
I told you I was trouble

sarah_henriques · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 7: The Last Straw

2:30 pm

The day went on slowly. As each class, I had with Alice and Jayden was misery. Jayden was like a bee, always hovering over Alice. After our last class, I got curious. Why was this dude working so to gain Alice's trust all of a sudden?

He's more annoying than he was before. So I decided to ask him.

" Hey dipwad, why are you up Alice's butt more than usual?"

He gave me a smudge smile and pat me on the shoulder," I took your advice." Jayden then walked off.

I stopped him in his tracks," My advice wasn't for you to stick to Alice like glue."

" But she loves it."

" Listen, I know the real reason why you're doing this. But let me tell you something it's not going to work."

" And what exactly it is that I am doing Matthan?"

Before I could answer he cut me off," You know yesterday, after our session, I felt bad that I angered you so much. I get, she's right in front of you but doesn't see you. Here it is some guy whom she barely knows is trying to take her away from you. In the process, all he ever does is hurt her when she needed him the most. And all you can do is pick up the pieces while she still doesn't see you. I get it Matthan, that's why I came to talk to you, but you're so in denial about your feelings. I might be up Alice's ass but at least she knows I like her more than a friend. You wanna be an option? Show her, she's worth your time."

" Why are you giving me good advice?"

" The same reason why you gave me good advice. We both want the best for Alice and if you're what's best for her then so be it."

I shook my head," I don't even know how Alice feels about me."

" I guess you better find out." With that, he pats me on the shoulder and leaves. I really wanted to hate this guy, but he made it near impossible.

As I left the area, I ran into Dai," Just the person I needed to see. I need to ask you something."

She gave me a weird look but nodded for me to proceed," Do you know if Alice has feelings for me?"

she thought about it for awile before answering," Alice isn't as open as she seems, but she does care about you a lot." She paused before adding," I'm sure if you showed romantic interest in her she would see you in a different light, but I'll ask."

" Thanks Dai." With that said we both went our seperate ways. Just then, I saw Alice by her locker Rhonda and some of her friends picking on her. I walked over to make sure she was okay.

" We got a problem here?"

" None at all." Rhonda replied with a smug smile on her face.

I looked over at Alice who was clearly upset and gripped Rhonda by the collar. Slamming her against the locker," Listen here you little shit, since you don't understand we're all trying to be friends. I'm going to make your life miserable. If I see you 6ft near her, it's gonna be hell on earth." I let her go before adding," You think the shit you go through gives you a right to lash out? Well news flash, everyone goes through their fair share of trouble, but you don't see the rest of world bullying each other."

I grabbed Alice's hand and went to the parking lot, we were ditching this dump. I drove off and headed to one of our chill spots. Alice didn't say anything the whole ride, until a few mintues after we reached.

" I tried taking Mrs Lee advice, but she kept pushing my buttons. I didn't want to get into anymore trouble Matt." She explained.

" It's okay, It's not easy but it's worth it. Continue to take Mrs Lee advice.." She cut me off

" But what if being me can't protect me."

" Hey look at me," I grabbed her face and wiped away a few frustrated tears," You have me, you'll always have me, because I love you and not just as a friend. More than that, I love you the way a man loves a woman and I want you to be mine." I blurted out without much thought.

" Matt..."

I cut her off," You don't say anything as yet about being mine, just do me a favour and focus on yourself. On your happies, wellbeing, focus on the real you and if it happens that I'm good for you as someone more than a friend; I'll be apart of you."

Alice leaned in and gave me a hug and then a kiss on the cheek," Thank you Matthan for always being there and putting me first."

I tighten my grip around her and gave her a kiss on the head," I'll alwyas put you first princess."

Alice tighten her grip around my waist and breathe into my chest," Thank you Matthan, for always being there when I need you the most."

We stayed like that until my phone began to ring. I answered without checking the caller ID," Hello."

" Matthan where are you and is Alice with you!?" Dai exclaimed.

I face palm myself as I am only now remembering my dear twin sister," Yeah, Alice is with me...we uh ditched school when I saw that she was upset."

the other end of the line was quiet before my sister raged at me," You ditched school because she was upset!!? Do you have any idea how much trouble you'll be in if you don't show up for detention and if this gets out?!"

she sighed before continuing,"You're an idiot. just get your ass back at school before we have to spend another month in Mrs Lee therapy group. You have 15 minutes before school is over."

Dai hung up and I sighed as I looked down at Alice," We gotta head back to school."

She nodded in agreement and gave me a pat on the shoulder as we headed to the car. I drove as fast as I could, trying not to break the speed limit and getting caught by the cops. We soon reached the school and Dai was waiting for us outside.

She stormed over to us and gave me another ear full before saying," So what happened for you guys to storm of without me?"

" Rhonda was being her normally shitty self and Alice was trying to take Mrs Lee's advice and handle the situation maturely. Rhonda made Alice upset cause she was relentless so I threatened her and took Alice somewhere she could clear her mind."

Dai stormed of again mumbling," Stupid Rhonda...stupid therapy group."

we followed behind her and got to detention, all the while Dai was still mumbling to herself until it was time for our therapy group.

" Today we will focus on Dai." Mrs Lee stated.

I faced palm myself knowing this isn't going to end well. We all may seem like we have an irrational temper in our small band of friends but out of all of us, Dai's temper is the worst.

"Dai, why did you help Alice attack Rhonda?"

" Mrs Lee with all due respect I think we're forgetting that Rhonda is the one who started all of this, and you should be more on her ass rather than me and my friends. Aside from Rhonda herself and Jayden you haven't dealt with the others."

"That is true but what Alice did was worse."

" Did you know, Rhonda sent some muscular guy that, still no one knows who he is after her? Did you know, Rhonda and friends left her passed out on the field and if not for Jayden no one would've known she needed help? Did you know Rhonda only got a swollen face while Alice's shoulder was broken? So tell me now Mrs Lee who's really the bad guy here? We only retaliated because injustice was done to our friend. Yes we could've gone to an adult for help but you're only giving them a slap on the wrist while we get therapy because what? We seem dangerous, or is it because we aren't as rich as Rhonda and her crew?"

Mrs Lee didn't say anything confirming that Dai was right. Dai scoffed and got out of her seat, " Come on guys let's go."

we followed Dai without hesitation, that was until Rhonda opened her fat mouth," Mrs Lee, do you see that their the problem now? They think their too good to even fix the mess they made."

"Let's just go, she isn't worth it." Alice said as she opened the door, we reluctantly followed behind her.

" They want us to deal with problem differently? Fine, we will and expose Rhonda for the crazy person she really is."

" What do you have in mind Alice?" we asked in unison.

" Rhonda loves attention, so let's take everything she loves and make her invisible. "