
I rely on fantasy to play games

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100 Chs

Chapter 78: Tradition (August 11)

Have you been stuck in Lingsuo for seven years?

Lin Xiaoyu has also told Lin Jie about this spiritual lock before.

She said it was a shackle imposed by the gods on the human race. Although Lin Xiaoyu later said it was a joke, Lin Jie always thought it was really possible.

What breaks the soul lock is a manifestation of understanding and controlling the laws of heaven and earth.

Lin Xiaoyu said that this spiritual lock is hard to break. Nearly 90% of practitioners will be stuck here, and some gifted practitioners will be stuck for at least five years.

Since frost is seven years old, it can live alone in such a primitive forest.

It shows that her talent must be very good.

It has reached the peak of the fifth order seven years ago, which is estimated to be similar to Lin Xiaoyu in terms of age.

But such people have been stuck in the spirit lock for seven years

Lin Jie once again felt how hard it was to break the lock.

Then Chen Sanmu continued:

"But I heard that she broke up with the Zhou family a few years ago. I haven't seen her in Tianzhu Base for several years, but I don't know why she came back the other day."

"Breaking up with the Zhou family? Didn't you say she was the daughter of the Zhou family?" asked Lin Jie.

"It's gold, but in the family of practitioners, the word 'gold' represents greater pressure."

Chen Sanmu paused and said:

"Now everyone knows that the Zhou family wants to replace the Yan family as the new Tianzhu Five.

"But even if their family develops more vigorously and their momentum is stronger, as long as the hard conditions are not met, then this is absolutely impossible."

"What conditions?" asked Lin Jie.

Chen Sanmu looked at Lin Jie. If it wasn't for the deputy director's special instructions to answer the little brother's questions, he would not have said the secret between these practitioners' families.

So he answered word for word, "The nine-level strong!"

"If there is no nine-level strong person who can take over the Lingmai guard, then the dream of the five members of the Zhou family is just a dream.

"This week Shuangshuang is the only person in the Zhou family who has a chance to hit the ninth level for so many years. Don't even think about it. The pressure of her practice must be so high that she will not be thrown into the primeval forest at the age of seven.

"So when we heard that she broke up with the Zhou family, we all thought it was normal..." Chen Sanmu whispered in the ear of Lin Jie.

... so it was a quarrel with my family that made me become the anchor? Lin Jie continued to ask:

"Then why did she come back recently?"

This time, Chen Sanmu, who is as good as the gossip collector, shook his head:

"I really don't know. I'll go to the bar and ask about it in a few days.

"By the way, young brother, are you eighteen?"

The forest node nodded: "Yes."

"Then I'll take you to the bar to play, where you can hear all kinds of gossip among spiritual families.

"For example, the eldest young master of the Lin family who has been locked in the house for 20 years, and the romantic history of the Cao family's wife.

"I heard all this from there," Chen Sanmu said with a smile.

Lin Jie immediately refused: "Forget it, I don't like that kind of environment."

"That's a pity."

At this time, Chen Sanmu immediately closed his mouth.

Because the protagonist they have been talking about just now is marching to their side.

Shuangshuang held her head high, and almost everyone subconsciously gave way to her. She was getting closer. Lin Jie found that she was sweating all over. It was obvious that the battle was very fierce in the actual combat simulator just now.

Her eyebrows are now tightly tightened, and her eyes are full of boundless emotions.

Of course, she didn't recognize Lin Jie. After all, there are not many people around the actual combat simulator.

In addition, he wore a mask and hat that day, and even the ghost could not recognize him.

After she leaves.

There was a murmur all around.

Obviously, as the daughter of the Zhou family, which is the most popular among the five members of Tianzhu Family, she has a high topic among practitioners.

People like gossip, which is no exception for both practitioners and ordinary people.

At this time, Chen Sanmu, who was very talkative, obviously couldn't hold back after holding back for a while.

He whispered to Lin Jie:

"Actually, I have a guess about her return."

"What guess?"

"It may be related to the recent gathering of super powers in Shaocheng."

Superpowers? On hearing this, Lin Jie became interested. He said, "Then what?"

"This is what a friend of mine who is now at the top of Tianzhu said. It is said that there is a treasure about to be born in Shaocheng now. The super power people and the Tianzhu practitioners from other places are all gathered in Shaocheng to seize it.

"I guess that's why the Zhou family called Zhou Shuangshuang back."

This is different from what old man Yan said. Isn't old man Yan saying that those who have super powers come to Shaocheng because of the practice of dark energy? Lin Jie thought.

Lin Xiaoyu also said at that time that she came to Shaocheng after her mother said "there is an opportunity in Shaocheng".

Lin Jie prefers the latter.

But it's normal to think about it. Old Yan never said that anyone with super powers must have come to Shaocheng to catch the Forest Festival,

He always said, "I guess... I think..."

It is estimated that he is afraid of a diversion from the superpower and catches me on the way. This is just for the sake of safety, let me live in Tianzhu Base.

Lin Jie glanced at the actual combat simulator again, and then asked Chen Sanmu, who was beside him:

"Is there any other place?"

"More than that, I'll take you to a good place! UU reads www.uukanshu. com" Chen Sanmu smiled.


What Chen Sanmu said is a good place.

Of course not those colorful entertainment places.

It's a school.

It is not appropriate to say that the school is not suitable. After all, there are few classrooms. The children in the first class vary in size. The older ones are teenagers and the younger ones are only five or six years old.

Now we are in class.

So after Chen Sanmu took Lin Jie around, he went to the corner and introduced him:

"This is actually the place where Tianzhu taught us orphans who have spiritual talent and are willing to join Tianzhu.

"Of course, some children of small families, or children of orphaned practitioners, sometimes also send here for enlightenment education in spiritual power and culture classes."

[Recommended, Mimi is really good at reading and chasing books. Let's download it here. Let's try it soon.]

He immediately said with some pride, "Don't look at me like this. The children love to listen to the Chinese lessons I teach."

"Are you still here as a teacher?"

"Yes, take advantage of the rest time after the task is completed. Anyway, being idle is also being idle.

"When I was young, in that old base, there were many practitioners who came to teach us in their spare time. At that time, I especially liked to hear them tell us about their experiences.

"Now that I am such a big person, I should also take over this tradition, right?"

Hearing this, Lin Jie gave Chen Sanmu a thumbs up and boasted, "Well said."

"Hey, hey." Chen Sanmu scratched his head a little foolishly, even with the hearty laugh.