
I, Superman's Younger Brother, got the Thanos Template

This is a translation!! I liked this mtl so thought about translating it for webnovel so it has a bit more reach!! _____________________ MTL Synopsis: Batman: "You can't deny that your brother Superman attracted Zod, and the battle between the two almost destroyed half of the metropolis, and countless people died in that disaster-you have to look at the death list that is enough to drown people Is it?" David: "He was adopted." The Flash: "Why don't you stand up like your brother and lead the heroes to rush to the front line to protect the world." David: "I don't have his power." Wonder Woman: "You mean Superman was punched flying by Darkseid, you go up and beat the Dark Lord in a military style?"... Traveling through the DC world, David found himself the newborn child of Superman's adoptive parents The next son, he was born to get the Thanos template. And as long as it affects the emotions of the characters in the plot, can it accelerate the integration of templates and open new ones? Hyperion Template - Loading, Million Star Sentinel Template - Loading! Celestial Judge Alitham Template, Complete Phoenix Force Template, Golden Planet Devourer Template... _________________ OP MC,STRONG TO STRONGER,DC,TRANSMIGRATION,NO ROMANCE _______________ This fanfic doesn't belong to me. Author: Purple Potato Can Fly mtl link: https://www.69shuba.com/book/49959.htm

TheBoredWriter69 · Anime e quadrinhos
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162 Chs

The Demon's Head can never be threated by Anyone!

(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ


Using super vision, Clark searched the streets of Gotham City at speeds tens of times faster than sound for the person dressed as a warrior and a ninja, as described by David.

Every block, every alley, he searched, afraid of missing out.

Under the influence of his bio-field, on the streets of Gotham, the bustling citizens remained completely unaware as someone, who should theoretically be shattering all glass and severely injuring pedestrians, sped through them at speeds tens of times faster than normal.

After an unrelenting search of a dozen minutes, Clark finally found his target at the station, speeding almost like teleporting behind the crowd.

By the platform, there was a line of nearly a hundred people, all wearing gas masks, carrying samurai swords on their backs, dressed as warriors, exuding a chilling mechanical coldness that instinctively pushed people away.

Coupled with the eerie attire of this group, the people at the station hurriedly shied away.

Even when a train arrived, no one dared to board with them.

The middle-aged man at the forefront, dressed in a suit, emitted an air of leadership with every move, elegantly leaning on a cane, and stepped onto the tram.

Behind him, like silent attendants to an ancient monarch, his entourage carried a massive box-like contraption onto the train.

"This person should be the Ra's Al Ghul that David mentioned!"

Clark quickly dialed his younger brother's phone.

'A plan to destroy the city?'

He clenched his fist, with emotions of worry and determination on his face.


In the bat cave, Bruce mixed the powders collected earlier into the water and evaporated it. Several bats in the glass box, serving as test subjects, started screeching in fear, leading to anger. They went crazy, attacking and biting each other.

Blood splattered, flesh flew, and in less than half a minute, the bats were barely alive.

He clenched his fist, his face grim. Following the clues, with his guess of the enemy's plan to be, he had figured out the purpose of the League of Shadows.

'Let Gotham collapse and perish amidst fear, chaos, and self-destruction, accompanied by blood and wails."'

Just a few bats displayed such a brutal scene of mutual slaughter driven by fear.

'If it were the millions of people from Gotham...'

Bruce couldn't bear to imagine that scene. If not stopped, hell would descend upon the world.

But there was only one lost microwave generator, its range of attack was limited, and it couldn't be replicated in large numbers in a short time. After the chaos erupted, the members of the League would also be under attack.

'Unless the people of the Assassin's Alliance quickly pass through the entire city with that microwave generator... and then admire their achievements from somewhere.'

He pondered upon the specific steps of the opponent's plan.

In the reception room.

"Found it, at the high-speed rail station to the north of this city."

Receiving the call and hearing Clark's words, David's figure disappeared in an instant.

The station wasn't far from Wayne Manor; within a few seconds, he arrived at the tram station Clark had mentioned.


"No matter what harmful plans you have for the citizens."

Just as he arrived, he saw Clark jump up and snap the steel track of the high-speed train.

"Now, you can't go anywhere."

He landed on the ground, his expression serious as he clapped his hands.

Although he didn't know the purpose of these people boarding the tram, he was certain about stopping whatever evil they intended to do.

"Who are you?"

Just as they boarded the tram, a sour voice came from ahead, and everyone looked up to see that the tracks had been destroyed.

Ra's Al Ghul's face now showed a chilling intent that was both unsettling and gave off the aura of an enraged sovereign with the power of life and death, making people tremble involuntarily.

As a demon who had lived for over seven centuries, the momentum accumulated from nearly a thousand years of being in power was extraordinary.

With the sound of metal friction, a group of warriors slowly drew the icy glinting katana from behind, their cold and fierce eyes locking onto the two.

"Run quickly."


The citizens watching by the platform exclaimed, turning around in fear to escape one after another.

It was evident to them that this group was definitely more than just cosplay warriors.

Glancing at the screaming crowd, David's body, seemingly cast from high-density alloy, disappeared on the spot, crashing into the train like a cannonball.


In the blink of an eye.

The wall of the train-carriage burst open as if made of paper; glass fragments flew like blades inside the box.

David's figure suddenly appeared within the carriage, his body seeming as if cast from steel and a dozen or so people around were sent flying by the shockwave.

"Where is the Lasarus Pit? Ra's Al Ghul!"

Seeing this scene, Ra's Al Ghul's pupils contracted, a hint of shock on his face.


The group of seemingly fearless warriors roared, swinging their swords towards David. His expression remained cold and indifferent, not even looking at them, just a step from his foot.

A massive energy shock swept through the interior of the tram, warriors were thrown in all directions, crashing through tram windows, severely injured and coughing up blood.

Some seemingly pain-immune soon to be corpses immediately got up, lifted their swords, and attacked again.

"If you don't want to get hurt, it's best to just stay honest."

Clark stood by the door of the carriage, knocking down individuals one by one.

"How did you know that name!"

Dozens of subordinates were seriously injured. Despite this, Ra's Al Ghul's eyes remained unchanged as he stared intently at David. He drew a sword from his cane, and with a flick of the blade, it shot toward David's neck like a venomous snake, the sword moves swift and icy, resembling a bolt of white lightning.


"Answer my question.

When it comes to combat skills, you might be one of the strongest individuals on this planet."

The moment the sword touched David's skin; the alloy longsword shattered due to the formidable energy. The hilt slipped from Ra's Al Ghul's hand, and his palm holding the sword was left with a bloody crack. Before he could react, David vanished in a flash, grabbing his neck, and lifting him up, his voice chillingly cold.

"But in front of me, you're like a slightly older insect, baring its fangs and claws!"

The Lazarus Pool granted Ra's Al Ghul strength and speed beyond that of an ordinary person, yet in front of David, he was no different from a regular human.

"The Demon's Head can never be threatened by anyone."

Life and death hung in the balance, and although Ra's Al Ghul was shaken by the incredible power the young man before him possessed, understanding that a slight movement from this youth could easily snap his neck. Nevertheless, he remained unfazed, his cold smile undeterred.

"Is that so?"

David squinted, knowing that this old man couldn't be judged compared with ordinary people's thinking.

People tend to grow cold-blooded with age, especially after centuries of soaking in the Lazarus Pool. Ra's Al Ghul's mind had long been eroded. In the face of life and death, he was hardly swayed by emotional fluctuations.

"Now what? David, he seems unafraid of death."

Even the warriors who had undergone brutal training couldn't withstand Clark's punches, falling unconscious one by one. Clark, who had entered the train, saw that Ra's Al Ghul's face was devoid of fear, looked anxious. He lowered his voice.

For some reason, he felt that this person wasn't pretending to be unafraid of death. Life and death didn't seem that significant to him, kind of like a devout fanatic?

"I know about your past, Ra's Al Ghul."

David casually let go of Ra's Al Ghul, whose face was turning red from choking.

Seeing Ra's Al Ghul rubbing his sore neck, David's voice was indifferent, devoid of any emotion.

Ra's Al Ghul, whose face turned red from being strangled and let go.

Looking at Ra's Al Ghul, who was touching his painful neck, David's voice was indifferent, as if devoid of any emotion.

"You once studied alchemy, mastered medical skills, and traveled all over this world.

You were once enthusiastic about this world, until you discovered the Pool of Lazarus, the person you saved from death turned around and killed your wife."

Hundreds of years ago, Ra's Al Ghul accidentally traveled to Arabia, where he discovered the Pool of Lazarus. He was amazed by its wonders, dedicated himself to studying its effects, and met the love of his life, a woman named Sora.

At that time, a prince ruling the nearby kingdom fell critically ill and sought his help, as he was skilled in medicine.

Even with his medical skills, he couldn't cure the prince, so he used the Pool of Lazarus, and while the dying prince came back to life, the prince's dark side, who was never good to begin with, grew stronger and killed Sora.

Naturally, the king wouldn't accuse his beloved son. Instead, he captured Ra's Al Ghul, locked him alongside his wife's corpse to torture him.

"Being betrayed and losing your loved ones, you changed after that."

"How do you know about this past?"

Hearing about the past pain, Ra's Al Ghul's face darkened as he asked.

This event was over seven hundred years ago, and everyone who followed him had long since perished. It was theoretically impossible for anyone else in the world to know about this.

After that event, Ra's Al Ghul managed to escape and traveled to learn martial arts and swordsmanship. He subdued his various subordinates, and later he returned to that place, destroyed the small kingdom, and ruthlessly massacred its inhabitants from top to bottom. He established the League of Assassins, dedicated to eradicating the corrupt nations, cities, and humans of the world.

(T/N: Bro has a history as if he was a protagonist)

"The feeling of losing loved ones isn't pleasant, is it?"

"Shut up!"

Painful memories churned in his mind. The usually calm Ra's Al Ghul was now filled with anger, lunging forward with a fist.

However, he was slapped back to where he started by David, falling to the ground with blood in the corner of his mouth. As he looked up at David, his true intentions became apparent.

"I not only know about these things, but I also know that you have a beloved daughter named Talia. You love her more than anything in this world!"

Upon hearing his daughter's name, Ra's Al Ghul's expression changed. In front of the two of them, a hint of panic appeared in his eyes for the first time.

"Tell me where the Lazarus Pit is, or you will once again experience the feeling of losing a loved one."

Lifting him up again with one hand and bringing him close, David's eyes radiated a terrifying chill, enough to send shivers down one's spine and freeze their soul.

"No matter where she's hiding, I will definitely find her and make her suffer and die."

Ra's Al Ghul was cold-blooded enough to plan the deaths of millions, but he loved his daughter.

In the comics, because of his daughter's love for Batman, he hoped that Batman and his daughter would take over the League of Assassins together. He had often gained the upper hand but showed mercy to Batman's allies.


Clark's expression froze, somewhat taken aback by his brother's appearance.

However, his brother must be pretending to be this way to save their father. David was just a bit more ruthless in his methods, but he wouldn't involve innocent people.

David naturally didn't intend to vent his anger on innocent people.

But as Ra's Al Ghul's daughter, a high-ranking member of the League of Assassins, Talia was far from innocent. The blood on her hands was beyond ordinary imagination.

"I promise not a single bone of your daughter will be left."

He raised his palm and fired an energy blast towards the area below the station, burning a bowl-sized hole in the bottom of the carriage.

Molten iron dripped, and earth and stone turned into lava, extending into a deep, dark hole dozens of meters deep. Ra's Al Ghul's face changed dramatically, and boiling hot air spread, carrying a scent reminiscent of sulfur in hell.

David delivered his threat with utmost coldness and cruelty, each word emphasized.

"Even if you possess the Lazarus Pit, you won't be able to do anything, just like your wife, Sola, who died before you."


(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Don't forget to send powerstones and review the fic (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

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