
I reincarnated as Mordred.

Alex had grown up as a boring person until the age of 30. His only activities were reading anime and manga at home. But suddenly, when he died, he found himself in an infinite void. After a while, Alex heard a voice calling out to him. "Mortal, you will go to the Fate universe. You will be reincarnated as Mordred. All you need to do is to surprise me." Hearing what the voice said, Alex accepted without hesitation. "Okay, I accept." With Alex's acceptance, a panel opened in front of him. Alex chose his appearance and gender, then confirmed his choices. Alex's soul glowed and illuminated the darkness. After that, he was reincarnated into the Fate universe. ______________ Mordred will neither be a good nor a bad person. There won't be a harem or romance. I'm not familiar with the Fate scenario, so I will proceed by making many references to the King Arthur mythology. Mordred was born after the victory at the Battle of Agned River in the Arthurian mythology.

eternal_angel12 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter 6

Mordred looked at the letter in his hand. He was very hesitant. But it would be good if he could establish a connection with the nobles. Perhaps he could even find Uther's treasure.

"According to Morgan, the son of the great Duke who opposes Artoria will also be there. Maybe I can take that child as my apprentice." Mordred stood there, thinking he was cool.

"I have six years left. I must gain power among the nobles by spending four years at the Academy. Then I should ask Morgan for a Duchy."

Mordred looked at the newly rising sun. Knowing that the time had come, he went to Morgan.

As soon as he entered, he saw Morgan waiting for him. Morgan looked at him with her icy blue eyes. "Right on time."

"You've learned the basic knowledge for a month now, Mordred. I must confess you've truly exceeded my expectations." Mordred felt a little proud of Morgan's praise. But that feeling quickly faded.

"Using Magecraft requires imagination and a broad understanding of concepts." Morgan paused for a moment. Then she continued speaking. "Even if Magecraft is ordinary, knowing concepts like Death, Life, Earth, Lightning, Light, Darkness, and so on will still have a great impact."

"Mordred, Magecraft always revolves around certain rules. For example, to create Fire, you need oxygen and magical energy. That's why Magecraft is indirectly related to science."

Mordred listened to Morgan without taking his eyes off her. After all, learning Magecraft from a Witch like Morgan wasn't an easy task.

"Mordred, what do you think Death is?" Morgan calmly asked him. Mordred thought for a while. "The end that every living being will face eventually?"

"That's just a small part of it." Morgan continued explaining. "Death also influences fate. The same applies to the Soul. Whoever controls Death, controls all fate and the Soul."

Mordred raised an eyebrow. "How does Death influence fate?"

Morgan smiled mysteriously. "Remember, Mordred. Whether they're Heroes, Demons, Angels, or Dragons, even Gods will one day die. The end of everyone's fate is Death."

Mordred hesitated for a while and asked. "Is this also true for you?"

Morgan's eyes cooled slightly. "Yes, it's true even for me."

The atmosphere cooled for a while. Morgan's voice broke the coldness. "I believe you understand now. We can continue."

Mordred nodded and focused all his attention.


Accolon dodged the large fireball hurtling towards him. The fireball hit a tree, causing a massive explosion. Accolon glanced at Mordred, who was grinning at him, and sighed. "I didn't expect you to pick up on things so quickly."

"Well, after all, I am a prodigy." Mordred smirked. Learning to craft Macecraft had become enjoyable after boring lessons.

"Confidence is always a good thing, but too much confidence can land you in trouble one day, Mordred." Mordred ignored Accolon's words; he was more cunning than Accolon gave him credit for.

"That's enough for today, Mordred. You can rest now." Accolon sheathed his sword and said.

"Goodbye, Accolon." Mordred called after Accolon, who walked away without looking back. "Until tomorrow, Mordred."

Seeing Accolon leave, Mordred relaxed and rested. Despite appearing refreshed, continuous consumption of magical power had drained Mordred.

"Even if Accolon hides his power, I can still sense it. Stronger than an ordinary Knight of the Round Table." Mordred sat down. "If his loyalty to Morgan weren't so strong, maybe I could have turned him into an ally."

Mordred's eyes grew cold. "Ultimately, I'll have to kill him."

Mordred could feel Accolon's love and loyalty to Morgan. Accolon would never betray Morgan for Mordred, which posed a significant problem for him.

After resting for a while, Mordred stood up. Morgan was gone now. Accolon, on the other hand, had to deal with the scouting party from Camelot. This was a great opportunity. He wanted to visit a nearby town.

Mordred took the Albion map he found in the library and felt ready to set out on his journey.

After a while, Mordred arrived in the town. The recent Angola-Saxon Invasion had affected all of Albion's people, and this town was no exception.

Mordred scanned the faces of the people around him. Even the guards looked pale, likely due to the shortage of grain.

Inspecting the guards' bodies, Mordred quickly realized they were civilians. He stopped a woman and asked, "Why are there civilians instead of soldiers in the town?"

The pale woman scrutinized him for a moment, then looked at him with respect, probably because he appeared noble. "King Arthur called for all of Albion and asked for new soldiers. Unfortunately, those who feared the war fled and became bandits."

Mordred paused thoughtfully. It seemed the war would continue for another two years. It would probably end in another Briton victory, after all, it would be me who would destroy King Arthur's kingdom.

"Please, my Lord, help us. The town has been facing a grain shortage for the past 10 days," the woman bowed to me. Mordred quickly felt the eyes of the people around him on him. "I'm sorry, I'm not a noble. I can't help you."

Mordred knew he could definitely deal with the bandits. But Mordred was not a hero.

Mordred closed his eyes and suppressed the emotion within him. He was in a world where the strong preyed on the weak. That's why he couldn't afford to be weak.

Mordred left the woman alone and continued to wander around the town until he heard a voice in an alley.

He saw three men who looked like bandits surrounding a child, a boy with red eyes and long black hair. The child looked battered.

Mordred wanted to ignore and move on, but something stopped him. He saw the emotionless eyes of the child. Just like himself in the previous world.

It was the gaze of someone abandoned by everyone, someone who had accepted their death.

One of the three bandits grabbed the child's collar and pulled. "Didn't you hear me? Give us your money."

"I don't have any money." The child continued to stare emotionlessly. The bandit got angry and was about to hit the child when Mordred's voice was heard in the alley. "Filthy Worm. Let the child go."

The bandit, annoyed by Mordred, turned to him. "What did you say!!"

Mordred looked at the bandit emotionlessly. "I said let the child go."

A red-haired bandit looked at me. "James, look at this. He looks like a noble child. He'd fetch a good price at the market."

James, the bandit holding the child, grinned smugly when he heard his boss's voice. "Get him, Arnold. Rough him up a bit for insulting me."

Arnold, a burly bald bandit, walked towards me. If he were an ordinary civilian, he would have trembled in fear by now. But I am not an ordinary civilian.

Before the bandit could approach me, a small fireball hit him. The bandit was bewildered and flew backward.

The remaining two bandits looked at me with fear. James, the leader of the bandits, walked towards me and knelt. He spoke with a trembling voice. "We're very sorry, my Lord! We've offended you!"

Seeing their leader kneel, the red-haired bandit also knelt. "Please, forgive us."

Mordred didn't bat an eye at the bandits' tears and pierced the hearts of the bandits with his bare hand, using his extraordinary power.

The bodies of the bandits fell to the ground like puppets. Mordred turned his gaze to the last bandit lying on the ground, writhing in pain.

Mordred walked towards the burly bandit. The bandit, trying to crawl backward as if to escape, was pressed down by Mordred's foot. But not enough to kill him.

As Mordred gruesomely executed the bandits, the red-eyed child stood there emotionlessly.

Mordred looked at the child. He took out the dagger he brought from his home and threw it in front of the child. "Do you want revenge? Here's your chance. Take the dagger and kill the bandit."

The bandit, hearing Mordred's words, became frightened and struggled to escape. Mordred struck the bandit's waist once. The bandit screamed in pain.

The red-eyed child looked at the dagger in front of him. He took the dagger and walked towards the bandit writhing on the ground.

Seeing the child coming, Mordred stepped back. He watched the red-eyed child carefully.

The red-eyed child climbed onto the bandit and stabbed him in the heart without hesitation.

Mordred watched the child attentively. After finishing off the bandit, the red-eyed child showed no fear or remorse.

The child stood up. He handed the bloodied dagger to Mordred. "Take it."

"That dagger is yours." Mordred looked at the child intently. He wanted to make this child, who killed without hesitation, his subordinate. "So, what's your name?"

The child remained silent for a while. Then he spoke without showing any emotion. "Lucas."

"I'm Mordred. I came to explore this town." Mordred looked at the child with some interest. The child showed no emotion in response to Mordred's gaze.

"Where is your family?" Mordred asked curiously. He wondered who this child, who seemed different from ordinary people and resembled someone from a noble family, really was.

"They're dead." Mordred wasn't surprised. It was not uncommon for families to be torn apart during wartime. "How did they die?"

"I killed them." Mordred was somewhat surprised. It was strange for a child to kill people at such a young age. After all, at this age, they couldn't even harm an ordinary adult.

"Why did you kill them?" Lucas remained silent for a moment. Then he answered, "They tried to kill me. They said I was the child of the Devil."

"Who is your family?" Mordred was curious about such a child. Red eyes were rare. There was definitely something special about Lucas.

"My father was a devout Christian. My mother left me after giving birth to me." Lucas spoke without any emotion.

Mordred immediately understood that Lucas's mother was not human. "Do you know what your mother was like?"

"According to my grandfather, she was a very powerful sorceress. She also had eyes and hair like mine. My grandfather told me she was a fairy."

Mordred didn't know what to say. He had met a half-fairy child.

Mordred was genuinely pleased. This journey had been very auspicious. He looked into Lucas's red eyes. "Lucas, what are you doing now?"

"Nothing. Just waiting to die." Mordred placed his hand on the child's wounds. He carefully directed the energy of death.

Lucas's wounds began to heal slowly. Lucas, with his emotionless face, looked at his wounds.

As Mordred looked at Lucas, he immediately felt a slight opening. The wounds on Lucas's hands and body transferred to his own body. What Mordred did was not to heal Lucas's wounds but to transfer them to himself.

Thanks to Mordred's extraordinary regeneration, the wounds began to visibly close.

"Lucas, I want you to follow me and be my subordinate." Mordred stood magnificently. He tried to make his voice sound like that of a king.

Lucas looked at Mordred. His long blonde hair and blue eyes made Mordred look like a god descending to earth. Lucas took Mordred's outstretched hand and said, "I accept."

Mordred grinned. His first subordinate was a half-fairy and a powerful child. As he imagined having countless obedient followers in the future, his smile grew.

The souls of the bandits came to Mordred's mind. He immediately opened the Death Book.

Lucas saw the book that appeared out of nowhere. Even Lucas, who had endured torment since birth, trembled when he saw the book.

Ignoring Lucas's frightened expression, Mordred watched as three souls flew towards the book.

[Progress on the 2nd Seal: 3.5%]

Mordred grinned when he saw the progress. Perhaps he should kill more fleeing bandits.

Realizing it was time to leave, Mordred burned the three bodies with a gesture of his hand. "Come on, Lucas, let's go to your new home."

Lucas followed Mordred without saying a word.