
Chapter 30: Evo 1; Stage 1; Skill Evaluation

I'm almost at Jiro's. Only a few hundred feet away...

My body is fatigued. It's hard to run. But I can't just stop here, now. I've come this far, and Pearl's life may be at stake if I don't get her healed.

Nova also looks tired. But he's not the problem right now.

I see it! I see Jiro's house now! I can make it!

-[At Jiro's]-

I pounded on the door. Please, please let Jiro be here right now...

The door swung open and Jiro saw me, bloodied and bruised, carrying my daughter who was way worse off then I am.

He ushered us inside quickly and said, "Set her down on the living room couch! I'll be right there! I have to grab my healing scroll!

I ran to the living room and set Pearl onto the couch. Jiro ran in behind me and started rustling through his scrolls that he had in here.

He then picked up a scroll and said, "Ah! Here it is!"

He then ran over to Pearl and placed the scroll in front of Pearl.

He added his mana into the scroll and the magic circle on the scroll began to dimly shine. He then said, "What happened here?!"

I answered, "Well, we both went up the river's stream to try and see why the water is so murky. There we found a dead Ogre's corpse in the shallow part of the river. We removed it from the water and not too long after that, another Ogre showed up."

I took another breath and continued, "We tried to fight it, but Pearl got hit and was sent flying. It seems that both her legs broke from the impact of the hit. She and I killed it, after that. I won't explain how."

Jiro nodded his head. I then asked, "Will she be okay?" Jiro then told me, "She should be fine. This is a high leveled healing scroll that can even replace a lost limb with enough mana. So she should only be unconscious for the next few days, at most."

Hearing that, my heart felt relieved. So, she's going to be okay... Ah.

I could feel my legs giving out. Jiro, who just finished using the healing scroll, saw me and helped me sit down onto a chair.

Jiro then said, "So, she really killed an Ogre? That's incredibly impressive."

I tiredly answered, "Y...Yeah. She did. I could barely do anything..."

Now, back to what that mysterious voice said to me back at the fight. "Evolution", huh?

Has Pearl really become so strong that she is able to evolve...? Wow. My daughter is getting farther ahead than me.

I feel... tired. I shouldn't sleep. But... Ah.

My head slumped back and I passed out. All I hoped for was to see Pearl awake and okay when I wake up.


(Pearl POV)


[Notice. Nourishment needed for evolution has reached 100%. I shall now begin the evolution process. Estimated time until completion... 8 days, 6 hours, 19 minutes, and 7 seconds.]

...Huh? Is that... Gem? Wait... where am I? It's so dark here...

[Notice. After killing the Ogre, you fainted due to loss of blood and fatigue. Right now you are currently in the living room of the one known as "Jiro".]

Oh. Did Aliyah bring me there? I'll have to thank her and Nova, later...

Without them, I'd be dead from that. No. I would have died months ago. I'm lucky to have such great people around me.

"Having fun, are we?" I heard a familiar voice. Yes... it's his voice, ain't it?

The darkness started to subside and I saw a familiar figure sitting in a familiar chair. I looked around me and noticed something different than the last time.

I'm in my new body, the fox girl. Last time, I was nothing. Only a spirit, wandering around, awaiting death.

Kai waved at me with a smile. I walked over to him. I then asked him, "Why am I here, again? Well, I mean, it's good to see you again, Kai."

Kai then told me, "You're here because I pulled your consciousness out of your coma and brought it here. Currently, you are going through evolution, no?"

I answered, "Well, I am... I think. Well, what exactly does evolving do besides make me a bit stronger?"

Kai looked delighted when I asked him what evolution does.

He then told me, "Alright! So, since this is your first time evolving, you'll unlock a few things according to my skills that I give you and your race."

Oh? Sounds interesting. I then asked, "What exactly does that entail?"

Kai then answered, "Well, it contains two things for your race, and a few skills. The two things regarding your race are form transformations. One is a fox form, and one is a Lycanthrope battle form."

I then asked, "A Lycanthrope battle form? Fox form? They sound cool as hell! Can I use them here?"

Kai then said, "Yes! That is why I pulled you over here! I want you to train using those forms for the next 8 days while you are unconscious. That way, you can use them during fights against people or monsters."

Oh, hell yeah! I then asked, "So, how do I do it? You know, transform?"

Kai chuckled a bit and then said, "Well, I'll first have you start on the easier transformation. The fox form."

He took a breath and continued, "What you want to do is basically ask your system to switch forms. Normally, you'd have to increase or decrease mana levels throughout the body to use those forms. But with the system, you can do it just like that!"

Woah. Doing it without the system would be difficult, it seems. I then asked, "Will I be able to do it subconsciously one day?"

Kai then said, "Yes, of course you will. You'll just need to train harder to achieve that."

Ah, I see. So I just have to train! So, I should begin this training!

Kai then said, "Oh, before you begin. I'll need to update the system to allow it. Which will mean it will be renamed. Renaming the system, or naming it the same name again, results in updating all settings to fit your new power."

Oh. Alright. So, what should I name my system? Hmm...

Oh! I got it! How about "Kitsu"? Like Kitsune, but shortened. It's not that bad!

I then thought, "System, commence renaming. Set your new name to 'Kitsu'."

[Notice. The system shall now be named "Kitsu". Commencing update...]

Kai looked at me with a smile. I smiled back. Kai then said, "Well with that out of the way, shall we begin your training?"

I answered, "Yes!"


(Aliyah POV)

-[3 Days Later]-

Pearl still hasn't woken up. I'm getting kind of worried. But, knowing her, she'll be fine! She's going to bounce back to her usual self in no time.

The water has returned to normal and people's symptoms are starting to clear out. It seems the polluted water really was the thing that needed to be fixed.

I've been helping around the town getting everything back to the way it was. I've farmed and planted crops, refurbished the outside of houses, helped with construction of shops, and even cooked some food for everyone.

The town has been slowly getting better and back on its track.

I can't wait for Pearl to see how good the town's going to look! I bet she'll love it.


(Pearl POV)

For the last three days I've been training with my fox form. I can turn into a small, black furred fox with the same white tip on my tail. Nice.

I become extremely fast and nimble after transformation, which is very useful.

I'm actually just about the size of Nova when I found him, maybe a little smaller. But, the thing is, I've also learnt some new skills!

Please describe them, Kitsu.

[Newly acquired skills include:

• Steel Fur: Turn your fur during a fox or Lycanthrope transformation into a blunt, hardened shell to bash your enemies with or to block incoming attacks.

• Summon: Summon a companion to your side to help you in battles or situations. The companion must have a summon brand on them, first. Gifted by: Kai, the God of Soul Reincarnation.

• Kill Aura: Send out an aura of intimidation or killing intent towards your enemies. Gifted by Torō, the God of Battle.

• Echolocation Signal: Get a signal pinged to your brain that tells you if a companion of yours is nearby or farther away. Gifted by: Kai, the God of Soul Reincarnation.

That concludes the descriptions.]

Thank you, Kitsu! Helpful as always. Wait... "Torō, the God of Battle"? I then asked Kai, "Hey, it says I was gifted a skill by the God of Battle. Why did the God of Battle give me this?"

Kai looked a little perplexed by my statement. He then said, "Well, I have a guess as to why. You know the Ogre you just killed? She might have watched that battle and deemed you worthy of receiving a skill. What skill is it, though?"

I checked my status to double check the name of the skill. I then said, "It's called Kill Aura."

Kai looked slightly happy, and somewhat ticked. Kai then said, "Well, I'm happy for you..."

He then muttered, "That bastard. Heh. It seems she's taken a liking to my newest friend..."

Oh? The God of Battle is a "she"? Nice. Maybe I can meet her one day, as well...

I then asked, "Will I be able to meet the God of Battle one day? She sounds interesting."

Kai thought, "Shit. He heard me. Now Torō is going to make her way down here and beat the ever living shit out of me again..."

After he thought that, a cracking sound could be heard above. The crack grew in size, until it broke open to reveal someone falling down.

The person landed right on top of Kai. A woman then said, "Hey, jackass... Why are you going around telling people about me, huh? Isn't this the third time now?!"

Who… the fuck is this?!

Evolution, let's go!

Magueyecreators' thoughts