
I The Weakest Hero Was Reincarnated A Second Time

[WARNING: 18+ Content! Viewer Discretion Advised] Liam Phobus Ito. A human from a highly advanced civilization was reincarnated as the weakest hero in another world, but as useless as he was, that didn't stop him from becoming an inventor to use against the demon lord in his world, that is until he went adventuring with his companions and died by one of them. But once reincarnating again in another world he realized there was no magic to use or electricity and minerals to invent with! How will Liam cope with this new world, will it be kind to him or will it betray him once more?

Hatsu_Poralu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

- An Okay Date/Energy

It was another morning, but good this time around though something was making a weird noise, "Mfh... hgh~"

I woke up seconds later to pull the blanket up, only to find the woman giving a blowjob to me first thing in the morning.

the woman's body shook in ecstasy.


I came in no time in her delicate mouth, she then swallowed my sperm down her throat, as I bring her head deeper into my cock.

"uhh.. huff.. oof... good morning." I greeted the woman as I let go of her head gently.

she nibbled on my tip as a little tease and greeted me back after finishing cleaning my cock up, "mmm~ good morning Master!" as she leaned up and gave me a loving kiss.

exhausted from yesterday I wanted nothing but to take a long break for today and go on a date with the woman.

"Since we're up, want to go on a nice walk outside?" I said, "although can you get dressed first?" I requested as I tried to reach for the unbuttoned shirt next to me on a desk.

"No! I want to stay like this with you Master!" she begged to me.

but I wanted to go out as normal couples so I came up with an idea, "I know you want to, but having some decency around makes it at least less weird," and continued, "if you wear clothing from when we're outside, I'll allow you to decide at times to have public sex with me, but away from others eyes."

I would be mildly panicking at most if she didn't accept my proposal because it was the only option left, which made me anxious but thankfully...

"Sure Master, but make sure to think twice before you say something like that, and if you regret your decision, well... I'll still have my way with you~" as she smiled shining bright and snuggled me before she gets dressed.

Sighing with relief, I soon thought I'd have made a mistake, but went along with what I asked her just to make this date work, "It's already 12:23 in the morning and we're wasting more time than I expected!"

The woman got dressed before I could see anything and said to me, "Master we still have a lot of time on our hands, this is no time to think that it's late to go on our romantic date, you were the one who suggested the date too. Although I do adore you for that... don't make your girlfriend wait here all day!" as she crossed her arms and tapped with her index finger.

"Alright, I know! wait a bit, I'm not ready since I haven't got my clothing on!" I said in a fit.

and so I got dressed, while the woman stared at me with a perverted look that embarrassed me. though I was not used to being seen wearing some clothing in front of someone, or rather I wasn't since I did not have relationships with anyone except her, so it felt sensual at most.

finally, after some time I got dressed in an orange but oddly raggedy coat, that felt warm and the texture was fluffy, and casual jeans that fitted me perfectly and tied up my long black and orange hair that reaches my nape, "Well how do I look?" I asked the woman.

she inspected me thoroughly and grinned, "want an honest reply? then... you look very handsome Master!" she responded kindly and winked.

"o-oh is that so, haha! If by all honestly, I didn't know what to wear, though I think it was a good choice wearing what I have now, and I'm glad you liked how I look!" I thanked her politely.

the woman wrapped her arms around my neck and said, "you are cute at times too you know that right~" and kissed me.

and after the kiss I told her, "I forgot to say but, you look very beautiful today!" and pat her head grinning.

the woman became flustered as if she wanted to say something but didn't, and was pouting at me.

"uh... shall we get going?" I said as my expression became wary.

the woman took a deep breath and replied, "we've been stalling here for quite some time, so yes let's head out!" and held my hand never letting go.

after that we went out and took a stroll around the village, hoping to find interesting things to do.


the woman blinked and looked at my stomach and chuckled, "Master... are you perhaps hungry?" as she touched my belly.

I blushed and turned my head out of embarrassment, then began sweating, "y-you sure that wasn't you're stomach rumbling-" then my stomach growled a second time.

"agh... yes!" I admitted embarrassingly.

the woman gave me a stare and said, "why don't we go for a romantic dinner then?"

I replied, "honestly... after taking up your time, we should eat somewhere nice, but do we have money for it?" I asked

the woman pulled out a coin from her bag which she was carrying around and replied, "I got 50 of these coins that could be spent for dining at a fancy restaurant or could buy out a dining area at a palace." and showed me up close.

I was very slow to understand what she meant, but after hearing her say palace, it reminded me of the reincarnated world I was first sent to.

"huh... palace?! this coin right here has the amount to get into a banquet in a royal palace?" as my expression became dumbfounded from what I was hearing.

the woman simply told me without dwelling too much into it, "I have with me an Azure Coin Master, that is carved out to be three-headed beasts and is a quite valuable currency, having a set of 41083.40 Sol"

I was somewhat grinning to hear that actually and knew it was an estimate of 10,000 dollars for each coin, "That's over a hundred thousand is it not?!" I said shockingly.

"Quite a lot Master, but don't worry we'll also be able to pick lovely outfits for the two of us with this much!" the woman said energetically.

I began thinking she would look gorgeous if she were to wear cosplay and show me or any outfit, in particular, I would have to keep that one a secret though as I thought to myself.

I looked around right after and found an interesting place to eat, "well since we're at it let's go to that rusty old tavern."

the woman whiffed the air a little as if she can smell from over here and seemed to be enticed with the food, she then carried me over to the tavern without saying a single word but was excited due to the look in her eyes.

I was being carried like a princess however, is this how my new romantic lifestyle is going to be? I wasn't fond of it, but it was interesting.

"May I have an order of you're famous Jumbled Meatloaf Course." the woman ordered without hesitation.

the girl at the counter wrote the woman's order on the paper and yelled, "One jumbled meatloaf with... uh sorry ma'am what would you're secondary side dish and drink be?"

the woman chose carefully, "Shepherds pie with cola please!" she said.

"Oh and one shepherd's pie with two cola's!" the girl at the counter said while shouting.

it's busy as ever as I looked at my surroundings, "so this is a tavern, I'm quite taking a liking to this place!" as my eyes stared up to the ceiling forgetting something.

"Would that be all for you two lovebirds?" the girl chuckled as she saw us two holding each other differently.

then I remembered, "hmm? wait... I'm still being carried like a princess!" I said moving recklessly to get off.

the woman gently puts me down and grabs ahold of my arms with both her hands, "yes that'll be all for me and my cute boyfriend!"

I was confused yet again, "cute?" and it came to me, "ah! I see you must be teasing me."

"Liam I am saying you are cute and I'm being honest, and you are also handsome on top of that so don't forget!" she smiled widely.

I hugged the woman and told her, "I'm sorry I didn't believe what you said... but I'm happy you are being honest." and tried not to blush as I was uncertain what others would think of me.

she sniffled and was thrilled to hear that, "Liam I love you!" and pressed against my body with her breast.

they were soft as they bump closer to my chest, I'm way too innocent though so I just said, "Hmph... I love you just as much! Though let's sit down at a table first, okay?" as I noticed the crowd staring at us nonchalantly.

the girl at the counter gave a wink while looking at us flirt.

the woman smiled and answered, "Yes!" as she let go of my body and grabs ahold of my hands radiating with happiness.

and so we sat down and the food came right towards us right away, although I was certain it'd take some hours until night due to the tavern being this busy.

"here you are valued customers!" the waitress approached as they place down our food on the table.

the waitress asked, "will that be all for just the two of you?"

I answered fast as I wanted to eat, "Yes that'll be all for us." and gave them an okay sign.

"Alright, then have the rest of your time to enjoy." the waitress bowed and walked off.

eager to eat right this moment I picked up a fork and began poking into the already sliced meatloaf that was jumbled alongside some crunchy healthy chips.

I took a bite after and savored it in my mouth for some time before swallowing it down.

"Oh! this is wonderful!" I enthusiastically said while gobbling it whole, "what about Shepard's pie?" my eyes gleamed at it.

to my surprise, it was also good after taking a bite out of it with a fork, drinking some alcohol which I had a very low tolerance for.

"This place has the best food I've tasted so far! I like the tenderness of the meatloaf and the crunchy sensation you get from combining them, not too salty either, and this Shepard's pie was not that bad either!" I added on, "I think this Shepard's pie was the greatest so far though, as I grew up eating it, and I like the mashed potatoes more because well, they are my favorite!"

the woman was glad to see me happy about the food and commented, "Liam your very cute when you act like that, I'm taking my time eating and I can certainly see why you like the food."

"right?" I said smiling and tearing up after having something good to eat after so long.

and then some time had passed and we finally got finished eating and cleaned our plates entirely, which everyone was impressed with as it was quite a huge helping.

"well... shall we head off now? oh yeah here is the money by the way" as I lent the azure coin to the waitress.

the waitress was in surprise when I gave her a valuable coin that indeed can make someone into royalty per se, the waitress thanked me quietly and walked back to taking orders.

I and the woman took our leave after giving our thanks, then walked back home after another exhausting day.

finally, after walking out I said, "that was... quite a fun experience" I looked at the woman whom I was holding hands with.

"It most certainly was Master. I'm just grateful that they made you happy just like me, I enjoyed seeing you act like a child when it came to food." and was smiling dazzlingly.

I wasn't sure what to say, but there was only one thing that piqued me to say out loud, "You're... Beautiful! Please marry me!" I let out all my feelings.

the woman was flustered and didn't know how to respond, "h-huh!? where did that come from? Master, I understand your feelings but it's too soon for marriage... even I-"

I began to wobble uncontrollably "huff.... why is... why am I so tired..." then passed out a second time.

"My head... oh I see you're back here again aren't you?" I knew something was up and suspected that shadow.

<You are not wrong. But you did promise little ol' me that you'd come back>

I was pretty angry and lashed out at the shadow, "right I did, but you didn't have to make me pass out like that you know?"

<Says the one who was flirting with [Distorted]>

"Shut up, I was getting somewhere with her but you've ruined it." I sighed as my face became gloomy as usual.

<Unfortunately you'd eventually have forgotten the promise, so I had to do it, there wasn't any choice, to begin with,>

"Hm... okay maybe I would've forgotten but let's just get this over with, will you teach me how to use my energy or not"

<Before that, have you felt pleasure from having sex with ???>

"Oh right you woke me up to that, I would've beaten your face in if it weren't for you being untouchable" I groaned.

<Well that was yesterday, but on to the point. One who's been reincarnated, they shall bow to me, they shall worship me, they will learn under me. I will grant you this neverending wish young hero, will you take my knowledge and learn all there is about energy?>

I was not amused by how long he spoke for, "you could've just said if I wanted your knowledge then I'll obtain it, but oh well this would have to work out for the time being"

<Acceptable response... I'll transfer my power to you now>

confused I said, "wait no oaths or anything of the sorts?"

<You can use your energy however, it is your life after all, and it shouldn't even concern me or you>

"you've got a point, but I'm sure it has its ups and downs right?"

<No, it does not, rather you become a renowned hero again or go down villainous is up to you entirely>

I smiled mischievously, "oh that sounds wonderful, I'd rather just do what I want than to listen to promises and all"

<You'll learn how to control it once you wake up, so I'll alter your soul now>

my expression became petrified, "by that you mean?"

<Energy will pierce you like needles, and you'll be awake after>

"what do you... Agh!" I felt heated as my whole body became thorns, well the sensation of being torn by prickly needles stabbing into me for millions of times.

this felt unreal, but I couldn't stop shaking, I tried to laugh it out, but it was no use. "Hahh... UGH!!! KG..."

my eyes closed steadily before collapsing feeling the energy flowing abnormally in me.

<Have a good life... pal>

"Damn... I'll get you for this one day-" that was the last time I ever spoke to the shadow and as I snap back into reality, a light laid upon me, healing my pain.

I expected too much but it was finally over, I woke up instantly in the night, and was stark naked with the woman beside me and I kissed her on the forehead and smiled slightly saying, "I love you dearly, thank you for taking care of me all this time."

with that, I obtained energy and will hone my skills, but with all the trouble I went through today. How exactly bizarre will tomorrow be?

"I had little to no time, but I can finally focus on my own work" -Aki

I'm going to be working on the novel more often now for you guys as I was caught up doing something else, and of course for those who are reading that is, and yes this chapter is a bit odd but bear it with me, I'll overcome this hurdle to make a story worth reading!

Hatsu_Poralucreators' thoughts