice to me. Not realizing I was the one pushing her to him. I want to make it up to her, I want to be what's good for her, but I always mess up. Seeing them like that hurt more than I expected."

I looked at him with a judgmental expression," I'm not going to sympathize with you. If the verses were switched and it was Matthan sitting here; I wouldn't sympathize with him either. You wanna know why?"

he nodded as I continued," Because you're both idiots. Who in their right mind gives good advice to their love rival and expects the other to be a better option? If you didn't see Matt and Alice hugging you wouldn't have realized that if you really loved her, you'd make sure you're what's good for her. Not your rival. If you guys give it a shot and you're more toxic than that Britney Spears song; leave it. Hope she finds someone who's better, because you gave it your all. You tried to be what's good for her and it didn't work."

I shook my head at thought of these idiots," Take it as a good thing that they're getting closer. You stick to your word and be her friend. Maybe one day things

will change for you and she'll be yours and not his."

finally I looked over to Jayden, he had a stupid smile on his face as tears streamed down his cheeks. He reached over and messed up my hair.

" You're harsh but in a good way." He got up and reached his hand out to me.

I looked at him like he was crazy, he kept that stupid smile on his face, " Come on let's get out of here."

I took his hand," I can't, have cheer and drama later."

Jayden raised a brow as he was about to ask, but I stopped him by dragging him along," I'll explain, but you have to promise that this time you'll stand up for what's right and not convenient."

" I promise."

" Good, because if you break a promise from our trio, we'll break you. Got it?"

he gulped, trying his best to show how intimidated he is," Got it." Jayden choked.

I smirked as I dragged him along to drama club," You aren't afraid of Matthan are you?"

" No. I can handle your brother. You on the other hand, I'm not so sure. Heard you gave Jordan nightmares for weeks. What did you do to him by the way?"

I gave him an evil smile," The day before, we publicly beat you guys. We paid some of your members a little visit. I sat down in the corner of Jordan's room with bag of dildos with fake blood on it. Told him he's next if he doesn't behave and proceeded to violently stab the bag showing pieces of the dildo."

Jayden stopped in his tracks before catching him," You were kidding right. You wouldn't actually cut his penis off, would you?"

" Remember this one thing Jayden, good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught."

He thought about it for a good minute and realized it was true and sigh," Why are all the girls in my life crazy?"

Giggling at his response I said," You can handle it, you've survived this long."

After Drama Club

" So what did you think of drama club?" I asked Jayden.

" It was interesting." He paused remembering something," You told me that you'd explain something to me if I promised to stand for is right. I promised, now it's time for you to hold up your end of the bargain."

I looked around and saw a few of Rhonda's goons lurking around. I grabbed Jayden's arm and lead him somewhere more private and told him about our plan.

he was silent for a while until he broke it," Rhonda is my friend and I get that things are tough at home, but she has no right to make another's life miserable. It's time she learned her lesson, and I'm in. What do you want me to do?"

I smiled," I want you to be a part of our trio, you hanging out with us will get under Rhonda's skin. Plus you can give us tips on how to provoke her even more."

Jayden reached out his hand to me," Deal."

I gladly accepted it and we made our to find Alice and Matthan.

" There you are we've been looking all over for you," Alice exclaimed.

" I was just hanging out with our new member." I gave Jayden a pat on the shoulder as smiled nervously.

Matthan pulled me aside as Alice went to talk to Jayden.

" What were you thinking?!" Matthan whispered shout.

" I was thinking that with the right guidance, Jayden will finally be able to stand up for Alice when Rhonda is bullying her. Also, Jayden is Rhonda's good friend, if we take him away from her it will hit a nerve."

" Did you just hear yourself? Dai, what if he tells Rhonda our plan?"

" Don't worry he won't."

" How are you so sure?"

" Because dear brother, if he doesn't stay loyal because of his love for Alice. He'll stay loyal because of his fear for me."

Matthan looked at me dumbfounded and then started to laugh," You told him what you did to Jordan didn't you."

" I did."

Matthan placed his arm around me as we got back to Jayden and Alice. He smiled from ear to ear like the proud big brother he was.

" Welcome to the team Jayden, but now that you're one of us we need to find your specialty," Matthan announced as we all headed to the parking lot.

" Specialty?" Jayden replied a bit confused.

" Yeah, Dai is the brains, I'm the firepower and Alice is our support."

" What do you mean by support?"

" She's our therapist, that is until she needs therapy. Then, we all unleash and encourage violence because it's the Santiago twin thing to do." I said.

We all stopped in front of the car, Jayden thought for a moment," Then, I'll be the support of the support and when both supports have had enough, we'll all try to do the healthy thing."

Matthan choked as he started to laugh and we all laughed," What is the healthy thing to do?" I inquired.

" Talk to our parents. That's what I do when I need therapy."

We all went silent, neither of us could tell when last we spoke to our parents. It was always awkward and weird. sometimes a bit nerve-racking because you want to say something but you don't know what to say.

Jayden then broke the silence," Hey, you guys want to head to the karaoke bar? We can meet up at 7 since it's a Friday night."

we all nodded and headed home to get ready.

At the Karaoke Bar

As we entered the Karaoke Bar, we ran into Rhonda.

" Jayden, I didn't think you'd make it."

Jayden gave her a confused look, then suddenly remembered something," Oh well...I'm here with Alice and the twins."

Rhonda frowned," You invited them?"

" No, we decided to hang out. I'm sorry Rhonda, I didn't come to hang out with you, I forgot about tonight."

Rhonda looked at Jayden with disbelief, hurting dancing in her eyes," But...we made plans first."

" I know, but they're also my friends, and I barely hang out with them. I'll make it up to you."

Rhonda hesitated," Okay." With that said she went back to the rest of her friends.

" Come on guys, let's go and get our groove on," Alice stated trying to cheer Jayden up.

he gave her a weak smile and headed to a table," So what song are we singing first?" I asked.

" Let's do a Kpop song," Alice suggested, the boys groan and rolled their eyes.

I wasn't a hardcore Kpop fan, but I knew songs and wanted to support my friend," Let's sing Love scenario."

Alice grabbed my hand and dragged me to the stage," Sarangeul haetda uriga manna jiuji mothal chueogi dwaetda. Bolmanhan melodrama gwaenchaneun gyeolmal Geugeomyeon dwaetda..." We sang our lungs out, other stans joined in at one point until the song was over.

after the song was finished Matthan and Jayden took the mic from us and selected their own song," Heaven only knows where you've been, but I don't really need to know. I know where you're gonna go. On my heart where you're resting your head, and you just look so beautiful, just like you were an angel. Can I stop the flow of time, can I swim in your divine? Cos I don't think I'd ever leave thins place. Ooh, turn the lights, turns the lights down low. Yeah, now I'm feeling you, breathing slow. Cause baby, we're just reckless kids trying to find an island in the flood. Ooh, turn the lights, turn the lights down low."

" When I hear these two singing, I get mesmerized. Their voices are beautiful." Alice stated, not taking her eyes off of the boys.

" Yeah, they're amazing."

we sang a few songs, that was until Matthan decided to sing his own song. Someone passed him a guitar as he request. His figures glided through it, toning it to his liking," You snuck your way into this cold heart of mine and now I can't stay away from you. You're breaking me down, with every touch, every kiss. Alice, I'm falling for you. You take away, the pain in my heart and now I can't help but feel anything but love and it's all because of you. So stay and wait a little while longer, don't be afraid I'll be here always and forever. I'll be the shoulder you can lean on now and forever."