
I Remember Nothing, But I Have Four Husbands

Things happen for a reason. That's what the newly minted Isabelle thought when she realized she was left to become an amnesiac ghost in the back of a mountain. Luckily for her, four humble brothers shelter her, and give her the life she dreamed about. The gentle and caring Ethan! The quiet and honest Lucas! The sharp and intense Joseph! The cheerful and lovely Felix! Isabelle: I have no idea who to choose, so I choose them all! The four brothers: YES!

FLouGB · História
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153 Chs

Chapter 150

To say I was satisfied with the women who had just performed was putting it mildly. 

I was ecstatic!

So many dancing groups had performed and they all seemed the same; same moves, same music, same everything. I was not going to deny that they did an amazing job, but they did not have what we were looking for.

For a grand opening, we wanted something rarely seen, enrapturing and easy to follow, too. At least until we were sure that we could introduce entertainment that was more complex. 

Hanni and Hari Solle definitely had what we were aiming for. Their performance was short but striking. The moves were nothing I had seen before and the music struck every fiber of my body. 

I glanced at Vieve and from her expression, I was sure we had decided on the two sisters.

I looked down at the sheet they had filled with their name, age, the type of performance they offered and some other things, and paid attention to a few points.

The first, there were not from Basin Town. The city listed there made me pause for a second before going to the next point.

They were obviously sisters; they looked alike so there was no discussing that.

Third, they had no place of residence. They stayed at inns in Basin Town.

Fourth, the older sister was pregnant…

"Hanni!" I looked up as the younger sister knelt beside the grimacing older sister. "What is it?"

"Cramps…" Hanni, the older sister, gritted out. Ah, yeah, that was one typical symptom while pregnant. I had no idea how many months she was in – her clothes did not allow me to assess that – but I was sure it was a pregnancy-induced cramp.

"Go help her." I whispered at Lucas. He stood and approached the two. Looking a bit suspicious, Hari allowed him to help her sister. As he carried her to the side, I turned to Vieve. "I think we have our first entertainers in the list."

She nodded, looking a bit relieved. I could understand that. We were about to end with the recruitment and we had feared we would get anything.

Looking down at the sheets, there were more groups and troupes waiting to perform. I was tired and hungry, making me a bit listless.

"Should we stop and continue tomorrow?" Vieve suggested, also noticing the people still waiting by the side. And a few still filling out the sheet.

I nodded. "I did not think it would take so long, but I think it is for the best."

"I'll let them know." She stood and addressed the people still gathered. "This will be all for today. We didn't expect for many people to come, so we decided to see you all tomorrow, here at the same time. Finish filling the sheet and you may leave. We'll see you tomorrow!"

I was able to see the different expressions on the people, first confusion and dejection, then attentiveness and finally joy at still been given a chance to perform.

After handing out the sheets, everybody filed out. I gathered all the sheets and stood, staggering a bit. The bump was not that visible, but it still had its weight, sometimes throwing me off balance. I did not want to imagine what would happen when it grew.

"Are you alright?" I asked the woman who was suffering from cramps once I reached them. Lucas very sensibly went to fetch some water for her. 

"It's nothing I'm not used to." She waved off. She looked a bit more relieved, probably the cramp was already gone.

"I feel you." I smiled, patting my own belly. "By the way, we are hiring you two." I told them the good news.

"For real?!" The younger sister – Hari, I reminded myself – cried out in delighted surprise.

"Yes. I just need to clarify some things with you before you sign any contract." I told them in my best business-like tone. "How many times a day can you perform?"

"Um… that…" Hari looked at her sister.

"We can perform as long as you need us to. Though, we do need to take breaks. I can play for hours as long as I'm given enough rests." Hanni explained.

"Given your condition, we can also prepare a comfortable place for you to play." I compromised. Either way, it was only the right thing to do when keeping employees happy. 

Lucas arrived with the water and served it to Hanni, who gratefully took it. He then went to fetch a chair and put it behind me. I sat and beamed at him. I would have kissed him good for the tea he also gave me, but we had company.

After sipping on my tea, I resumed the conversation. "If we manage to hire more people you will only have to give a big performance. If you are willing to play some background music throughout the night, then you will be paid accordingly."

"And if you don't get others?" Hari asked, receiving a scolding glare from her sister.

I chuckled. "Then you will have to perform at least twice a day. Of course, the pay will show for your effort." Although I did not want to pressure Hanni due to her pregnancy, I had to accept that they were the best we had for the time being.

"How much money are we talking about?" Hari directly asked. Her sister sighed and gave up.

"Monthly base salary in town is of 20 coins." I could see their dissatisfaction at the amount. That meant they clearly had earned more in just one performance. 

Well, I would have loved to pay them more, but we did not even know if the teahouse would be successful. If anything, the first two salaries of the performers were coming from my pocket.

"Is there no way for you to raise the amount? I can perform thrice a day if you want to." Hari tried to negotiate.

I tapped the rim of the cup. I looked at Vieve, who was playing with Jaye. The boy was still brimming with curiosity at the new place he found himself in. I thought of the menu and an idea crossed my mind. 

"If your performance was a pastry, what would it be?" I suddenly asked them.

The blinked confused. I waited for their answer with a demure smile. "Uuh… Never thought of that." Hari ventures, glancing at her sister for help.

Hanni considered for a bit before her expression turned soft. "There was this puffy pastry filled with fruit jam we once ate. It was a cheap and easy to make pastry."

"You mean that…" Hari's eyes widened and turned a bit glassy.

I had no idea what that pastry meant for them, and I had to ask Vieve if there was something like that in town, but I accepted the answer. "While you perform, we will offer these pastries. If people buy them, half the earnings will go to you. How is that?"

It was like a commission and the only way I could 'raise' their salary.

"Will that work?" Hanni asked with a frown.

I shrugged. "We can only try. Well, that is, if you accept working with a 20 coins salary. I might reconsider the amount in the future, but I will have to discuss that with my business partners."

The sisters looked at each other. Finally, they nodded. They gave me the name of the inn they were staying at so I could look for them to sign that contract, and promptly left.