
I Remember Nothing, But I Have Four Husbands

Things happen for a reason. That's what the newly minted Isabelle thought when she realized she was left to become an amnesiac ghost in the back of a mountain. Luckily for her, four humble brothers shelter her, and give her the life she dreamed about. The gentle and caring Ethan! The quiet and honest Lucas! The sharp and intense Joseph! The cheerful and lovely Felix! Isabelle: I have no idea who to choose, so I choose them all! The four brothers: YES!

FLouGB · História
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153 Chs

Chapter 53

My first impression of the Chief was that he was a very amiable old man. 

"Ah, Ethan! Come in, boy. How're you?" He cheerfully received us into his home. "Oh, who's this?" He asked Ethan after looking at me. 

"This is Isabelle. She's the reason I came today. We want to marry her." Ethan said, very to the point.

The Chief's expression morphed from kind and bright to sharp and very business-like. Only then I realized why he was chosen as the Chief. 

"Sit first, you two." He gestured us to sit at a table placed under a big tree. After our purchases were done and we made our way back, the afternoon was almost giving way to dusk. The tree sway with a fresh breeze of the incoming night. "Now, tell me what you're planning." The old man asked. 

Ethan straightened and started speaking. "Lucas found her on the other side of the mountains. She was hurt and now she doesn't remember anything but her name. She stayed with us for a couple of days while she rested." He paused. "You know our situation, and what Joseph and I went through. We talked about it, all five of us. She's willing to marry us."

The Chief remained silent for a moment. My heart pounded in anticipation. What Ethan said was half a lie, but no one had to know the complete truth. That was just for us.

"Are you aware of the rumors around the village?" He did not wait for us to reply. "They're calling her a whore, a shameless woman who's taking advantage of you. I understand your good intentions, but you should have let me know of her situation beforehand. It's good that you now want to give her a status. I'm not sure if that'll help her already stained reputation though."

Ethan looked properly chastised by the Chief. I only felt admiration for the old man. He was actually worried about me, an outsider; someone who appeared out of nowhere to become the village's newest gossip material.

The Chief then turned to look at me. "I'm going to be very honest with you. The village isn't very receptive to outsiders. The rumors won't stop soon. You'll have to face them if you really decide to stay. Besides, marrying ain't an easy step. That's without counting your forgotten background that might return in the future. Maybe then you'll want to leave the brothers behind."

I only had to say that I liked the Chief very much. Not only he defended me, he also was defending the brothers. If only the rest of the villagers were as wise as he was…

Either way, of course I had taken my memory loss into consideration before taking my decision. The few glimpses I have had told me that despite my background being quite good, with riches and everything to the reach of my hand, the people I lived with were not. 

There was a big possibility that I did want to return to my previous life after getting all my memories back. But, I could not quickly erase what I felt for the brothers to leave them behind. That is why…

"I am very sure, Chief." I said with conviction. "I do want to marry them."

"Even if you're going to suffer with them?" He kept questioning.

I smiled. "Tell me the name of a city that has been built in one day."

The Chief looked surprised for a moment, then laughed. "Rightly said! Alright, then. There's nothing more I can say to you. If you need help, my doors are widely opened. As for the rumors, I will say your parents had arranged this, and that she came to live with you after her parents died." 

It was a good to story to give others. Betrothed orphans who looked after each other after the untimely demise of their parents. There was not much information to dig apart from what the Chief, the brothers or I could provide.

It was perfect! 

When we returned home, Ethan immediately told his brothers what the Chief had said and arranged.

Needless to say, the three were relieved to know that not only I had promised to marry them in front of the Chief – because that is a big deal – the Chief was even willing to help them appease the villagers to stop spreading even more rumors. So, that matter was fixed. 

There was still another one for me to fix. 

Thanks to Lucas' good haul, we had a good dinner with meat cooked by Felix. The teen looked very happy as he devoured his chunks of grilled meat. He had not even held back with the herbs, giving the meat a very nice taste thanks to them and the salt.

I only ate a few chunks of meat and let the brothers eat more.

They really needed it.

The sauteed vegetables were good, too. Everything was delicious in the rather sumptuous dinner we had. Once we were done eating, I volunteered to wash the dishes together with Lucas. That gave me the chance to talk with him about what I heard earlier in the day.

"Monthe wants game as soon as possible." 

Lucas hummed. "Ethan told me." 

"How much he pays for it?" I asked. Although Monthe's personality was to my liking, I was not sure how he acted when doing business. 

"He pays well." Lucas seemed to guess my thoughts and reassured me. 

"I trust you." I smiled at him. He smiled back. "Maybe you should tell him to promote you around in the other stalls. See if you can get more customer." I advised him. Lucas nodded, accepting my proposal. With the breeding plan we wanted to implement, it was best to feel up new customers for the future.

As we finished our task in companionable silence, Joseph's voice sounded from the kitchen. "The bath's ready, Isabelle." 

I discovered I was not so brave when it came to facing the object of my affections. Especially when there were problems only I could see. Lucas tapped my shoulder. I had no idea when I froze in my place.

And, luckily, Lucas did not notice my dilemma. Heading towards the kitchen, I saw Joseph and Ethan talking. 

My mind immediately came up with a solution! Though it was just another escape plan. 

"Is there no problem if you two exchange days? There are some things I want to speak with Ethan." I qucikly told the two as soon as I approached them.

"Uh… if Joseph wants." Ethan said. Just when I needed you the most! I looked at Joseph expectantly.

He looked between Ethan and I a few times before shrugging. "It's fine. Just for today." I nodded and rushed to the house to get my sleeping garments and my towel, looking ready to take my bath. Nothing more, nothing less. 

Ethan's stare was too intense though. He did not even have the intention to join me in the tub unlike the other times he had been extra eager. Just when I could not stand his gaze anymore and wanted to invite him in, he spoke.

"Something going on between Joseph and you?" I tensed. Trust Ethan to notice!

I hesitated for a moment before telling him the problem. I was not looking for him to solve it, but to give me hints as to how to address the matter with Joseph. He knew his brothers more than I do after all.

"I saw him with another woman the day we went to the market. The two left together. I could not see his expression, but the woman looked very happy." 

I twiddled my fingers underwater as I waited for his reply. "Our past is ruining this present." He sighed. I looked up at him and saw his troubled expression. "If the woman is who I think she is, this matter'll be a bit complicated."

My stomach turned in nerves. I immediately decided to finish with my bath to focus on the issue with Joseph. After a quick rub, I wrapped the towel around my body and sat beside Ethan. "How complicated?" 

"He started seeing a girl from this village in the middle of last year." The eldest brother began. "Joseph tended to… hang out with either married women who were unsatisfied with their husbands or young girls who were curious about sex. He thought she was curious, so he did his usual moves. She rejected them all, sayin' she wanted a serious relationship."

Of course Joseph would accept. With how desperate they were, a serious relationship was like a pie falling on his head.

"They started courtin'. Joseph was too happy. We, too, were happy for him. Too happy to notice their serious relationship was not so open." 

I frowned. "How so?"

"No one in her family knew about it." Oh! I could guess where the story would end. "They talked about marrying, havin' kids… She didn't mind his conditions, and even claimed she could start all over with him in another village." 

"The family discovered their relationship." I was not sure if I should feel sad for Joseph, or relieved.

"They did. She was quickly married off to a far away town. Her mother told Joseph she'd been playin' with him and that she already had an engagement. I'm not sure if Joseph believed the woman because he left it like that. He didn't look for answers or the truth. I ain't even sure if he liked her. She liked him though." Ethan finished his recounting. 

It really was a bit complicated. If what Ethan said was true, then the woman would look for Joseph despite her married status. The most important thing is to know what Joseph thought of the matter.

I knew I had to do that, I just wanted to know how to address it. I did not want to do a scene when the problem was not that big, yet.

"Thank you. I know what to do now." I smiled at Ethan. 

"Come, it's getting chilly. You better get to bed." He stood up to arrange things in the kitchen.

"Are you not coming?" I asked confused while I changed to my sleeping garments.

He grabbed my face and stamped a kiss on my lips, then another, and another and another until he was satisfied. "You only asked me to accompany you in the bath, not in the bed." He mischievously winked at me.

This cunning fox!

But, he was right.

I stole one last kiss from him and headed to the house. The other three had just arrived from their own baths and were getting ready to get into bed. 

"So soon?" Joseph asked confused.

"I only wanted to talk to him while bathing, nothing else. It is still your day." I returned Ethan's words to Joseph. They perfectly silenced Joseph. "So? Are you not coming to sleep with me?"

I looked over my shoulder at his frozen figure. He reacted and actually pulled me towards the bed. 

I helplessly smiled. I was still conflicted towards him, but I could not deny he was one of the men I decided to marry with.

I blew some kisses to Lucas and Felix as Joseph did not let me wish them a good night before he was already coiling his arms around me. 

"Sleep well." I whispered at him. 

"Sure I will." He cheekily replied.