

"Sasuke Uchiha, the Reincarnation of Indra Otsutsuki, Nice to meet you. I and Naruto Uzumaki, the Reincarnation of Ashura Otsutsuki." Naruto reached out his hand for Sasuke to take.

"Do you trust me?" Naruto asked the boy who nervously took his hand.

"I don't know. Your story seems a bit too farfetched. Are you saying that you got all these powers because some guy inside your head taught it to you?" Sasuke asked.

"Yeah. And I can help you meet your guy inside your head as well. Do you want to?"

"I mean, if there is someone living inside my head, I would like to see what kind of person they are. They better pay me the rent for all the time they spent up there." The last part was said with a twinge of anger. Of course, anyone would be angry to find out they had someone living in their heads, watching everything they did, without the person's explicit consent.

"Clear your mind, and try to put me into a genjutsu with your Sharingan," Naruto commanded.

"You sure? It's very weird being put in a genjutsu." Sasuke asked with a slight worry in his tone.

"Just do it. Genjutsus don't work on me. I just need you to enter my mind." Naruto brushed off his concern, which Sasuke understood. Instantly, his black eyes turned blood red as a mesmerizing pattern of two tomoe chasing each other revolved in them.

Instantly, the world shifted around Sasuke. No longer was he standing in the forest clearing, but what looked more like a bachelor pad of a wealthy scion in the Land of Fire.

"Welcome, Sasuke, to my mindscape." Naruto appeared beside him, as he directed the stunned boy to a couch by the side. (It wasn't a black leather one for sure.)

"So, this is inside your mind?" Sasuke asked in wonder, looking at the various furniture and décor around the place.

"Sweet isn't it. You can change your mindscape however you like, but by default, they reflect the way you feel at any given point. You need to get some practice to freely manipulate anything inside your mind." Naruto explained.

"So, where is the guy living inside your head. And where is my guy?"

"Greetings, Sasuke." From the back, a soft voice of a young man came, startling the dark-haired Uchiha.

In front of him stood a young man wearing a white robe with magatama on the collars, and dark brown hair.

"You must be Ashura, right?"

"That is correct. But we are not here for you to meet me, but for you to meet my brother. Come, follow me." The man's voice contained power, something that Sasuke couldn't deny, as he stood up and followed the man silently.

Soon, as they walked close to a wall to the side, the scenes shifted once again. No longer were they in a brightly lit bachelor pad, but a damp, sewer with dark purple lighting, and an aura of sadness, pain, and regret filled the air.

"I have seen you through Naruto, but you do well to hide your pain, young Uchiha. You have to learn how to let more people in and allow well-wishers to help you.

Though it's good that you at least let Naruto in, but I guess it must be because you guys have been destined to be brothers for all eternity." Ashura chuckled as they walked to the 'center' of the mindscape, before Ashura stood still, looking at a familiar face.

"Hello, Brother. I see you have been well." Ashura spoke with a warm smile, which only served to piss off the man in front of him.

"Ashura!!!!!" the figure in white robes screamed in rage as he rushed forwards, his hands clad in lightning, ready to kill anything they touched.



"Cough. Are you happy now brother? Are you done with this childish jealousy inspired by an enemy?" Ashura took the lightning-covered hand straight on, letting his elder brother pierce his chest, as he looked on firmly at the horrified look on the man's face.

"w-Why? Why didn't you dodge??? You always fight back." Panic, along with confusion set in, before the man screamed in pain and agony, still held by the shish kebabbed Ashura, who pulled the man into a hug, and kept on screaming in madness.

"Time has not treated you well, brother. I see the thousand years of hate have corrupted your mind. But you have to remember who you are. You are more than just some guy who was manipulated by Uncle Zetsu. You have to remember who you are." Ashura held the struggling Indra, speaking firmly to the crazed man, who still had his hand through his brother's chest, both of them ignoring it.

"what is going on??" Sasuke looked at this all with a pale and blood-drained look, while Naruto watched this all with pity.

"The elder brother, Indra, was manipulated ever since he was as old as you. Throughout his entire life, when he knew love, it was stripped away from him. In every lifetime, in every reincarnation, he has gone through a lot of suffering, all because of the manipulations of a certain figure.

Every lifetime, when he found love, he severed those ties, either mentally or physically. And every lifetime, he was forced to go against his brother's reincarnation, fighting to kill, no longer even remembering why they started to fight in the first place.

Imagine you going to have to go through the massacre of your clan, everyone you love, multiple times, over and over again, for a thousand years, without anyone to ever talk to? This is the result of it. A mindless husk, only acting on the basic instincts his actions have developed over the years." Naruto had a pained look on his face as he explained, as flashes of Ashura's memories paced through his mind, along with the raw emotions he felt for his brother.

"Do you mean I would have fought to kill you in the future?" Sasuke asked, stunned at the prospect of having to kill his new friend, and possibly brother through reincarnations.

"Yes. After your clan's demise, people went to many lengths to isolate you, to control you. They did the same to me as well, but what they didn't know was that we incarnated.

I was lucky that I was able to talk with the person inside my head, who revealed the whole conspiracy that has been going on for a thousand years.

I guess you could be called lucky as well that I reached out to you strongly, otherwise you would have gone down a very dark path." Naruto chuckled self-depreciatively, all the while seeing the rage-filled Indra, slowly break down into a sobbing mess.

As Ashura consoled his elder brother, Ashura sent through memories of their time together, as well as the knowledge about how Indra was manipulated, along with the small memory of Zetsu revealing his plan from the future memories of Madara, courtesy of Hiroki.

"This will take a long time. But to make sure these guys can talk with each other; I believe they need to be together for a while longer.

How about this, we share our chakra? You up for it?" Naruto asked after an hour of observing the two brothers reunite.

"If it's safe to do so. Sure." With a tear-stricken face, Sasuke agreed with Naruto, and the two came into the real world, sitting face to face in the forest clearing.

"Your chakra control is high enough for this. Force as much chakra as you can into your blood drops and place them in here." Naruto explained as he brought out a pair of small shot glasses.

"You are kidding, right?" Sasuke instantly understood what needed to be done, and quickly questioned.

"Don't worry, it's actually a blessing in disguise. Just do it." Naruto said as he forced a few drops of orange-tinted crimson blood as he pumped them full of his chakra into the shot glass. Surprisingly, the drops of blood didn't splatter when they fell into the glass but rather bounced as if they were beads of glass.

"Eat this" Naruto presented the glass with a stoic face.

"Fuck no!!" Sasuke instantly denied it. It was just weird. But after a lot of persuasion from Naruto, with the prospect of him, learning techniques from not only a hopefully recovered Indra, but also, naruto, he returned the favor. A bribe of sorts.

"Bottoms up." Naruto drank the slightly purple-tinted blood beads, while Sasuke emptied the contents of his cup with a disgusted face.

"Now what?" That was all that Sasuke could say before a shit ton of chakra blew up in his chakra pathways, making the boy wince in pain.

"Try to control the chakra, and make it your own. Think of this as a chakra pill. Yes, that's it, keep it up. Keep it up." Naruto, who was in a similar situation, encouraged the boy in front of him, as he too tried to tame the violent chakra demolishing his pathways.

"Exhaust your own chakra, and let the new one fill up with the external chakra." A voice sounded in Naruto's head, instantly realizing the trick.

"Sasuke, cast as many high leveled jutsus you know. Exhaust your reserves." Naruto yelled.

Deciding to trust the boy one last time, Sasuke complied as he kept blowing out huge streams of fire dragons into the air, heating up the damp and cold morning air.

Similarly, Naruto molded the chakra into his lungs, mixing it with air, while releasing a torrent of wind-styled dragons towards the skies, mixing with Sasuke's fire dragons, turning them more than five times deadlier.

Only five minutes passed before Sasuke's reserves were exhausted, his lips chapped because of the dry heat, while naruto still went on for another ten minutes, releasing streams of wind dragons into the air.

Only after their reserves were completely empty did the external chakra settle slightly, before mixing together and adapting with the newly formed chakra that was quickly being formed.




I don't know how you guys will find this chapter. I haven't seen anything like this in any of the hundreds of naruto fanfics I have read on this site and others.

It's my own take on what would have happened to Indra as explained above.

Also, maybe it's the heaps of cultivation novels I read when I downloaded this app ages ago that influenced me, but the last part seems a bit cultivation style to me, I realize that. But no hate.

Also, this chapter may be kinda shit, cause I am so fucking tired as I write this. I just went to Smash 2022 today, and it was fun, but I am exhausted. Saw a lot of cosplayers (they were hot), saw a bunch of people showing and selling their art, which was just as beautiful as the cosplayers, and so much more.

So, what I am saying is, if you find any mistakes, just let me know, and I'll fix them up when I get the chance.


I don't know how you guys will find this chapter. I haven't seen anything like this in any of the hundreds of naruto fanfics I have read on this site and others.

It's my own take on what would have happened to Indra as explained above.

Also, maybe it's the heaps of cultivation novels I read when I downloaded this app ages ago that influenced me, but the last part seems a bit cultivation style to me, I realize that. But no hate.

Also, this chapter may be kinda shit, cause I am so fucking tired as I write this. I just went to Smash 2022 today, and it was fun, but I am exhausted. Saw a lot of cosplayers (they were hot), saw a bunch of people showing and selling their art, which were just as beautiful as the cosplayers, and so much more.

So, what I am saying is, if you find any mistakes, just let me know, and I'll fix them up when I get the chance.


DaoistLeoncreators' thoughts