
I Time Travelled to TITANIC. Help! I want to go home.

A happy go lucky police lawyer travels back in time and found himself on board of Titanic that he knows 1000% will hit an iceberg and sink. Immediately, he asked to go home. Luckily, Allverse blessed him with three gifts. Witness how a police lawyer from 2022 travels to 1912, a century and a decade apart. Will he shape the future into his image or just enjoy the blessings of a new lease of life? Sit back and enjoy. *I do not own copyrights and trademarks that will be present in the story's world. Nor i am claiming ownership. I only own the writing work of the story.* Enjoy Reading.

Boy_George · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Twenty Ninth Chapter

"Esme, my love, you okay?" John held her hand.

"I am..okay.. What was he..that?" She changed from human to a thing. She is not sure that Padre was a human anymore.

"Ill explain later. Ill check inside. Go to the carriage first. Bruno..."

"Signor, lets call the police. Dont go inside." Bruno afraid.

"No need for the police. Baby, go to the carriage."

"But...i. can.watch your back."

"No buts..." he turns before Esme answers.

Esme stomps her foot. Honestly, she is afraid and dont understand what just happened but she dont show it. Education from Habsburg and Rothschild entails not to show emotions when your at disadvantage. Or your opponents will see it and eat you alive.

Just like in the ship where she jumped with no 2nd guesses, he follows John.

Bruno left no choice but to follow. Skipping over the dead body.

Inside the church.

John instantly sees a woman tied on the altar.


Behind John, is Esme and Bruno.

Not minding it anymore, he quickly goes to the woman.

"I can manage."

"Help me. Please...help.." The woman crying, berely speaking because of the cloth gag.

"Your fine now. Dont worry." He comforts as he unties the rope on her wrist. He wanted to take off the mouh gag but Esme beat her to it.

The girl hysterically cried and wiggled her body. She was seconds before being gutted open and be eaten, she can be a Karen all she wants for 20 minutes.

"That thing is dead. John, lets go. Before any of that comes back." Esme have her senses so she wants to bolt from this place.

"Yeah. Bruno, lets take the body. Someone must have heard the shot."

"Boss, the police." Bruno hesitated.

"Do not worry about the police. They wont know.

In no time, John , Esme, Bruno and the girl got into the carriage.

Bruno stepped on the gas. Youknow what i mean.They arent stopping for nobody.

(They ride a horse drawn carriage. No stepping on the gas. But you get the flow. The readers of this story are smart and handsome guys and pretty girls.)

"What's the nearest river or body of water?" As a police, he knows how to dispose a body and absolve himself from the crime committed. To not find the corpus of the crime.

"Hudson." Bruno unconciously answered, he understood John's logic. Its not the first a body thrown to Hudson.

"Then go there. Pick up some rocks by the way." He wants to feed the fish of Hudson River tonight.

"I know a spot, Boss."

"Good. Dont speed up too much. We're fine."

"Yes boss."


"Baby, sorry, no wedding for tonight. I guees you have to wait to get this.." John points at his body.

"Hah! Dont be dillusional. You're sorry you have to wait for this." She flipped the table.

"Damnit! Fucking demon!!!" He realized he was at the disadvantaged, really. He screamed in his head.

"Haha. Back to business." The two looks at the distraught and shaken girl.

"Girl, who are you?" John ask the girl they rescued.

"Im Sister Jocelyn...that was Father Dominic, he was possessed by a demon after the demon possessed me."


The brain of the John, Esme and Bruno explodeds.

Information overload.

Tho John was prepared, he wasnt really.

"Demon?! You are not..." Esme wants to debunk Sister Jocelyn cause she is a math and science person. However, she seen the black smoke after John buries a bullet to his head after shooting the heart.

"Not kidding." She finished and thot of something.

"John, how do you know demons?" Esme asked intently abd seriously.

John cannot answer he knew demons because of a tv series.

"In Essex. You know my father was the Earl. So when someone got possessed, we knew." He concocts a lie

"Are they...really real? Then the mermaids?"

"Demons are real. However, i have not seen a mermaid. I cannot tell."

"I have seen one during the accident." Esme expressed.

"Oh....then they are real..." John become dumb cause not only demons but mermaids. What's next, unicorns and pixies?

"John, you exorcist the demon! How did you know how to exorcise?" Esme curious.

"The priest in Essex taught me how to exorcise." John acting cool as he continues to follow his narrative.

"And your gun. I have not seen one like that before, not even in Holland, Boss and Purdey." Esme meant the three holy trinity of arms companies in UK. Obvious, Rothschild got their hands on weapon makers, they been funding wars in Europe since Napoleon.

"I made it." John simply stated.

"Made. Such an exquisite gun. John, we are selling this gun, yeah?" The capitalist in Esme surfaced.

"Haha. Of course we will."

"Hmmm." Esme likes that theres another source of wealth.

"Sister Jocelyn, can you state what happened? You were possessed before Father Dominic, you said." John asked after lightly talking about selling arms, he is now an accomplice to deaths from G17 now and the future. Blood in his hands.

"Yes." Sister Jocelyn began to describe the events leading to her possession, exorcism and the possession of Father Dominic.

John and Esme listened with gusto. Bruno meanwhile kept on praying to god.

Before the night ended, John personally dropped the body of poor Father Dominic. The fish in Hudson River got a feast for sure.

They went back to Waldorf Astoria with Sister Jocelyn.

John wanted to sleep but his brain is never gonna sleep tonight.

Staring at the trillions of stars. Not beautiful, they are just rocks in space and contributed at most to 3 extinction level events on Earth. So, just rocks.

He breathes deeply.

"Mermaids. Demons. Camorra Family too. Where the fuck on Earth Earth i time travelled to?!!!!!" He cursed whilst demanding answers to bunch of space rocks.

3 2 1

No answer.

"Me and Esme should be having honey moon right now. Fucking demon. If i see him again, ill kill him for good."

"What a waste. Another time bitch demon." He complained heartily because if no demon, he and Esme should be married by now and are copulating to contribute to mankind's population.

"Boss, it was Bruno's fault. He brought you to that church." The mechanical voice of Sky interrupted his thots.

"Son of a bitch! Bruno got no wage for a month." He realized Sky was right. Hahaha