
I Remember Nothing, But I Have Four Husbands

Things happen for a reason. That's what the newly minted Isabelle thought when she realized she was left to become an amnesiac ghost in the back of a mountain. Luckily for her, four humble brothers shelter her, and give her the life she dreamed about. The gentle and caring Ethan! The quiet and honest Lucas! The sharp and intense Joseph! The cheerful and lovely Felix! Isabelle: I have no idea who to choose, so I choose them all! The four brothers: YES!

FLouGB · História
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153 Chs

Chapter 4

With the dishes done, I accompanied the bundle of joy called Felix to wash the clothes in the nearby river when he mentioned what he was going to do next. It sounded so novel, to wash in a river, that I could not help but tag along. Walking down an inclined trail, we finally reached the part of the river that had big and flat rocks, perfect for clothes washing.

"You can stay here. It won't take that much." Felix pointed a semi flat rock by the shore that was perfectly shaded by a tall tree.

As I watched him doing the chore, I was itching to try it. My head, for once, was not throbbing, so I was brave enough to ask him: "Do you need help?"

"Huh? Uh, no, I… Just sit there..." He stuttered a response.

"I want to try washing, too." I said, taking off the nicely made shoes I had when Lucas found me. I waded through the cool water that reached my knees and stood beside him.

"Um… I mean… Sure." He relented after I intently stared at him with what I thought were pleading eyes. He fell for it after all.

Felix was ashamed to let make me wash his clothes, but had no problem in telling me to help him wash the ones from his brothers, underwear included. I had to admit that I was very nervous at the thought of washing male underwear. He taught me how he washed the clothes and then let me try. It was harder than it looked.

It was also awkwardly silent whenever I grabbed one piece of underwear from the other brothers to wash. The underwear though… I do not know what I was expecting, but I was certainly a bit disappointed to see some shorts as underwear.

Yes. Nothing fancy. Just very plain shorts with strings…

I could not even tell which was whose. They all were the same style and same color. They did not share underwear, right? Maybe not, Felix did seem to have his own underwear. Even if it was still the same style as his brothers'. I noticed that when I sneaked a peek whenever he hurriedly washed his underwear by my side.

Finally, he could not stand the embarrassing situation and spoke up.

"Maybe… I should wash those..." He said in a tiny voice. "Uh, why dontcha wash yer dress?" He quickly suggested instead.

"Yes, sure." I smiled to dispel the awkwardness. Neither him nor I were prepared for that step.

Either way, I could finally take a look at the fabled dress! My huge dress... Not because of the size, but because of the layers upon layers of fabric! Very elaborate was putting it mildly! What type of dress was that?! It was not wet yet and it was already heavy. I did not want to think how heavy it would get once it was soaked.

I had to wash that dress! The despair! It was better to go back to the underwear… Anyway, after looking at the dress, I found the only upside of its volume was that I could use the different layers of fabric to sew a couple of skirts, tops and even underwear. And, if sewn well, I could also use the torn fabric! With a plan in mind, I was more hyped to wash the dress.

My eagerness was crushed by the harshness of the task. My attempt at washing such a big and heavy dress, of course, ended in a fail. My arms started hurting and I had only soaked it in the water. I even was about to trip when I tried to place it on another flat rock beside Felix. I had not even started rubbing the dirty parts and I was already sweating and panting. The headache also came back.

I was a complete mess.

Taking pity on me, Felix started instructing me on how to grab the dress and what to do to wash it.

With perseverance and help of Felix at the end, the dress was finally washed. Emboldened by my partial success, I wanted to tackle the brothers' clothes… Or not. Felix remembered I was a fragile patient, so he persuaded me to rest. I took up the offer. Not so long later, Felix was finally done with the washing.

"Can I take a bath here, Felix?" I asked him once he carried the washed clothes to the shore.

"Sure! Just don't take too long. I'll go hang these in the backyard." I could not help the surprised face when I saw him calmly carry the basket of wet clothes up the trail and towards the house. Felix was skinny yet pretty strong.

All alone, I took the chance the much anticipated bath. The need to wash had been niggling at me since the morning. Taking off my clothes, I crouched in the water. Luckily, the injury was on my head, so I could freely scrub my body. I also washed my underwear, placing it on a tall rock where I also left my shirt/dress/sleepwear to dry.

As I scrubbed – though it was more rubbing – I suddenly had a flash of memory about using soap and oils while washing. Without them, I strangely had trouble feeling completely clean, but I did not know if they are expensive or not to buy some. With the brothers' situation, I am not sure if we could afford it. I paused. We, huh...

Oh, well, that was a thought for later.

For the time being, I had to make do with a good rub… and done! Time to get out!

Or so I thought!

Like a frog, I unceremoniously squatted back into the water after noticing the tall mountain called Lucas looking at me from the shore.

Give me a break! I may have the hots for these brothers but it is no good to be so forthright! Well, yes, it is nice to be direct, yet I was still not prepared!

"Uh, um… Is there something?" Do not just stand there! Say something, you!

Lucas even had the nerve to glance at the underwear I was drying and the shirt beside it. I had no idea what kind of expression he had on his face because his beard obscured it, but thankfully, he turned around to give me the chance to put my clothes on. They were still wet, though. Ugh, fine then! Only the shirt will do!

"Let us go?" I called out after I put my flat shoes on and stood beside him. He nodded and gestured for me to walk in front. My, what a gentleman.

When we returned to the house, I immediately knew why Lucas went to fetch me: the eldest brother, Ethan, had returned and had asked about me. I quickly hung my underwear together with the other clothes already hung, and went to greet him.

"Thank you so much for taking care of me despite being strangers." I said with a smile plastered on my face. Ah, he smiled back! How dreamy! So mature, so good-looking! These brothers might kill me from the excitement!

"It's fine. Just sit down an' take it easy. The doctor was a bit…" Bad, yes, Joseph said it all with very colorful words. "But he still suggested you rest a lot 'till your injury's healed." Taking my arm, the eldest brother, Ethan, led me to the stools at the porch.

"I am fine…" I trailed off. Oh my, that gentle smile turned a bit sharp for a moment there. Is this the might of the eldest brother who has raised three kids? "I-I… My head sometimes hurt, but it is nothing to worry about! I think it looks worse than it actually is." I fidgeted under Ethan's gaze, ignoring the headache that was pulsing in my temples.

He stayed silent for a moment and then nodded. "Lemme look. Felix, bring me the medicine and the bandages." He beckoned and I obeyed. His words were gentle, but they still had a commanding hint to them. Like, you would be sorry if you ever did the opposite to what he said.

His big hands grabbed my head and slowly undid the bandage wrapped on my head, yanking the last bit as it was stuck to a clump of hair thanks to some dried blood. "AH!" I had to let it out. It really hurt. My whole head started throbbing again, the headache turning to a migraine, making my eyes water.

"Sorry, had to do it." Ethan apologized as he massaged my temples to reduce the pain. Mm, his fingers were a marvel.

"Woah! It really looks gross!" Joseph helpfully –not– commented on the state of my wound. He earned himself a glare from Ethan, Lucas and the returning Felix for his lack of tact. Me? Ah, well, I did not mind. I was just enjoying Ethan's fingers.

"Aight, stay still. This'll be done soon." Ethan comforted, his fingers disappearing from my temples to grab the box of medicine. Although I missed those fingers, I nodded and left him to what he needed to do.

After all, I had no experience in treating wounds, and he looked like an expert finely cutting the lock of hair stuck with blood without worsening the wound. He also quickly applied the medicine and carefully rubbed it. The medicine stung as it seemed the wound has not started to scab yet. After applying a good coat of medicine, he deftly bandaged my head again.

"Done! How's it feel?" He asked with a hint of pride in his tone.

"Much better, thank you." I replied, not feeling any different, but it was nice to have clean bandages on a wound. It saves you from contracting an infection. Though what might kill me, instead, was the headache.

"I'm glad. You can take a nap, we'll call you when dinner's ready." Like that, the marvelous Ethan pushed me inside the house so I could lay down on their bed. He even thoughtfully placed another shirt on the bed for me to change out of the wet one. They really were nice people. After changing, I got comfortable on the bed, grabbing a sheet and curling under it.

Despite the headache, I was soon in dreamland.

Many things happened before publishing this chapter..

I mentioned I am gonna be working this week right? So, my schedule is from 2pm to 10pm. I have transportation, BUT! I had to go to three, THREE! different cities before I was dropped near my house. I still had to walk at past midnight in a very lonely and kinda creepy area.

I went on a 2-hour trip!! And I witnessed a fatal accident on the highway. Guy was completely smashed on the pavement...

That's why this chapter is almost 2 hours late.

Sorry for that. Maybe I'll solve the transportation thing so there's no delay in the chapters.

Anyway, that's it for today's rant.

FLouGBcreators' thoughts