

Hi I'm Caleb, yeah I kinda found myself a sweet alpha girl, it's a long story but I'll make this short . I got engaged to her .....I know it sounds dumb but it's actually not surprising I fell for her hard . l encourage you all to read my story, there is surely going to be a war between me .... my babe included and those alpha brats... enjoy (^^).

Toritse_Motse · Fantasia
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1 Chs


Today is like any other boring day with the maths teacher spitting on our faces (not literally) but something like that, i was the center of attention.

"Caleb please solve the equation quickly." He just had to drop the freaking bombshell, what the fuck dude it's just a day after that stupid unexpected test you forced us to do.

"Yes Sir." i said while he turned around ,I saw a red dot on his bald head .

"he...he." I let out a muffled laugh , I'm sure one of my "angel" like classmates just tried to express the baldness of our teacher .

My name is Caleb Cleveland , I've got three siblings an older brother and two sisters, I'm proud to say I'm a werewolf but I'm just an ordinary omega.

My dad is a beta and my mom an omega , it was obvious they would have beta kids but my brother turned out to be an alpha.

The doctor told them that one of their children would be an omega to balance the misshapes up I guess, it turned out my older twin sisters were both betas and i.....i was the omega.

A charming omega that's me, as a matter of fact it is said more than fifty percent of omegas aren't sure of their orientation (blush)..... but I'm straight I guess .

I'm sure the reason is we can have babies , but so can female betas and alphas , the only thing that makes me happy being an omega is that I can seduce babes any time.

"Caleb hurry up and solve , don't stare at the board." Our bald teacher said, Mr bald guy when I find my alpha mate get ready to die.

A mate is a special person who is made just for you and understands you, it's like you share a soul , but I'm not sure I'll find mine.....I mean which girl Is a pervert like me.

I am also okay if my mate is a boy, I don't mind being a Luna and all ..... thinking about that cute boy in class ( ꈍᴗꈍ).

"Caleb that's wrong you may have your seat". Mr Chuck said , I looked at what i solved, I did really well until it got to the conclusion you know the time I thought about my crush I guessed I confessed my feelings instead of writing the final answer.

I was nervous because after class Mr Chuck called me I'm getting detention for sure..... fuck me side ways nigga.

He only gave me a little warning I felt so relieved my mind wandered once again, I know I'm always absent minded.

The first person I saw when I stepped out of class was my furious omega girl friend, I decided to date an omega because if we did it she won't become pregnant, so there was no need for protection hurray (don't judge me I'm a pervert).

My girlfriend looks so cute when smiling but transforms into a mini demon, when ever she's angry it's better to just pick up your shoes and run but since she was mad at me i couldn't run or else she would kill me.

"Caleb I heard you like Fredrick now."she said

"No....no.....I don't like him." I said

"Liar should I call Moni."she said

Ah I know who told my sweet girl friend it was Monica that damned bitch....

"I'm breaking up." she said

"Dude that's not how to break up." I said smiling this didn't affect me at all, you would understand more by sticking with me.

I snuck out of school early just so I could avoid Fredrick


"My dear..... how was school." my mom asked.

"It was great mummy ." I said, we could all say my mom was surely a hundred percent MILF i would happily give myself away as her male bride if she ever asked for it but..... it wasn't in my destiny to make her my woman, if not so she wouldn't be my mom.

Oh well at least I can masturbate secretly with her underwear.


I place my hand on my little brother's hair while he eats making funny faces just because it's broccoli, he keeps acting like a five year old boy even though he's sixteen .

"Bro stop you're messing up my hair." he yelled, I can't seem to have enough of his cuteness, I dragged his cheeks and he rolled his eyes in response while also being teased by the twins Cherish and Charity.

My name is Charles Cleveland, i'm the only alpha in my family but even then it seems like my parents keep hiding a big secret about my brother only leaving clues for me and the twins to pick up.

He isn't like normal omegas he seems stronger and can even beat up alphas his age. one of the clues my parents left says my brother has the soul of a ten thousand year old demon alpha or something .

I stared at my brother who was being fed by cherish he looked like he would die, to think this angel like boy has a demon like soul is blasphemy.

"Brother save me from chocolate ." he said

"it's just broccoli you can do it ." I cheered him up we were modern wolves who ate less of meat and yeah we still really like it, my brother is very much a sweet tooth.

"No Cherry don't hold my leg Chocolate what is this." he said in between sobs while being recorded by mum, I felt sorry for him but glad it wasn't me.

I hope nothing bad will happen to my picture perfect family, this was the best part of my life and I didn't want it to be destroyed.

"Chips I hate you." he said pouting .

"Baby I love you." I replied.

"You all are embarrassing and clingy and stalk me a lot." he stated, I had to admit all he said was true we did stalk him but it was for his safety , oh and my brother calls the twins Cherry and Chocolate while he called me chips.

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