
I Reincarnate on Tuesdays

Edina, a thirteen-year-old girl living in the Blazing Dawn Sect, is tormented by her Aunt Li Mei after the tragic death of her parents. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she begins receiving messages from her future self, Senior Edina, who has mysteriously reincarnated back to her past self's body every Tuesday. Senior Edina uses her knowledge and experiences to guide Junior Edina in reclaiming her life and breaking free from Aunt Li Mei’s control.

Kn1is7otaku · Fantasia
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22 Chs

22. Expensive Servants

All three nodded and took the books. Liang Feng added, "If you have any requests related to money matters, send for the financial department using your seal. Especially you, Edina, we can't have you discomforting yourself by walking all the way here for small changes." Gathering all her courage, Junior Edina said, "Actually, Grandfather, I do have a request. It concerns the staff of Jinwei Mansion."As soon as Junior Edina said this, she felt a sharp glare from Li Mei and Xiao Min. However, she stood her ground and continued, "I... think the current staff is too expensive, so... I would like to... pause... the salaries and check for... alternatives." Junior Edina tried her best to convey her thoughts, though she still lacked perfect confidence. Nonetheless, she managed to get the words out."Expensive? How would you even know that? You haven't even checked the books yet!" Li Mei retorted. It was a blunder on Junior Edina's part; she should have reviewed the books before making such a request. Panic began to creep in, as it seemed this mistake might undermine all her efforts. Li Mei could easily spin this to portray Edina as incompetent in managing finances, regaining control in the process. Liang Feng's heart sank as he realized the blunder. He was about to support Edina but hesitated, knowing Li Mei could twist his words. Despite this, he had to protect Edina and was about to speak when—"Of course, she would know how much her servants make. Why wouldn't she? She has a good relationship with all the Jinwei Mansion staff. Isn't that right, sister-in-law?" a voice came from behind. It was Qin Cha Ling! She was about to leave for the Mingfe Mansion but saw Li Mei entering the Blazing Sun Mansion and decided to return to support Edina.Qin Cha Ling's timely intervention gave Junior Edina the support she needed, and she felt a surge of confidence. Liang Feng, seeing the situation turn in their favor, decided to reinforce this support."Indeed," Liang Feng said. Li Mei's face tightened, but she had no immediate counter since she was the one who portrayed the situation that Junior Edina was very close with the Jinwei Staff, giving her a good reputation.Li Mei's face not only tightened because of the fact that she was pushed into a corner, but also because now, if they checked the finances of Jinwei Mansion, it would indeed be true that all the staff would be exorbitantly expensive. This was because Li Mei had forged the account books the previous night to hide her embezzlement of money. She had accounted for the salaries as four times the reality to explain the disappearance of the money. Therefore, they could use the reason that the servants' services were really expensive and suggest firing them for cheaper labor.Xaio Min was the most disturbed one from this development. Her eldest sister's wedding was coming up, and if her salary got frozen and she got fired now, it would create a lot of problems for her family. She earned the most in her family, working as the head maid for the Young Mistress of one of the nine great sects. She looked at her real Mistress, Li Mei, hoping for her to do something.Li Mei knew at this point that she had been careless. She never expected Edina to have the courage to take a step in this direction. She didn't know if this was a plan made as a group between her father, brother, sister-in-law, or just Edina trying her luck. But the fact remained that she didn't expect this turn of events. As such, she knew she should not push for more since it would look suspicious to the onlookers."You are totally right, Sister-in-law. I should have thought of that," Li Mei conceded. "Even so, stopping the salaries and firing the Jinwei Mansion staff so quickly can be problematic. After all, we need people to serve my dear niece, right? How will we find staff so quickly? Let's keep them for a month."Li Mei pulled out her last gamble. Qin didn't know what to say, but Liang Feng smirked inwardly as a Blazing Sun Mansion staff member came up and said, "Sect Leader! You are finally here. I have finally sorted out all the employees who need new assignments this month. I know I am late, but here is the list."Liang Feng had planned this out just the previous night. Seeing this, Li Mei knew she had lost this battle. As such, she backed out.With a simple smile, Li Mei, her children, and Xiao Min exited the hall. Once they were gone, Liang Feng turned to Junior Edina and said, "You have grown quite a lot, Edina," with a smile. Aunt Qin patted her back and added, "Oh no, I had to entertain my guests. I will get going," before rushing out.Liang Feng then addressed Edina, saying, "These staff are handpicked. If by chance you find someone even a bit suspicious, report to the Blazing Sun Mansion," as he handed her the employee list he had prepared the previous night. Junior Edina nodded. Weirdly enough, she was feeling very light. Perhaps it was because for the first time, she had stood up to Aunt Li Mei successfully. But the reality was, she felt this way because there were people standing before her to make sure she wasn't alone. She hadn't expected this feeling to feel so good."I understand, grandfather," she said as he picked her up. "Well, you need to go to Jinwei Mansion, right? I will carry you then." With a smile, he lifted Edina, along with her cane, account books, and the employee list.After walking for a few minutes, Liang Feng and Edina reached Jinwei Mansion, where Li Mei's staff was busy packing up their belongings and preparing to leave. Meanwhile, the new staff was arriving to take over their positions.The mansion was undergoing a thorough cleaning, with dust being washed away and every corner being attended to. It was evident that the place hadn't been properly maintained for at least a few months.

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