
I Tamed a Demoness in a Necklace

(UPDATED) By wanting a revenge on The Hero, his own best friend, made Kevin aka "a total shut in", formed a contract with a Demoness and captured her in a normal necklace. Will he succeed? or Will he change his mind?

Hiirochan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

The Hero's palace

"Wouldn't it be better if we use His magical items to the battle, My Lord?" Said a man wearing white church robe.

From the looks of him, he must be the advisor of the palace.

Well, it's too cliche for a palace to have a priest as an advisor, if you ask me, but it's a tradition.

"No, Siegfried! Have you forgotten that He is still out there?" Opposed the Hero.

"B- But this is your last chance to win against Belial and take over the demon realm!" Yelled Siegfried.

"I SAID NO!" The Hero shouted as he rise from his throne.

"We will find another way- Somehow...." The Hero sat back on his throne with his hand massaging his forehead.

Siegfried doesn't give up though. He keeps pushing the Hero with his words and orders.

"We need to use the legendary item that has been given to us. Take it as a blessing, Lord Hero." Siegfried insisted.

The Hero only looked at Siegfried and tried to think of other options.

"The only legendary weapon that's close to us, is the scythe. The others that was created by him were lost in realities and time. We must haste, Llyris!" Siegfried stated.

Llyris Eagor.

A noble boy with powerful magical powers and being blessed by the gods and spirits.

He doesn't care about status of royalty and commoners. He treats everyone equally.

Siegfried is the one who always reminds Llyris of his royal status.

Siegfried always says,

"Nobles and commoners aren't suppose to live together in a same world."

But he doesn't like that.

In fact, he befriends with a commoner himself, named Kevin. He was Kevin's best friend. But their friendship ended when Llyris had to take away Kevins magical powers and abilities to crafts magical items.

"We mustn't use that scythe, Siegfried! You know it's dangerous. We threw it in the Forbidden Forest for a reason!" Llyris said firmly.

Siegfried looked at Llyris and tried to reason with him.

"Yes, I know, My Lord. But this is the only option we have! Otherwise, this whole continent will be wiped out by Belial!"

"It uses Dark Arts, Siegfried! I'm a Hero! I uses holy powers that has been blessed by gods and holy spirits. There's no way I will use Forbidden Arts simply just to win!" Yelled Llyris as he rise from his throne again.

But this time, he unsheathe his huge sword and points at Siegfried.

Siegfried doesn't even flinch.

Instead, he walk towards the sword.

"Think about it, My Lord. If you have the scythe's powers to defeat Belial, IMAGINE what you can do more with it~" Llyris dropped his sword on the ground and ordered


A strong looking commander came out of nowhere. It's like he's from the shadows.

"Yes, My Lord!" He said firmly.

"Bring me a battalion of soldiers. You will lead them and head to the Forbidden Forest! You will retrieve the legendary scythe and bring it to me even if it costs your life." Ordered Llyris.

"Yes, My Lord!" Siegfried grinned as he picked up Llyris' sword and give it back to him.

"Great choice, My Lord~"


6 hours have passed since the soldiers went to the Forbidden Forest.

There are no signs or communications received from them.

Llyris begins to feel anxious about this, since his soldiers would take 1 hour or less to finish a mission.

But this time, they took more than that and still haven't returned.

"This is getting ridiculous Siegfried! Why haven't they returned yet?!" Llyris yelled at the overconfident priest.

"My~ Please be patience, My Lord. They'll be back without a doubt. I guarantee it!" Siegfried said firmly with his eyes made an eye contact with Llyris'.

With just that, The Hero believed it completely.

Llyris sat on his throne without worrying too much about it since Siegfried confronted him earlier.

"I just hope that nothing happens to my trusted soldiers..." Llyris sounded concerned.

Siegfried gave a side eye at Llyris with his big brown eyes.

"y- Yes of course, My Lord~..." He doesn't sound confident this time, more like a sarcasm.

But Llyris was too concerned to even bother to realise that.

Siegfried bowed down in front of Llyris and headed out of the throne room. He went out and the two guards which stands beside the wide huge door shut it behind him.

"Dumb Hero..." Siegfried muttered to himself as he walked across the hall to his study.

"Of course they wouldn't survive the Forbidden Forest~ It's the worst forest to ever existed. HAHAHAHAHAHA~" Laughed Siegfried.

"My plan to dispose the Hero's army succeeded. Now, I'll form a new army, much stronger than the previous one." Siegfried grinned devilishly while rubbing both of his hands suspiciously.

He sounded like a total menace.

"A new world needs a new ruler~ Next...I'll get rid of The Hero too. KIKIKIKIKIKIKIKIKIKI KIKIKIKIKIKIKIKIKIKI"

A short and quick look inside the Hero's Palace...hehehehehe~

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