
I reincarnated as the Daughter of the Demon Lord?

I'm Aiko a 15 year old girl, well when I was still living in Earth. For my whole life no one loved me nor wanted me, I was believe that I was only a mere ghost not to be disturbed, not to be noticed or to be loved, I only... exist. Little by Little I grow old of the world as everything was just plain and empty, but that one faithful day would finally put me to rest and hope I just disappear from the world.... until it wasn't. I got reincarnated... as the Daughter of the Demon Lord? what!? Come and join me with my new, handsome and loving father as I venture out and took this new amazing world and to try live in full this time! This digital book is owned by Arvil.

PaniX · Fantasia
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1 Chs

~ A new World - Baby Steps PT1~

"Come here Dalma" That was the name that my father gave me when I was born, but of course you know that every baby that was born is given a name, of course that's common sense! why would you try calling your son "Boi"or even "daughter"... well that's exist in the movies and in games (I'm Looking at you G•W & B*rdb•x) Anyways even though I was still premature in my mother's womb I was aware of everything. Is it because I was an other worlder? or perhaps I was born in the Demon race who has high intellectual capabilities?

It was a mystery to me, but no matter I shall know this once I grow up!

First I need to take my first few steps as a 7 months old Baby! I know maybe it's too early for me but I need to Speedrun life, to get out in there in the world- exploring and seeing all the monster and dragons!! I want to pet a dragon and maybe make some handsome elves friends along the way!

So starting early couldn't hurt, I tried my hardest you know, for the past week I've been trying to stand up and my father has been there with me supporting me with all his might, he even bought a Flag of me and waves it as he cheers for me, sigh My father is gotta be one of those doting ones.... but even with all that the baby me can't still do it, my thin and baby knees can't still carry its own weight, but I must do it! or else I would waste my father continuous support and all of the stuff he did for me! and of course to avoid him to baby me until I am 2 years olds before I could attempt to Stand again. I can't let that happen! I love my new father very much but he mustn't treat me a baby! well I am one but I want to prove to him that I can do it! For the sake of my future! and my harem to come!

My little knees were shaking as I try standing up, gosh why is this so hard! My father beside me had a worried look in his face but he was still cheering for me, seeing this kind of face wants to make myself to go even pass my limit, even though It was hurting so bad and about to cry. But no Pain can stop this baby from making her dreams come true not even the world gravity, nor my father's worried face, I couldn't stop now because I want to make my daddy proud! and to make some handsome elves boyfriend *cough* So here I go!!!!-

*Bone cracks*

I-I-I did it!!! Ignoring my bones cracking- I was standing! I look around with a face of disbelief, it was the best feelings ever it was like getting your very first manga from a 'friend'! To think I was able to do it! I was so happy that I turned to my father to say to him that I did it! but.... he must've passed away for being too proud, Rest in Peace father, this baby of yours can finally spread her wings but I will make you even more proud! hes face was all pale and had no life and I could actually see his soul climbing up too.

I couldn't help but smile at his reaction. Anyways the first mission has been accomplished onto the next task is to initiate the baby steps mission! come on me, A few steps will be like graduating in Highschool so Don't give up now and take that steppppp!!!! ooooooraaaaaaaaa!


huh? Did I take the step? As I wondered, I look down at my feets but they haven't move yet? maybe I didn't take the step. alright let's do it once more, Take the steppppp!


ugh! I couldn't move my feet! is it because the bones cracked and they were all broken.... this cant be happening!!!



Hello Everyone it's been a long time since I've been writing but I hope you enjoy this short chapter.

A new world Awaits for our Baby Dalma ... and her future husbands.

PaniXcreators' thoughts