
I Survived 999 Calamities

Tai Xin, the gaming prodigy, was forced to delete his main account, the one that had countless achievements. Moreover, he was forced to hand over the guild to his best friend and the one who had conspired behind his back, Le Bao. His fame then hit rock bottom as Le Bao, who lost nearly half the property in the game, blamed and framed Tai Xin to be the traitor. But this was hardly of importance, as the gaming world turned into reality! The game Calamity Online now engulfed the entire world, bringing threat to humanity. And Tai Xin, he found himself regaining his previous glory after jumping once again into the world of calamities! But guess what, rather than surviving 1 calamity, he was forced to be stuck in an annoying loop of 999 calamities. "This god damn spell... Glitching at the moment!"

Xtra19 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 3: Magic Swordsman

Chapter 3: Magic Swordsman

[Terror Lightning Style]

[1ST Move: Lightning Fast Strike!]

Even though the one performed by him was incomplete form it was extremely fast. The slash almost looked blurry as if it was a glitch that was not supposed to exist.


[Hidden quest: Learn a Tier 3 martial manual]

[Teir 3:Martial manual learned!]

[Reward: 500EXP, +1 Agility]

[Would you like to claim your reward?]


-Name: Tai Xin

-Level: 2


-Exp: 875/1000

-Mana: Locked


»Strength: 2

»Defence: 2

»Perception: 2

»Agility: 3

»Intelligence: 6

{Attributes point: 1]


{Martial Manuals}

[Terror Lightning Style]

{Mastery: 1.7%}






Class Quest: Basic class:





[Calamity day: 18:51:28

"Lightning fast strike!" Even though it seemed stupid of him to yell, this helped him boost his confidence.

...And it makes me look cool, doesn't it? What can I say about my- "Ahh shit!"

He immediately decapitated another goblin's head. Since he had become a level 2 player quite a while ago it was quite easy to kill a level one monster but it wasn't that easy to kill a horde of level one monsters consisting of 100 or more monsters.

He quickly backed away while killing the monster. His body slowly inched towards the window of the room.

Just as another white wolf's head was decapitated, Tai Xin twisted his body channeling all the strength to his legs. In that split second, he launched himself towards the window. Simultaneously he grabbed the bag that was on the table near the window in which there were approximately 70 mana cores.

The frail glass shattered into a million pieces, and as a result, Tai Xin's body fell from the first floor directly landing on the ground.


Cracks appeared on the place where his body landed showing just how strong the impact was.

52. This was the number of monsters that he had killed. And there were still thirty minutes left.

Tai Xin who was still lying on the ground slowly and weakly stood up with only a single thought in his mind. 'Surely I can defeat those monsters, right? Only 48 of them are left?'


However, he quickly slapped himself. 'Why the heck am I jinxing myself?!' Unfortunately, it was already too late. He had already raised the flag.

While some monsters with strong durability also jumped from the window some of the monsters around him, suddenly started to rush toward him.

Tai Xin's palms started to itch clearly wanting to slap himself. Simultaneously the corner of his lips started to twitch.

'Am I that handsome?' He lampooned inwardly while looking towards the beasts who wanted to join the battle for no apparent reason.

"F*ck this!" He exclaimed looking towards the monsters. Nowadays the amount of time he had cursed and sighed had increased greatly.




"Lightning fast strike!"

"Lightning fast strike!"

[1EXP Gained]

[2EXP Gained]

[4EXP Gained]

[2 Exp Gained]

He indeed looked more like a butcher. A butcher who preferred to use swords.

Lying in the puddle of blood Tai Xin's chest rose up and down.


Quest completed!

[Basic class quest: Swordsman, completed!]

[Would you like to claim your reward]

[Yes] [No]

Tai Xin's eyes shone brightly as he looked at the screen.



[Are you sure player Tai Xin]

The calamity spell asked for confirmation.

[If you decline this reward then you will not be able to choose this profession]

"Yeah." Tai Xin replied nonchalantly.

...What? Do you think I'm mentally retarted?! Just wait for a few minutes. Hehe~

A chuckle escaped his mouth.

Now for sure even the calamity spell thought that his screw was lose.

After standing up he tore through the bodies of the monsters around him and removed their mana core which was as small as a bird egg.

In total, he had forty-eight mana cores. Making sure that no one was present there he quickly rushed toward another isolated house. After all every resource was precious

People would kill him for those mana cores. As he was sprinting towards the house he couldn't help but look back towards the single-room apartment. So many mana cores were left behind!

This new location also contained many apartments. Getting inside the apartment he made sure the apartment he entered was empty. Lying on the floor once again his chest started to rise up and down.

"Damn!" He looked inside the bag in which approximately 118 mana cores were present.

However, those mana cores were covered in disgusting monster blood.

Strengthening his will he once again opened the quest panel and selected the elemental wizard quest.


[00: 59: 59]

As soon as the timer started he started to swallow the core. The first core was a green core covered in a bluish-black color. The blood had somewhat dried.

Closing his nose he forcefully swallowed the core. Cough! Cough!

Rushing towards the table he picked up a glass and then filled it with water with the help of a tap.

He quickly started to drink the water as a result he successfully swallowed the mana core.

Just as a second passed he felt heat in his stomach. He felt like his stomach was on fire.

In calamity online a person wouldn't feel pain, however, this was real life. Everything was real, starting from a paper cut to the gut-wrenching pain a person would feel.

Bearing the pain he walked towards the bag, and then brought it near the tap. Blood leaked through his lips, but that didn't stop him as he grabbed another mana core and then washed the blood that was present on it.


He once again started to choke. Fortunately, he had already filled water in the glass.

"Huff, Huff!" He felt that every cell of his body was filled with energy! But there was also a gut-wrenching pain, and with the burning sensation, it made a perfect couple for torture.

His eyes turned bloodshot as he bit his own lips! 'Am I going to die?!' At one point Tai Xin questioned himself, about all of this yet as soon as he did...


A giggle escaped his mouth! If anyone had seen him in this situation they would have mistaken him as a psychopath, a masochist.

Tai Xin on the other hand wasn't a psychopath or a masochist.

...Since when did I hate challenges huh?

Tai Xin was known by many nicknames, most of them created by acquaintances, companions, friends, and foes. The magician who uses a sword, the narcissistic swordsman, The Emperor, The Insane Mage, the Inhuman Bastard, and the Shameless king.

But undoubtedly his most famous nickname which was one of his game titles: [Lover of challenges]

Someone who faced the toughest of challenges while giggling like a small girl.

A smile appeared on his face. A very warm smile that looked extremely vicious with the blood that was constantly escaping his mouth.

If someone who knew Tai Xin personally, saw his smile then they would feel chills. Chills that would come from deep in their soul. And if this smile was directed towards them... They would just directly faint. After all, they would know they were dammed.

Like a madman, Tai Xin proceeded to swallow the mana core thinking of all these pain and miseries as a challenge!

His vision slowly blurred as he continued to swallow the mana cores. During this process, he lost the count of the number of mana cores swallowed by him.


Just as he was about to wash the next mana core, the monotonous ding of the calamity spell echoed in his head followed by further notifications.

[You have successfully completed the Elemental wizard quest.]

[Would you like to claim the reward?]

[Yes]/ [No]

"Finally!" Tai Xin exclaimed as he lay on the floor. There was finally a result of his hard work.

He looked at the screen with determination filled in his eyes. A glint flashed through them as he tried to suppress his excitement, while simultaneously saying.



[Are you sure?]

Tai Xin was sure that if calamity spell was a person he would have definitely questioned Tai Xin's sanity.


[Are you really sure?]


[Are you-]

"Yes!" Tai Xin smiled wryly looking at the calamity spell.

Sometimes, he himself thought that his past twelve-year-old self was insane. His twelve-year-old self was definitely a physicopath and an edgy teen.

Not only did he decline to receive the reward for his swordsman quest but also declined his rewards for other quests also. Just because he was merely curious.

However, what happened next was...


[You have completed a hidden class quest.]

[Class: Magic Swordsman]

[Discription: A person as sharp as a sword, yet as intelligent as a wizard. The answer of the battle between swords and magic. A person who dominates both professions yet refuses that be part of any.]

[Aditional Bonus: +4 Strength, +5 intelligence, +6 Agility, +7 perception]

[Would you like to claim your reward]

[Yes] [No]



-Name: Tai Xin

-Level: 2

-Class: Magic Swordsman

-Affinity: Fire, Lightning, Light, soul, blood.

-Exp: 961/1000

-Mana: 1/1


»Strength: 6

»Defence: 2

»Perception: 9

»Agility: 9

»Intelligence: 11

{Attributes point: 1]


{Martial Manuals}

[Terror Lightning Style(Tier 3)]

{Mastery: 1.8%}









Class Quest: Basic class:





"Finally... Finally." Tai Xin said as he fell to the floor. His eyes shut indicating that he had entered the world of sweet dreams.

Approximately fifteen hours later...

Tai Xin could be seen once again waking on the chaotic street. There were a lot of human bodies and monster bodies scattered all around the place.

Slowly walking Tai Xin found himself in front of the Red Calamity Guild headquarters.

It was a giant building.

Tai Xin quickly entered it. As soon as he did a thick pungent smell of blood and a lot of rotten corpses rotting, assaulted his nose.

His eyes trailed around the area and then paused on one of the corpses. This corpse was of one of his friends San Changsheng. There were a lot of claw marks around it. The fact that its guts were eaten, and some remains of the eaten guts were lying around it made this scene look even more horrendous.

...Sigh, those days used to be the best.

This scene was extremely disgusting. The fact that Tai Xin was thankful, that this peaceful era was disturbed made him even feel a little guilty.


The sound of someone sipping took all his attention. Tai Xin looked in that direction, only to find San Luo, San Changsheng's brother sipping on some fine-quality wine.

His eyes seemed a little red as he continued sipping the wine. Tai Xin wanted to say something however noticed San Luo's helpless expression.

Sitting near him on the ground he once again sighed. After a few minutes of silence, it was broken by San Luo.

"Want a sip."



Once again silence enveloped the place, and unlike before this silence was awkward.

Suddenly Tai Xin's eyes dilated! San Luo spoke! San Luo was someone who never opened his mouth. San Luo was a very oddball who never opened his mouth, as a result, people often mistaken him as a mute.

Was the sun rising from the west?! Was the world ending!?

Seeing all of this Tai Xin understood that San Luo was in pain. Tai Xin wanted to console him. He wanted to say everything was going to be right. But the only thing that came out of his mouth was the word no.

San Luo on the other hand shrugged his shoulders. He was very nonchalant. As if not caring about anything he lifted his bottle of take another gulp. After taking one more gulp he said

"Cheers to the world, cheers to Earth."

This one line. This one single line seemed to hold a lot of emotions.

[Calamity day: 10!]









At that moment the time itself seemed to slow down. At that moment Tai Xin once again sighed. This was most probably his last sigh on earth.


A hollow laugh escaped his lips.

"Cheers to Earth, indeed."