
I Remember Nothing, But I Have Four Husbands

Things happen for a reason. That's what the newly minted Isabelle thought when she realized she was left to become an amnesiac ghost in the back of a mountain. Luckily for her, four humble brothers shelter her, and give her the life she dreamed about. The gentle and caring Ethan! The quiet and honest Lucas! The sharp and intense Joseph! The cheerful and lovely Felix! Isabelle: I have no idea who to choose, so I choose them all! The four brothers: YES!

FLouGB · História
Classificações insuficientes
153 Chs

Chapter 127

"I hate being pregnant…" Ginna complained as she heavily sat on a stool behind the counter. 

"Have you not rested?" I eyed her tired countenance and worried that she was overworking herself.

"Unlike you, who have a sea of men helping, I have to do everything." She glared at me, but I knew there was no heat behind her words. "I had to clean up the room I'm going to stay in. I had to carry up the pack of clothes Mrs. Attile gave me and the other things I bought. I have to cook my three meals. And if I want to clean up, I have to carry the buckets of water myself."

I felt a bit bad for her. She really was alone to face all the inconveniences of pregnancy. She even said that she was starting to suffer from indigestion and that she could not eat most of the things she liked before as they gave her nausea.

Tiredness, backache, constipation, headaches, heartburn, indigestion, etc.

I went to the doctor early that day and he told me all the symptoms I could suffer during the first months of pregnancy.

He also scolded me for having sex. I nodded when he gave a long speech about sex being bad for the baby, but I was sure that would be the only thing I would not obey. 

Before being pregnant, my sex drive was 'normal': doing it when we were in the mood, and I could say no. With my pregnancy, I was having a hard time controlling my lust.

Perhaps doing it as hard as that time with Joseph was not going to happen again while being pregnant, but I did want to enjoy my sex life without my pregnant belly being an obstacle. 

Apart from a heightened sex drive, I thankfully did not suffer from any other symptom like Ginna.

Perhaps her constant worry of her mother and sister finding her and taking her back to marry the father of the baby was greatly influencing her more than it should.

Telling her not to worry would not help either. 

She, sadly, could only endure.

"Maybe you should rest, take days off. You know Ethan told Mrs. Attile that due to my pregnancy, I am going to start working every other day and not daily as before, right?" She nodded. "Rest on the day I am coming." I proposed.

Her eyes widened and thought about it, but then shook her head and sighed. "I'm an attendant here, I'm paid for it. So, I have to come every day. You're only paid for your commissions." She pointed out.

I froze. She was right… Although I helped whenever clients arrived and the other two women were busy, I was not paid for that. I was working for free!

"I can stop coming, then-ouch!" I held my head and looked up to see Mrs. Attile's unimpressed gaze.

"You can make clothes for the different fabrics, just how we envisioned. You haven't forgotten, right?" She narrowed her eyes at me.

I had forgotten. I had been busy sewing dresses for others, sheets and curtains for my new room, clothes for my Husbands and me, and then a set of sheets for Ginna who was moving out. I had been so busy that I truly forgot about it. 

"Have not…" I muttered, looking away. "I just do not know what to make."

"Since everybody here is pregnant. Why not make clothes for pregnant women?" Mrs. Attile proposed. Ginna and I looked at each other and then brightened up.

Of course!

We spent the rest of the day thinking up designs and what fabrics to use. Ginna volunteered to help, but I rejected her. She had a point before. She was attending, I was the seamstress. While we were in such state, I thought overworking ourselves would be counterproductive.

I did tell her to think up in more design and to draw them.

For that, I bought her a notebook and pencil.

"You're too good to her." Joseph commented.

I recounted everything I did the day before. Being on my day off, I obviously stayed home and watched him work at the back of the house. He was preparing the soil to plant the rice stalks he was given in Lane Town.

It was not a big space, but he was trying out. He claimed it was very different to work in paddies that were already used to plant rice than make a paddy from scratch. 

"I learned the importance of helping others from my Husbands." I said, smirking at his surprised gaze.

"Must be great guys." He grinned.

"Well, they are handsome and very reliable. They sometimes are mean to me, but I still love them all." I replied with mirth.

"Mean? Hm." He hummed, swinging the hoe to make the grooves on the soil. "Divorce them and marry me, then." He audaciously proposed.

I held back the chortle and my face showed fake anger and indignation. "Leave my four good Husbands to marry a hooligan? No, thank you!"

"This hooligan can make you beg." He wiggled his eyebrows, making me blush from the memory. 

That morning, his naughty hands that did very delicious things in my folds woke me up. To make the story short, he denied me an orgasm for what felt an eternity. He only let me come when I begged nonstop.

"Maybe the hooligan will go back to his bed tonight." I threatened.

"Maybe the hooligan will sneak into your room and make you his." He countered.

"Maybe the hooligan will be beaten by brothers if I sic them on him." I rose my eyebrows in defiance.

"Maybe the hooligan, as revenge, will make you beg even more the next time you look for him." He smirked.

Like that, we bantered for quite a while. That was until Joseph told me to go under the shade as the sun was starting to burn. After lunch, I took a nap and Felix joined later on. When I woke up, he was already gone. 

Unlike Joseph, the other three were still a bit cautious. However, I was sure they would soon see that they were not going to hurt the baby just by sleeping beside me.

Next day, while I was sewing one of the dresses Ginna designed, Jean arrived at the store, carrying more of her delicious pastries. She looked a bit haggard though.

"Are you ok? You look dead on your feet." Ginna unhelpfully said.

Jean wryly smiled. She rubbed her bulging belly and looked for a seat. If I was not mistaken, she was already six months pregnant, having uncovered her pregnancy when she was almost three months in. At that time, she was still flat, but the baby had really grown.

"This little thing here has given me horrible nausea lately. I could be sleeping one moment and throwing up the next." She sighed.

"You're still eating, right?" Ginna asked.

"Oh yeah, I am now eating the double, so I gained a lot of weight." Jean sadly smiled. I did notice her figure had become rather plumper and not only because of her pregnant belly. "The trick is to let the food stay in."

"Especially when it's food you once hated. But since the one living rent free craved it, we can't do nothing." Ginna shared her own experience. Three months and craving food, that was indeed one of the symptoms the doctor talked about.

The doctor calculated I was most likely two months in, and I luckily had not had any symptom. Even the doctor was surprised. I could not share any anecdote like those, leaving me to make the tea and arrange the pastries on a tray.

"My hubby is going to come soon, so I won't stay long." I heard Jean say when I returned with the tray. "I came because I wanted to ask for a favor. Well, not a favor, really. My Husband wants to talk with you, Isabelle."

"What for?" I asked while serving the tea and pastries.

"Something about making clothes for the waiters, the same clothes for all." Jean said.

"Same clothes?" I frowned.

"Yes. I didn't understand much of it because I was trying very hard not to throw up while he was explaining. When he comes, he will tell you all about it." Jean sipped on her tea and sighed contented.

If it was Mr. Dodds, then it was something big for his restaurant, and a big opportunity for me to make money.

I could not wait for him to appear!

Shoutout to Cindy_Rella, flvssie, Megan_Wangui, Isbam, NotReallyMe, Khadra and NandyG for the Power Stones!

Sorry I didn't do it before!

And thanks to everybody who's reading the novel :D You guys are awesome!

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