
I reincarnated but forgot so this is just a normal story.

The Last Demon is Against the World=Plot Expect great pacing. character development and romance. I need a fancy thumbnail Few chapters a day in a good week.

cuberd_0011 · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs


The black night lorded over the skies as two boys sat satisfied behind a cluster of boxes.

Their mouths watering at the smell of the roasting beast.

"You still owe me for that knife." Jack said with a hint of annoyance.

"Once we sell the hide, i'll get you a new one." Deylor replied nonchalantly.

The two boys sat in silence, their bodies ached and their minds were tired.

The two boys sat in silence, their bodies ached and their minds were tired.

"Looks about ready." Jack groaned loudly as he got up.

He quickly teared a peice off the top of the meat.

As he chewed it fast his face screamed of flavour.

"That good?" Deylor asked in surprise.

Jack quickly consumed his share fast before gulping and responding.

"Too good."

Deylor took a bite himself and the flavour erupted like a latent volcano.

The juices of the meat burned in his mouth as his taste-buds screamed at the spices.

Deylor quickly exclaimed "God this is amaz-"

"Deylor." Jack asked solemnly.

"Are those horns on your head?"

Deylor slowly lifted his hands to his head just to feel the shape of horns.

Deylor slowly responded "Yeah, but they've always bee-"

"You're a demon Deylor."

"I'm a what?"

" A demon."

"I mean isn't that actually kinda cool."

"Yeah actually now that you mention it, that's lit..."

And as the two obvious younglings hinted their excitement at this new revelation a twig snapped behind them.

Their heads turned fast and and their bodies swifter.

And their eyes met with a small boy with an age no more than 7.

The two heaved sighs of relief as they turned their heads.

"Move on Kid." Deylor spoke nonchalantly once again focusing on his portion.

The Child curled up his fist revealing a sharp stone.

"Try it."

And the Kid's eyes met with two cold blue eyes and the shine of metal.

The kid quickly scurried off revealing his malnourished body.

Alas, in the slums such was the norm.

The next day.

"Get ye apples fresh and clean."

"Buy 10 get 12 free, limited edition shirts!"

"Raffle tickets for sale!"

The noisy,cheery atmosphere of the market bombarded the two boys as they placed their hands over their ears.

The sun was out and the town was bright.

The endless stalls and customers caused the boys to clash shoulders several times on their way to the merchant's guild.

"Listen here Kid, I'll give you 3 silvers for this hide and that's a bargain."

Jack and Deylor looked at each other, this part was crucial.

One slip-up and they could be starving in a month.

Jack straightened his back and put on his best pleading face as he pleaded.

"But it's his Birthday today sir, he's 13."

The Merchant ruffled his beard before he gave up.

"3 silver and 5 bronze coins, take it or leave it."

The boys quickly took the money and left, trying to avoid and attention.

In fact the Merchant had sold 1 bronze coin under market price but it was still a great find for them considering most would pay in bronze coins when interacting with uneducated children like them.

"Kid, this knife can cut wood like an axe and it moves like a snake. You won't find a better knife."

The two boys looked at each other and met a spiritual agreement.

They quickly passed over 2 silver-coins for the silver-knife before dashing out.

As they left a big hand lay on Deylors shoulder.

"Watch where you're going." A huge giant silhouette said roughly as he moved his eyes to the coins in Deylors hand.

"And pass those on while you're at it."

The boys looked at each other defiantly before their legs sprung into action.

They dashed across the market as the huge silhouette followed their tracks fast.

They went up and down the twisted roads before appearing upon an Alleyway.

The man grabbed Jack's shoulder as Jack looked back his face met a collasal fist.


Blood spilt as Jack was sent gutted to the back of the alleyway.

Just before Jack hit the back he used the last of his will to say the words.

"Body... strengthenin-"


Deylor was next, he ran like a madman until he and Deylor met.

Their fists enclosing onto each other.

Seconds before disaster, Deylor made a quick burst to the right.

The man's eyes followed him but his body did not.

Deylor aimed his fist at the man's face as the man aimed his at Deylors stomach.

TIme slowed.

A figure sent flying.

A figure still standing.

A fight just beginning.

Deylor stood still his body overflowing with red energy.

The man slowly got up brushing his shoulders as his eyes bulged and his body raged.

He charged again.


Deylor sidestepped to the side.

The man stopped himself before he crashed into the wall but there was no stopping the red fist that came towards him.

The man looked frightened his hands covering his body his eyes shut tight,


The hand hit the man's body but to no avail.

The red energy now seemingly gone the man grinned widely.

The man quickly grabbed Deylor's before swiftly crashing him against the ground. He lifted and proceeded to smash his body to the ground.

Deylor only saw,


But within the black a blue lights could be seen dashing towards the man.

Two cold-blue eyes and an enraged boy.

He jumped over the man his eyes ablaze.

"Eat this you bastard!" Jack screamed with all his power.

The man looked back but before he could even move a muscle.

A bright blue stream of blue energy slashed downwards.

His head separated.

His life, gone.

All before he could even lift a finger.

Blood flew like a fountain.

"Nice ability." Deylor said in between pants.

"You, too." Jack replied with a hand on his forehead

"Some happy 13th Birthday." Deylor retorted moodily.

"Well, we should sleep soon. Don't want to be late for the recruitment test." Jack said remorsefully.

The two fell asleep on the cold stone floor.

An eye opened in the endless void.

It saw black and black but it continued it's search.

It went throughout the endless stars and planets until it lay it's eye on a boy.

The eye blinked.

As it slowly closed.

"So that man's son survived..."

Cut to black.