
I saved a sex slave and she will be my new friend.

After defeating the Demon King, the only thing I want is to live a quiet life. A normal life... Although it's harder than I thought. My dream is to have a girlfriend and have friends. As long as I manage to fulfill one of those dreams, I will die happy. One day, I killed a group of bandits and rescued a sex slave. I turned her into a Vampire and gave her a new life. "You will be happy again, I promise!"

Rotceh8292 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

CHAPTER 34- A troublesome trip. Part 3.

CHAPTER 34- A troublesome trip. Part 3.

(Pov- Dreimo.)

My mother, the ancient Goddess of love, forbade me something that I have fulfilled to this day.

"Son, you should only fall in love with a woman or a man, but only one. Not two, not three, just one woman or man."

My mother was a Goddess of love. She did not discriminate or hate that men love other men. The species didn't matter. As long as they love each other, the rest doesn't matter.

But she hated to see women sharing a single man. She hated unfaithful people, and considered having more than one wife counted as cheating.

"Why?"- I asked her that, with great curiosity and surprise, because I had always thought that the more people love me, the happier I would be.

Knowing that I could only fall in love with one person and couldn't receive love from a second person, I was quite confused.

My philosophy on love was that the more the better. Why should I settle for the love of just one person?

"Love is something very special. The love that two people share is just beautiful, almost perfect. That bond that unites two people is special. Do you think that bond will remain special if one of the two people starts dating someone else as well?"

"Yes... No?"

"No. If that special bond can be felt with another person, it stops being special. If a person falls in love with another person, it means that the person did not love his or her partner with all his or her heart."

"But I think it is possible to love two people equally."

"And who would you love more of the two?"

"To whom?"

"Yes. Realistically, do you think it is possible to love two people equally?"

"I... I would guess not. One way or another one person will be loved more than the other."

"Now imagine that you are married and your wife falls in love with another man. Will you let your wife marry that man too? Will you live knowing that your wife loves someone else, and perhaps loves him more than you?"

"I... I would hate her. I would feel sad to have to share the woman I love."

"That's what your wife will feel if you decide to fall in love and marry someone else."

My destiny was to be the future God of love. My mother taught me about her work and her own thinking passed it on to me. Love is a special bond that is shared with only one person, and if that bond is shared with more people, it ceases to be special and is simply lust and greed.

And when I became a Godslayer, I traveled to the different worlds and killed the people who had harem. I raped their women in front of them and I raped them too.

After I... did that horrible thing to my own mother, I became even crazier and obsessed with her thoughts. Thought that I maintain to this day.

"Damn you!!!!"


I hate to admit it, but at the time I was crazy. I would rape the wives of harem heroes in front of them, and they could do nothing to stop it. I was a real villain.

"Your wife number 4's butt is cute, and she was a virgin! Hahahaha! Having a saint as a wife has its disadvantages, doesn't it?"

"P-please, leave her."

I would smile when I saw them cry and suffer, and that only turned me on more.

"Do you want me to penetrate her harder? Well."

I accelerated my movements and the cries of pain of the saint made the poor hero cry even more.

His other wives had already been raped and killed in front of him, and he was unable to protect them.

"D-damn you..."

"Ah, I'm bored."

I cut off this woman's head.

"Well, my penis is full of blood. That's disgusting. Virgin blood. Hey, suck my dick and taste your dead wife's blood."

The hatred I felt towards people with harem because of my mother's thought, caused my evilness to increase. I couldn't help it, and I enjoyed it too.

"D-damn you... Damn you!!"

I put my hand to his mouth.

"You cannot escape your destiny."

Not only did I stop with women, I also raped heroes to humiliate them.

And not only was I raping them, I was broadcasting live around the world what I was doing. All humans watched in horror as their heroes were humiliated, robbed of hope, and that was something Sant's mother-of-a-bitch enjoyed.

"Fufu. A great show as always, darling. You not only knocked out his teeth and forced him to perform fellatio on you, you also shoved your whole arm up his ass and ripped out his heart. So sadistic! I love you, my love!"

I was Sant's mother's favorite toy, I could not disobey her orders. If she wanted me to kiss her, I kissed her. If she wanted to go on a date, we had a date. If she wanted to have sex, we had sex. I did everything she wanted, I had to satisfy her... And it completely corrupted me.

"Thank you."

"Fufu. Watching you rape those heroes made me horny."

She hugged me from behind and licked my neck.

I was just a sex toy. A toy to entertain the mother of Sant... A simple sex toy.

And that's why I hate harem people, but there is a type of person I hate the most, people who take advantage of others.

"N-no, stay away!"

"You had sex slaves... And one of them was a minor. Do you really think I'll let you live?"

"Wh-what do you want?! Money?! I'll give you money!"

"Shut up, fat man."

I snap my fingers and a magic circle appeared under that disgusting man.

Arms began to come out and grabbed him by the arms and legs.

"W-what is this?!"

"You will be raped, tortured, you will die infinite times. You are doomed to suffer for eternity."

His skin began to melt and his cries of pain didn't matter to me, no matter how sorry he is for his actions, he sealed his fate when his killer tried to attack Meimik.

After a couple of minutes of agony, he completely melted and his soul went to hell, where only pain awaits him.

"I will free the sex slaves."

This idiot had 3 wives. They will keep his money, but I will steal some of his money to give to the slaves.

This world is rotten...

"Ah... I guess that's why I feel like I deserve to be here... And see horrible things."

Things that remind me of my past.

"I'm here! I already reported the attack. Are you okay? Are you feeling better?"

"Y-yes, thank you for caring about me, but... I already told you that I feel good, it was not necessary to stay here. I don't want to delay the trip."

"Don't worry about that, your safety comes first. We will leave tomorrow morning. You are nobody important and you don't have any enemies, so most likely you have been mistaken for someone else. A powerful merchant is looking for a woman with your characteristics, so they tried to kill you because they mistook you for her. You must not worry."

"Y-Yes... Thank you very much, Dreimo."

"You're welcome, miss."

Well, we'll stay tonight at this inn... Fuck.

Another day without seeing Yuik. I hope she is well.

While Dreimo was taking care of Meimik, Yuik was bored with her work, thinking about Dreimo. She got too used to being with him. Without him, she feels insecure, bored and nervous. That's because Dreimo always wants to make her happy and was always looking for ways to amuse her.

But now that Dreimo is gone, she is bored and impatient for his return.

"Dreimo ..."

She made sure no one was watching her and pulled her smartphone out of her pocket.

She texted him and quickly put the smartphone away.

Ah... Playing chess with Meimik brings back memories. She and I played during lunchtime at the academy. It was fun, although she almost always beat me.

It was satisfying to defeat her about three times.

"Ah... This... I give up. You are too good, Meik."

"Hehe. Thank you very much. Although it's a bit unfair, I've been playing since I was 8 years old."

"You have a lot of experience. I've only played a couple of times with my sister."

But I found it boring to play quietly, so we played more video games than board games.

"Your sister... What is she like?"

Ah, Meimik, you suspect that she is my girlfriend, right? Hehe. I'll take the opportunity to make you stop suspecting me.

"She's cute, right? Unfortunately, she is very shy and not very sociable. The deaths of our parents affected her quite a bit. She never moves away from me for fear that something will happen to me. Ah, she must be very nervous without me."

"I see... You love her, right?"

"Of course I love her, she is my sister after all."

"Don't you love her romantically?"

—... "Ah... Hey... Ah... What? No. Of course not. She is my sister. What kind of sick man would fall in love with his blood sister?"

"Fufu. I just wanted to see your reaction."

I must not let my guard down with Meimik.

"Tsk. Why do we have to sleep in a fucking shitty forest?"

"Stop swearing and complaining. We won't be nearing a city for long. You must begin to keep your power under control."

"Tsk. Dammit."

"Tim was late coming back. I'll go find him."

"There is no human or monster capable of killing him. Let him pee in peace."

While the sisters tried to sleep on the floor, far away, the little brother, the one who seemed the most innocent, was mercilessly devouring a small rabbit, in such a wild and disgusting way, that it would make anyone tremble with fear.

"The pain… it's delicious."

(Pov- Meimik.)

Dreimo and I were lying together, talking about our lives. Talking to him is relaxing. Reassuring It makes me happy. He is the Dreimo hero, after all. My first and only love. He's my family, I don't want to be away from him again.

"And after I almost left my father dead, they allowed me to leave the organization. And so I became a boring librarian. Although I admit the pay is good. And you, Meik? Did you study in any school? I was educated at home, but I always dreamed of going to school."

"I... Yes... I attended a school. It was the best stage of my life."

"Oh, that sounds interesting. Was it the best because of the friends you met?"

"Yes, and because in that place I met my best friend... And my first love."

"Oh! A romantic story. Could you tell me the story of how your crush started? I doubt you just fell for him because he was your friend."

"No... Well, he was my first friend, that also had an influence, but it wasn't just that... There were other things... Many more."

I was born with very little magical power, compared to my older and younger brothers and sisters. I was daughter number 6 of the 10 children my parents had. My brothers were better than me at everything. I was teased by everyone for not being able to cast any spells. And considering that my family was the pride of the country, the fact that I was useless affected them and they pretended that I did not exist. For them, I was a hindrance. They didn't treat me like part of the family, they treated me like a parasite, like garbage. My parents wouldn't look me in the eye, and I wasn't even worthy of seeing them. They never allowed me to speak. I was only allowed to use the library. I couldn't get out of my room. All my life I spent alone, until I woke up the [Hero] job. I kept that a secret, I thought it was a mistake since my magic power was low. I didn't want to be the mockery of the country for being an incompetent hero, but my parents found me out. Even though I was a nuisance to them, they at least wanted to make sure I woke up to some acceptable work. Immediately, they used me so that my family name would become more important. A hero had been born into the family.

I met with the King and the other heroes, and there I met the person I love the most.

"Tsk. This must be a mistake! She is useless! She can't even cast a basic spell!"

"Hey, Saraik, stop yelling, you stupid flat Elf!"

"Who are you calling flat, stupid human?!"

I was considered a useless hero and my own fellow heroes considered me useless and a nuisance, except for him.

I was tired of being humiliated and being treated like garbage, so that same night, I tried to commit suicide, but...

"Jumping from here will kill you, but I don't think it's a quick kill. I think you will suffer a few seconds before you die."

I was planning to jump from the top floor of the King's castle, but Dreimo saw my intentions and followed me.

"You left training crying and now you're trying to kill yourself. Let me guess, a hard life?"

—... "Yes."

"Ah, that silence. You don't like to talk about it, do you? It's okay." Ah, by the way, my name is Dreimo. Nice to meet you, Meimik."

He offered me his hand.

"What are you trying to do?"

"I'm trying to keep you from killing yourself."


"Because I feel too much sadness in you. Just by looking at you, I can realize all the pain you have suffered in your life. You come from a family that is proud of its magical power, so I think you were considered a disappointment by your entire family. You feel inferior to others. But you know, Meimik, you are you. It's your life, not theirs. You should not live your life thinking about what others think of you. You were born with little magical power, but it's not the end of the world. You can always try to get ahead. The world is a beautiful place. There are thousands of animals, so many countries, an immense sea. Endless opportunities. Don't waste those opportunities just because you are not able to satisfy a family that doesn't deserve you. So, jump and die, or take my hand and try to get on with your life."

"You don't know me."

"But I'd like to meet you and be your friend."

"I have Dragon blood, but I can't even use a fireball. Why did the Gods give me the job [Hero]? I don't deserve it... I'm not a hero... I don't even deserve to live."

And I jumped, hoping my death would be quick, but...

"Whoa! The wind feels amazing!"


Dreimo hugged me and protected me with his own body from the fall. He protected our bodies with magic, but his arms were broken.

"Wh-what?! Why did you do that?!"

"I know depression. The sadness... The idea that you die without ever having been happy is something I cannot allow. I will not allow you to die until you are happy!"

"W-what nonsense are you saying!?"

And yes, he never let me die. When we entered the academy and I was teased for not having magical talent, Dreimo protected me and people stopped teasing me... Well, it also had to do with the fact that Dreimo threatened to kill anyone who tried to make fun of me.

And whenever he had time, he tried to make me happy.

"Look, Meimik, a lovely cat!"

Trying to make me happy with adorable animals. Every day he got a different animal and showed it to me.

"Ah, the ending was pretty depressing, but realistic. Did you like the book?"

He read me books about self-improvement stories.

"Ahhhhh! I can never beat you!"

And we always played.

Day after day, no matter the time, Dreimo would come up to me and talk to me. He had all the women of the academy behind him, but he ignored them just to talk to me. Behavior that I did not understand.

Dreimo, unlike the traitorous son of a bitch, did not enjoy the popularity that the [Hero] job gave him.

"Dreimo... Why do you keep insisting? I have no magical talent. I am not fit to be a hero. Why don't you let me die?"

"Eh? Your talent is physical strength and endurance. You don't need magic, fighting with your fists is enough for you."

"Eh? What?"

"It's just a theory. Your body must adapt to withstand the job [Hero]. If you did not develop magical talent, it means that your strong point is physical strength. Ah, yeah, and I don't want you to die because you're already my friend. Do you think I'll let you die when you start smiling again?"


"Yep. Fufu. All my efforts paid off! Every time you beat me at chess, you smiled. Every time you petted an adorable animal, you smiled too. Oh, and when I talk to you, you smile too. Unconsciously you begin to enjoy life."

"Do I... enjoy my life?"

"No one makes fun of you. When you stop thinking about what others think of you, you begin to enjoy life. When I'm with you, you don't think about anything other than me trying to help you. And I know that Saraik made fun of you again, that's why you felt sad again. You let what others think of you affect you. Now think about how you feel when you ignore what others think of you. Imagine it's just you and me, playing chess. How do you feel?"

"I feel... calm... Happy because I'm playing with a... friend."

That was true. When I was with Dreimo, I stopped thinking about my flaws. When I stopped thinking about it, I enjoyed my time alone with Dreimo. I enjoyed being alive.

"It's not much, but it's progress."

He extended his hand to me and smiled.

"Ok, I'll say it again. My name is Dreimo. Nice to meet you, Meimik. I hope we will be great friends for a long time."

Nervous and scared, I didn't know what to do. Did I really want to die? I didn't want to die. I still felt useless, but now I had a friend. A true friend. Dreimo had no sexual intentions. He could have any girl in the academy in his bed, but he didn't because he's not a pervert. He just wanted to have friends.

Dreimo was my first and only friend, and I wanted to stay with him. For the first time, someone treated me like a normal person and didn't make fun of me. I wanted to continue feeling normal.

Determined to stay alive, I took Dreimo by the hand.

"A-also... I-I hope that... we'll be friends for... a-a long t-time."

"Great. Now let's train!"

He carried me in his arms and started running, and that caused my heart rate to accelerate.


"I will make you a strong woman, Meimik. You never train with us. Training with friends is much more fun, don't you think?"

"Y-yes. Y-you're right."

It had been 2 months since I met Dreimo. I didn't know how I felt at the time, but from that day on, I stopped seeing Dreimo in the same way.

(Pov- Dreimo.)

"And after that day, I never parted with him. He prevented my death and helped me enjoy life, that's why I fell in love with him."

... Ah... She changed history a lot. She replaced "heroes" with "intelligence". She modified the story she told me too much.

In the original story, I researched the things that made women happy to make Meimik happy. The Supreme Goddess told me that if a hero died before the fight with the Demon King, my mission would fail. It was quite difficult to convince Meimik to stay alive, but I did it! It was difficult, but I made it.

"Wow... If you had told me that man was your boyfriend, I would think he did all that to make you fall in love, but he just wanted to have friends... Wow... I think I fell in love with him too. Hehe. It is difficult to find a true friend. You were lucky, although you made the mistake of falling in love... Well, you say he was handsome, so considering everything he did for you, falling in love with him was inevitable... Well, I wish you luck... Ah, I wish I had a childhood friend. I'll stay single until the day I die. Should I ask my boss out on a date?"

"Yes, he was a true friend... And I didn't appreciate him... I betrayed him trust."

I patted her head and smiled.

"He will forgive you, I'm sure. A mistake is made by anyone, we are not perfect. He will forgive you, trust him."

"Dreimo... Y-yes... Thank you..."

She stroked my cheek. Huh? I have a bad feeling.

"Thank you very much..."

She is crying and is bringing her lips close to mine.


I got up from the bed and walked away from her.

"Hey, didn't you love that man? Why are you trying to kiss me?!"

"I... I... I-I'm sorry... You remind me too much of him."

"Ah... I am not him replacement. I am not him. You should only kiss the person you love, you should not kiss someone just because they look like the person you love."

"I... I am sorry."

"Don't worry, you're sad because you miss him. Don't worry, I won't take advantage of the situation. Sleeps peacefully."

"Yes... Thank you."

I laid in my bed... Shit, that was close.

Ah, never mind, when I do "that", she will forget all about me. I just have to wait.

(Follow me on twitter: @HectorAngelAlv2 Discord: Angel Pikas#9641)