
I rely on medical skills to cut the dragon

After I was haunted, I learned witchcraft in order to survive. I will try my best to live.Of course, as a doctor, or a witch doctor. Of course, I will help the patient. Including patients who are sick because of ghosts.

liang_zhang · Terror
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56 Chs

Go deep into the cemetery

I saw an unusually tall ancient woman in front of the narrow passage, slightly hanging her slender neck and looking at us with strange eyes.

Her body is completely composed of dark blue ghost fire. Although her whole body is burning, there is no trace of temperature, or even shade air, which is more and more terrifying in this dark environment.

Her appearance seems to be very similar to the stone FIGURINE with a censer that mysteriously disappeared before...

I was shocked. Was she the palace maid of the mysterious Titian stove who was witnessed many times in Niuji mountain?

"Palace maids" are pure nonsense of villagers. There is no palace in this place. Where are the palace maids? She should be a ghost of a maid in an ancient tomb, probably buried with her.

The woman stretched out a hand, and sure enough, there was a delicate brass censer in her hand, from which came a blue ghost fire

In fact, this portable incense burner is the only entity, and the ghost fire that forms a woman's whole body flows out of the gap of the incense burner like smoke. In fact, it's not the woman holding the censer, but the censer hanging in the air.

Zhang geqi swore in his hand, "bastard, I'm most annoyed with ghosts like you. If you sneak and beat around the Bush, you'll scare people! You have the ability to be fight with me!"

I coughed, thinking that no ghost would want to fight head-on with human beings?

Ghosts are just a mass of air Like diseases, they interfere with human beings in an indirect way. Powerful ghosts can seize people's good luck and make people continue to have bad luck.

I reached out and motioned to Zhang geqi not to mess around, then took out the bloody paper and put it in my fingers, pointing to the ghost fire.

I shouted, "is your name Xia'an? I don't care who you used to be, you are just a ghost now. If you dare to obstruct us again, you will be disperse."

The tall woman formed by the ghost fire unexpectedly opened her mouth, and seemed to have no hostility: "I... I know your excellency is very powerful, and I just unintentionally made an offence!"

Although her mouth was moving, the sound came from the censer, which seemed to be the medium of her boarding.

I thought, "no offense"? It must be self exculpation. I'm extremely sure that she deliberately trapped us before.

I said, "can you talk? It seems that you have a certain degree of cultivation, not a cloud of ignorance and ignorance. You are an evil ghost in the ancient tomb, and it is reasonable that serious people will not come here, so I won't investigate the matter that you trapped us just now!"

I took out an empty piece of jute paper, "you have no future in such a ghost place, and there is no chance to become a ghost fairy. It's better to help me, and then I'll sacrifice to you."

Zhang geqi looked at me and whispered, "I said, why do you like collecting cards so much? Although you are a female ghost, you are full of ghost fire. You also want such a dangerous one?"

"I don't want anything that's not dangerous!" I gave him a blank look, this talkative guy.

I was originally a witch doctor who worked in controlling ghosts. Since then, I can quell the supernatural events on Niuji mountain and turn the enemy into... workers, why not?

After a moment of silence, the female ghost slowly opened her mouth, "my body bravely appeared to advise you two not to go any further. There are things you can't imagine behind this. Be careful that your body and soul are destroyed, which is more likely to let the demon get away, causing a party of creatures to be burned."

Zhang geqi pointed with a knife and said, "isn't there a wounded Earth Dragon King behind you? We're here to kill it. Stop talking nonsense and get out of the way!"

Zhang geqi took a step forward, and the strange portable incense burner suspended and retreated, and the female ghost composed of ghost fire retreated slowly. She stretched out a hand as a dissuasion, "two adults, please don't move forward any more, this is the place sealed by the demon, and you must not break in!"

"Wait, she doesn't seem to mean the Earth Dragon King?" I pulled a piece of Zhang geqi and asked him to put down the knife first.

I asked the female ghost again, "what are you, keeper?"

The female ghost looked at me, and the blue flame that formed her body trembled slightly, and said in a sad tone: "my body is entangled with the devil's fate, and I will be trapped here forever. This is my destiny that I can't get rid of! My body sincerely advises adults to turn back quickly, it's still time, it's still time..."

With that, the incense burner slowly drifted away, and the ghost fire gradually disappeared, and finally nothing was seen.

Zhang geqi disdained and said, "hum, playing tricks. I guess she must have hidden some treasure, so she fooled us with such words..."

Seeing that I didn't speak, Zhang geqi clubbed me with his elbow. "Isn't it, Dr. Lin, you're seriously considering her words? How can you believe the nonsense?"

I frowned and said, "she doesn't seem to be lying... For a long time, supernatural events have occurred frequently on Niuji mountain. It seems to make sense to deliberately prevent outsiders from approaching here."

Zhang geqi thought and said, "no matter what she said is true or false, we must get rid of the Earth Dragon King today. You also need the parts of the Earth Dragon King to treat patients!"

I nodded, but I was still a little uneasy.

I think of horror movies. Often at the beginning of the story, a mysterious old lady will come out to remind the protagonist and his party not to move forward, and then the protagonist group won't listen, and finally died in pieces...

As an audience, I often think that if the protagonist can listen to a word of advice, won't it be all right?

Now the same choice is in front of me!

After thinking for a while, I said, "our goal is not to explore here. As you said, the goal is the Earth Dragon King! If there is a way to lead it out, we don't need to go further. Isn't this a two pronged strategy? By the way, I remember in the ancient book that the genus of flood dragon especially likes swallow meat."

Zhang geqi shook his head with a knife, "Dr. Lin, you are a layman. All kinds of flood dragon also have their own temperament. The Earth Dragon King belongs to a kind of flood dragon that are more timid. It was beaten by you, and it will not come out until its injury is completely healed, at least for many years! Then again, the earth Dragon King is always in and out of this ghost place, and takes this place as his own home. If anything strange was sealed, it would have come out!"

Zhang geqi also made sense. I walked around thinking.

I stayed underground for a long time, and the chill hit me again. My feet were still wet, and the cold socks stuck to my feet very uncomfortable, as if I wore two lumps of ice.

I took out a black ball and gave it to Zhang geqi. Zhang geqi said with a little resistance, "why do you take medicine again? Are you a medicine jar?"

I explained, "this is a soldier grain pill. It's a convenient food made of potato, buckwheat and glutinous rice. If you eat something, you won't be cold."

"Don't say, I'm really a little hungry."

Zhang geqi reached out and took it. He opened the mask and put it into his mouth. He chewed, making a clicking sound. "It tastes good, very fragrant. Give me another one."

I gave him another one and told him not to eat more, or he would have a swollen stomach.

I also ate one myself. Some food went into my stomach and my body warmed up slightly.

Zhang geqi urged me, "are you going or not?"

I was also very embarrassed and thought twice, "by the way, grandma didn't give me three brocade bags, but obviously predicted that there was danger here! Why don't I just look at the second one and see what the next difficulty is!"

"Then watch it quickly! Grandma Lin will definitely not fool us." Zhang geqi repeatedly said yes.

So I opened the second brocade bag, and Zhang geqi came over with a flashlight.

Unfolding the jute paper, I saw the neat regular script written on it: "Miaomiao, there is a hundred year old evil stiffness hidden in this coffin. If you come alone, I won't be at ease. Fortunately, young Zhang is extremely brave. When opening the coffin, you need to stand in the Southwest and northeast corners, with a blood pill in the brocade bag as a bait. When the enemy rushes to the bait, young Zhang will destroy his spine with all his strength, and then smash the shining jade bones on his body!"

Zhang geqi looked at it and immediately smiled, "haha, grandma Lin is really good, as if she was directing on the scene! It turned out that I had to take the lead this time!"