
I Remember Nothing, But I Have Four Husbands

Things happen for a reason. That's what the newly minted Isabelle thought when she realized she was left to become an amnesiac ghost in the back of a mountain. Luckily for her, four humble brothers shelter her, and give her the life she dreamed about. The gentle and caring Ethan! The quiet and honest Lucas! The sharp and intense Joseph! The cheerful and lovely Felix! Isabelle: I have no idea who to choose, so I choose them all! The four brothers: YES!

FLouGB · História
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153 Chs

Chapter 33

"Fuck, are they doing it inside there?"

Joseph grumbled trying hard to ignore the lewd sounds coming from the kitchen: splashing water, that familiar sound of skin slapping against skin and Felix crying out his pleasure.

"D'you also have it hard just by listening?" He roguishly smiled at his brothers who were sitting with him at the table.

They were waiting for the two to finish their bath. According to their experience, once Isabelle was done with Felix, then, the teen would have no strength to clean the tub. So, they were back-up help.

It was the first time Felix did something with a woman, and they knew he would get carried away by the intense and amazing sensations. They just never thought it would be this wild.

It was a good thing they lived far away from the other villagers. With how loud Felix was, one would think he was the one being savagely pounded.

Lucas honestly nodded at Joseph's question. He was even thinking of seeking relief, but since his brothers were not doing it, then he couldn't either. Ethan just glared at his brother for stating the obvious. He was painfully hard, but they couldn't do anything about it.

They had a purpose for being there.

He ignored the second question and focused on the first one; anything to distract him from the sounds coming from the kitchen. "Maybe she's giving him a hand."

"Her hands are that magical? She did the same to you?" Joseph naturally asked. It was common for the two to share their experiences, so he never thought it was wrong of him to ask something so private.

Ethan paused when he heard Felix yelling 'Coming! Belle! I'm coming! Oh! Ah!'. Either Felix was too vocal and had to be taught not to do it too loudly, or… "Maybe she's using her mouth."

The first time he had convinced a woman to give him head, he had also been very vocal. The woman was not that good at it, but he still liked the experience a lot.

Too bad she didn't enjoy it and never wanted to do it again; not only she felt his white essence tasted bad, spitting it out, she also got no pleasure from it. She clearly said it was not worth it.

She broke up with him right after the deed, dampening the experience, but Ethan was already numb to never keeping a woman.

Joseph also knew how good it felt to be given head; there was once a married woman with whom he tangled himself that liked to suck his cock, or any cock since she said his cock was the best she had tasted.

Anyway, because he knew everything about being sucked, he doubted Isabelle was only using her mouth. If there were gagging sounds, he could agree, but only the mouth didn't explain the skin-slapping sounds.

The three remained silent, hearing their brother's haggard panting and how Isabelle stepped out of the tub by the sound of the water. They waited for a moment to let her do whatever else she needed to do and dress herself.

After all, it was Felix's night today, they couldn't take advantage of their youngest brother's time to sneak a peek at Isabelle's gorgeousness.

When they heard someone falling down and Isabelle crying out: "Felix! Are you ok?", it meant it was time for them to work.

With Ethan at the front, he knocked on the door and opened it. The three brothers found their little brother sprawled on the floor with an expression full of bliss. There were no signs of Felix's seed; either cleaned or swallowed. Isabelle was crouching beside the teen, looking very worried.

"Go back to the house. We'll clean up here and help Felix." Ethan gently spoke to Isabelle, grabbing her shoulders to make her stand up and then softly pushing her towards the door.

She wanted to rebuke, but after glancing at the four brothers, she nodded and left.

"Can you stand?" Ethan asked Felix who was shakily sitting up.

"I… may need help." Felix sheepishly smiled at his brothers. His legs were soft and he couldn't muster any strength after such an explosive orgasm.

"Look at you, one step closer to being a man!" Joseph instantly teased his brother while he helped him sit on the bench while Lucas took care of the water in the tub and Ethan picked the clothes Felix used to sleep in. "How was it? Did she use her mouth?" He hedged for answers.

"Joseph!" Ethan scolded.

He was curious, though, and expectantly stared at Felix who only dumbly nodded. Joseph lewdly chuckled probably imagining Isabelle giving him head. Ethan's mind also flashed such an alluring image and his flaccid cock twitched.

"She swallowed it?" He hoarsely asked. This time, the three brothers looked at Felix with an intense gaze.

Felix furiously blushed, remembering how Isabelle milked until the last drop and kept swallowing it, even telling him it was delicious when she was done. "She did." He replied with a tight voice.

He gulped to moisten his parched throat, missing how his brothers did the same. They also wanted for Isabelle to taste their seed! Damn, Felix always got the best things.

They accepted they couldn't win against him.

"Now, Felix, tell your good brother. I know she didn't only use her mouth…" Joseph was very curious about that slapping sound; but, it seemed his sweet little brother, docile as a lamb, was finally rebelling.

"Get away, I ain't telling!" With meager strength, Felix pushed away his brother's perverted face.

"Go help Lucas with the water." Ethan ordered, softly kicking Joseph to make him move, knowing their youngest brother wouldn't say more.

The third brother grumbled but did as he was told. With years of experience, Ethan skillfully dressed Felix with an old shirt and old pants that functioned as pajamas.

"Thanks." Felix shyly whispered once he realized he was being treated as a kid by his eldest brother right after his first experience with a woman.

He kind of resented his weak body that was sapped of all strength from a big stimulus, but there was no one he could complain to. He was not that ungrateful of his brothers' sacrifice.

He just hoped that with Isabelle's help he and his brothers led a better life in the future.

"Ethan, when are we marrying Belle?" He asked his brother, already thinking of that good life.

Ethan misunderstood Felix, thinking his little brother only wanted to marry Isabelle for pleasure; however, he would never scold Felix like he did with Joseph.

"We need to cherish Isabelle beyond her good sexual skills. I've told you a Wife is someone who'll spend the rest of her life with you; that's a very precious gift. When you're old and can't get it up, all you'll have is her company and her good food." Ethan joked.

Felix smiled at Ethan's words.

At first, he didn't understand why he was telling him that. Whatever the reason, his eldest brother would never give him bad advise. Lucas and Joseph remained silent by the door, hearing their brother's teachings with pensive expressions.

Lucas just thought it was good to have a Wife, never considering the future when there would be no intimacy; meanwhile, Joseph just felt the pressure of looking for other things to be happy together with her apart from having sex.

After they were done with the cleaning, the four returned to the house. Isabelle was sitting on her bed, obviously waiting for them.

"Is Felix ok?" She asked as soon as she saw Ethan. The eldest just pulled the teen, who stumbled as his legs were still shaking, and pushed him towards Isabelle.

"I, uh, I'm fine… just too excited." Felix lamely replied with a blushing face.

"I am glad." Isabelle sighed relieved and smiled at Felix who became even more flustered.

However, the intimacy he had with her filled him with renewed confidence and closed the distance between them, pecking the corner of her mouth and stuttering a "Good night, Belle!" before tripping towards the big bed.

Ethan chuckled at his—thankfully—still innocent younger brother and also gave her a goodnight kiss. Lucas, who was very honest with his desires—and who had to hold back before—grabbed her face and gave her his best deep kiss.

He noisily sucked on her tongue, tearing a sweet moan from her, before he plunged his tongue and savored the taste of the teeth cleaner she recently applied. Most likely to wash away Felix's flavor.

"Good night." He whispered in her panting mouth, stealing another kiss before leaving.

Isabelle had no time to compose herself as she was enveloped by thin yet strong arms. Before she could react, she heard Joseph whispering in her ear.

"You had a good time with our little Felix?" He emphasized the 'little' part, obviously talking about Felix's surprisingly large cock. "You won't suffer in that area with us, Isabelle." He continued, softly biting her earlobe.

"Joseph…" She sighed at the suddenly gentle attack from the hooligan.

"But you'll still need to tell us what to do ta make ya happy beyond enjoying our bodies." Joseph couldn't come up with any ideas to have a completely blissful married life.

However, he wasn't going to be like Ethan who did things on his own, guessing Isabelle's thoughts, and directly asked her.

It proved it was the correct choice when Isabelle hugged him back and also whispered in his ear. "For now, you are doing good. I will let you know if something comes to my mind."

Content with the answer, he also kissed her goodnight and extinguished the candle's wick.

Dear Khadra, I can only give you three chapters as thanks for the stones.

However, I have to clarify something. I really am thankful for your interactions with this novel. For being the first, I can give you this gift. The thing is that I sadly cannot make another stockpile in the future.

The reason is that I am involved in three theatre projects, so I don't have much time to write. My whole week, from monday to sunday, is packed.

That's why I can only post one chapter a day.

Since I am not earning anything from this novel, publishing it out of pure pleasure, I cannot dedicate myself fully to it.

Besides, I rather you have one chapter a day than telling you I cannot post because I don't have a chapter ready.

I hope all the readers understand that.

Again, thanks so much for the support to all the readers :D

Have a lovely day!

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