
The March to Maanga

I sat on my throne and looked at the ceiling, remembering the battle. My eyes were blank as I stated into the nothingness above me. I slowly looked down and at my hand.

"What came over me..? This new life...caused me to kill so many people. I...didn't want to kill anyone. What would Tomoka think...mom...dad..? Aaron...what would they all think of me killing people..?" I asked myself. "Wait...right. I'm stuck in this life...what they think doesn't matter now. I already have blood on my hands...no use in dwelling on it now."

"Stella." Victoria walked in the throne room and walked up the stairs to show me something.

"Hm? What's up?" I asked.

"We have generated more enemies. A powerful kingdom named Maanga has seen our abilities and are rallying against us. What do you suggest we do?" Victoria asked.

"Fuck...a day after our fight with Uphelia." I sighed and slouched a bit on my throne then closed my eyes. I thought for a bit then opened my eyes. "Well...Since they want to taste death, how about we give it to them."

"I knew you'd say that." Victoria smiled a bit then looked at her clipboard. "What about your Lunar Arm thought? Zephyr broke your Vesper Argentum."

"I can always remake it...This time it's gonna be unbreakable." I said and sat up on my throne then crossed my leg over the other.

"You should know the Queen of Maanga isn't any pushover. Legends have it that she may be stronger than Zephyr in some ways. She has a partner named Adriesta...they are like double trouble, but there are a lot of powerful warriors in Maanga. I asked Jin to do recon there and here are the list of names who reside in Maanga. Gabriela, Kielazar, Adriesta, and Zelion." Victoria smiled.

"Hm...Sounds like a challenge worth taking in. Well we march later tonight! I am going to go make new Lunar Arms for myself." I stood up then walked down the stairs and out the throne room.

Meanwhile in Maanga...

"Mother, you return so soon? Where were you?" Zelion asked as he sat at the round table.

"Gabriela. Call off the attack!" Adriesta walked to Gabriela.

Kielazar and Zelion both looked a bit surprised. Gabriela opened her eyes then her light blue eyes shined. She smirked a bit then closed her eyes again.

"Why? Is this Stella person as dangerous as you're making it sound?" Gabriela asked.

"Yes. Yes she is. She killed half of Zephyr's army...alone! Took on Arthur, Zain, and Yaura alone and won! On top of that, fought Zephyr solo and beat him!" Adriesta said.

"Ahh so she's as strong as they come huh..? Well we will just have an interesting battle." Gabriela let out a chuckle then opened her eyes once more. "Our army is as strong as they come.."

"I have to agree with, Gabriela. Our army is powerful as is, plus I have my own forces who can fight also." Kielazar nodded. "What are you worried about? You're like one of the strongest here, you've battled demons twice the power of all of us combined. You should be able to handle Stella and her army."

"I think I know why she wants to call it off." Zelion smirked. Everyone looked at him. "You and the late Queen of Lunia were close correct? You were Stella's mentor and good friend weren't you?"

Adriesta didn't answer. She just looked away then crossed her arms.

"I know about your connection to Stella, but she poses a threat to all of Arcania. We can't have a liability like her waltzing around. You serve Maanga, not Lunia. Plus you're the one who asked to join this nation. Set aside your bonds for now, Adriesta. On the slim chance she surrenders we can join forces with Lunia and she will still be alive." Gabriela stood up. "Now let us prepare for the upcoming battle."

"...Right." Adriesta sighed then walked off.

Back at Lunia...

I finished making my new Lunar Arm then smiled and equipped then on my wrists. The Lunar Arms shined then I felt a boost of power again.

"The Unholy Gauntlets are finished." I said then threw a few punches in the air and smirked. "They aren't the same as my sword, but screw it. I kinda liked the Hand to Hand combat thing. Besides I have my dagger."

I walked out the blacksmith area then met with Victoria, Jin, and Ren. I smacked my fist against my palm then my gold eyes shined. Victoria smiled and nodded. Jin smirked then crossed his arms. Ren nodded then we all walked to the stable to get our horses. We got our horses from the stable and set out to Maanga.

Gabriela walked outside the castle after telling all the people to retreat inside thier homes. Kielazar, Zelion, and Adriesta followed her. They waited for us to appear on the battlefield. We made it to the kingdom of Maanga then I jumped off my horse and palmed the air, sending a dark hand blast towards Gabriela. Gabriela looked at the blast and one of her floating swords deflected the blast in the sky then the blast exploded.

"Seems like we can skip the introductions...looks like you're ready to just battle." Gabriela smirked.

"Heh...No need for words when there is a Royal Battle commencing!" I dashed towards Gabriela.

I flipped on one hand then sprang into the air, summoning my bow. I summoned an arrows and twirled it around my fingers then shot the arrow at Gabriela. She dodged the arrow swiftly then snapped her fingers and threw more floating blades appeared beside her. I landed on the ground and my bow disappeared. We both smirked and dashed towards each other.

"Can't you see the liability your kingdom poses?! You all are just going to bring this land to a path of ruin! What will spreading darkness do for this land?!" Kielazar bellowed and slashed down.

"Tch! If only you understood why we are doing this you'd shut the hell up!" Victoria blocked the slash then kicked him away. She dashed in a zigzag motion quickly then her eyes shined red.

"You're all foolish." Kielazar glared and his red eyes shined.

They clashed and the ground cracked beneath them. They slashed and parried each other's attacks. Kielazar bellowed and knocked Victoria's swords out of her hands. He got in a stance then went for a decisive blow. He slashed then a shuriken blocked the attack. He looked shocked then at the direction the shuriken came from.

Jin and Zelion were battling and Jin threw a smoke bomb down and Zelion bellowed as he slashed in a circle, clearing the smoke. Jin was nowhere to be found. He looked around.

"Lightning Seal!" Jin said on the top of a building as a magic circle appeared under Zelion. Zelion looked surprised then Adriesta pushed him out the way. Jin smirked. "Fire Seal!"

Adriesta looked surprised then Zelion kicked her out of the way. The magic circle shattered then Jin vanished. Adriesta slid back and sensed Ren's attack. She blocked his attack with her rapier.

"Why..? Why aren't you trying to stop her? If Arcania gets swallowed by darkness..." Adriesta had a flashback about the darkness spreading within Arcania once before. "I won't allow that to happen again!"

Ren looked surprised then was blown away by her black lightning. Ren crashed into a building and grunted. Adriesta dashed directly towards me and slashed. I summoned my dagger and blocked the attack. I looked at Adriesta then glared. Gabriela slashed with all four of her floating blades.

"I won't let you defeat me!" I bellowed and my dark aura pushed them away. I vanished then reappeared in front of Adriesta and kicked her away. She grunted loudly then rolled back. She rebounded off the ground and I dashed towards her, holding my hand out.

"Right!" Victoria threw one of her swords at me then blocked Kielazar's attack.

I caught the sword and spun around then slashed. Adriesta blocked the attack then I pushed her back and stuck the sword into the ground and punched Adriesta's stomach four times then palmed her chest.

"Feel the wrath of a Dark Queen! Shattering Twilight!" I bellowed and blew her away, sending her crashing into a building.

"Mother!" Zelion pushed Jin away then dashed towards me.

I looked back then the marking on my cheek shined brightly then cursed marks began to spread around my arm and leg. I caught his lance then pulled him towards me and palmed his stomach as well, blowing him away as well. I bellowed in triumph. My dark aura surged powerfully. Adriesta stood up and wiped the blood away from her mouth.

"She's getting even stronger...I refuse to allow this to happen twice! Gabriela! Let's team up on her!" Adriesta bellowed.

"Now you're talking!" Gabriela smirked then got in a stance.

"It doesn't matter how many of you team against me, I am the Undefeatable Dark Queen! Do your worst! I blow you all away!" I bellowed got into a fighting stance.