

Hello my name is John. I'm 23 with blue eyes, brown hair and I'm of english descent, I just got out of university and now live in a rural english town named Gainensbur. Its a town of 230 inhabitants and its close to the border between england and scotland. I just moved here 3 months ago into a small cabin with a bunch of various furniture. The only things I have for self defense in my house is a nice old bolt action rifle. It's more for show than for use but it'll work if it must. 

     Everyone knows everybody and they have been very welcoming to me, that being said there have been many strange occurrences throughout my time here seeing shadowy figures and the odd story of various creatures from the townspeople, the usual stuff you expect from a town like this but at the time I never really believed any of this.

hello I just wanted to add here that I have an editor you can find him on wattpad under the account DesiringZero98 so if you like what your reading i would like you to check him out if you happen to need an editor thank you and enjoy the story

Will_Dorseycreators' thoughts