
I Remember Nothing, But I Have Four Husbands

Things happen for a reason. That's what the newly minted Isabelle thought when she realized she was left to become an amnesiac ghost in the back of a mountain. Luckily for her, four humble brothers shelter her, and give her the life she dreamed about. The gentle and caring Ethan! The quiet and honest Lucas! The sharp and intense Joseph! The cheerful and lovely Felix! Isabelle: I have no idea who to choose, so I choose them all! The four brothers: YES!

FLouGB · História
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153 Chs

Chapter 68

"You're distracted, Edris." A man named Iniko, the one in charge of training Ethan, commented.

Iniko was in his mid thirties and had been working at the restaurant since it opened. 

Since he was one of the most senior waiters, he was in charge mostly of attending people on the first and second floor; where those with high positions in town ate. Though, from the day he started teaching Ethan, he had also been attending on the ground floor.

At first, he was a bit distant and sharp with Ethan. Being told to teach was, in his opinion, downgrading his position and abilities. However, after looking at the eagerness and wit the man displayed when attending the customers for almost a week, he started to soften.

Ethan Edris was charismatic most of the time, yet knew when to be serious; mostly with those in the third floor and with women who smiled too much at him. 

"My future wife will kill me if she realized I'm too chummy with other women." Ethan had said when Iniko asked why he didn't respond to any of the women's flirty comments.

After those words, Iniko had an even better opinion on this new worker. He had seen lots of waiters, male and female, get carried away by those comments and then get in problems. Of course, they were fired due to their indiscretion.

Ethan was the type of person who learned fast, talked little about customers with the other waiters, and did his job efficiently. Although he had been a bit slow at the beginning due to his writing, he improved by leaps and bounds once that was out of the way.

He quickly memorized the position of the tables according to their number, and had a good balance with the tray. But, most importantly, he also memorized the whole menu and was even able to make suggestions to the indecisive customers.

He had received a few tips from the customers who had followed those suggestions.

Mr. Dodds had attentively and happily listened to Iniko's report on the progress of his investment.

Iniko had even suggested to make Ethan serve only on the first and second floor. However, Mr. Dodds said that would be unfair for all the other waiters. After all, if one served those floors, the pay had to be increased according to their higher experience.

Iniko thought it made sense, though that would make them lose an important asset to serve the prickly wealthy people. 

Such a good opinion he had of Ethan, that it was strange to see him distracted. A customer had to wave twice to get his attention. They were serving on the second floor! Luckily, the customer didn't react or comment badly on his behavior and it all went well.

So, once they were left to clean the tables, Iniko made the observation.

"Sorry. It won't happen again." Ethan immediately replied, his hand quickly moving the plates on the trays to be taken down to wash.

Thinking the man would surely be hired after his trial period, Iniko thought it was a good idea to keep an amiable relationship with him. "Is something wrong?"

"Ah? No. Just things at home." Ethan vaguely commented. 

"With your future wife?" Iniko persisted. If the problem affected his work, then it was serious. If he could help somehow, then Iniko was willing to do so.

The two quickly walked down the steps towards the kitchen, carrying the trays full of dirty dishes. Ethan kept silent for a moment, deliberating. He knew by experience that it wasn't good to share your home life with your coworkers. Sometimes, they could use it against you.

Iniko had been good and patient with him despite his distant attitude when he started instructing him. Ethan wanted to give the benefit of doubt.

"Some problems with the people in the village. It was solved by Isabelle, my future wife, but our family's patch was destroyed." Ethan shared his issues with Iniko. 

The dishes were left in the washing area, where others took care of them. The two, then made their way back up to make sure the room where the customers had been was squeaky clean and ready to be used again.

Iniko hadn't heard much about this Isabelle woman, except what Mr. Dodds said and what little Ethan shared. Mr. Dodds claimed this Isabelle was not someone to take lightly. And, from what Ethan shared, Iniko could deduce Isabelle was a very resourceful woman. 

How else could she make three different shirts for Ethan in such a short time?

Iniko was very tempted to ask if she could make him a few, but that might offend his own wife who took care of his clothes.

Even Mr. Dodds had praised Ethan's clothes!

To add to that, she could easily solve problems with villagers. Which, as he knew from experience, was a bit hard. Though, that begged the question. "What's the problem, then?"

Ethan sighed. "I was just thinking how could I easily earn 30 coins to buy land as our wedding gift." 

Iniko gaped at his coworker. Silence was short between the two as someone snorted. Ethan and Iniko turned to look at the door, where the sound had come from. There, Mr. Dodds stood, casually leaning on the door's frame.

"If you want to easily earn 30 coins. Then, sweat it in my restaurant." Mr. Dodds grinned, waving a paper in his hand, a contract. "I heard you earned a few good tips, so getting 30 coins won't take you too long."

Mr. Dodds really wanted to applaud Isabelle, that shark. Perhaps Ethan was not perfect for the job as a waiter, but, he could become perfect. Not only he had the attitude to serve others, he also had the looks; especially after the clothes she made to him, which enhanced his good features.

She had not only dressed her man, she even threw a hook for Mr. Dodds. He wanted his waiters to use those same clothes. To have all his waiters uniformly dressed.

He would make her wait. She would not get the satisfaction of having fished him so quickly!

"Are you really hiring me?" Ethan asked surprised.

"You could read this to confirm it." Mr. Dodds passed him the contract. 

Ethan shakily opened it, his eyes quickly reading the words that once were difficult for him. Isabelle had thankfully told him the meaning of those words he ignored before. He was going to become a permanent worker! With an initial salary of 20 coins a month!

Most importantly, he could take all the tips given by customers. That meant, yet another income source!

"I guess you're ready to try writing with the quill pen again." Mr. Dodds smirked. Ethan's lip twitched, being reminded of that shameful moment, yet he happily nodded.

He spent the rest of the day in a wonderful mood. He didn't even cared being sent to serve the ground floor. That he was not going to serve the upper floors anymore, not until he got promoted. Who cared! He finally had a stable job! With a stable income!

No more dreading if he would get booted right after getting paid, or even before that. 

Better yet, if he did a good job serving people, he could get extra money!

He could buy Isabelle many things!

Land! He had to buy the land first.

He was so happy with his new job that he quickly made his way back home. He wanted to tell his brothers and Isabelle the good news. Such was his good mood that he didn't even mind the suggestive sounds coming from the kitchen. 

Joseph was once again taking advantage of Isabelle's ready disposition to indulge all his whims. 

Lucas and Felix were arranging the bed to get ready to sleep. Their washing already over.

"Welcome back, Ethan!" Felix cheerfully welcomed him. 

"I'm back." Ethan smiled at the two. "I'll go wash. Then, I have something important to tell you all." He said after he grabbed his towel and sleeping clothes, and ran out of the house. The sounds coming from the kitchen had ceased.

He first headed to the loo to relieve himself, then he walked to the well and filled a bucket with water. He undressed and splashed the water on his naked body. Serving people was a bit nerve wracking, and he really needed a warm bath to undo all the knots in his body. 

Tomorrow, he reminded himself.

He carefully scrubbed his body. Hygiene was a very important asset for a waiter, Isabelle told him. He even did a quick washing before going to work in the morning, following her advise. 

Once he was done, everybody was in the house, waiting for him. His gaze stopped on Isabelle's rosy figure, his feet taking him to her. He swooped down and gave her a loud kiss that made her blush.

"What was that for?" She asked with sparkling eyes.

"I was hired." He announced. There was a moment of silence before Felix whooped in joy, Joseph congratulated him, Lucas patted him on the back, and Isabelle leaned up to return the loud kiss.

"Congratulations, Ethan!" She hugged him, making him clearly feel her round and soft front assets. He hugged her back to enjoy her warmth.

"Things will be fine. You'll see." He whispered in her hair. She nodded. 

He looked up at his happy and relieved brothers and he believed in his own words. 

For the first time, he believed things would really be fine.