
The Apex vs The Puppet

Arcane looked at the sky and closed her eyes then had flashbacks about when she and the Ancient Hero were together. She loved him as if she was his actual mother. It began to rain and the droplets hit against her face. The memories overflowing in her head. She then sensed a demon presence behind her then opened her eyes and looked back. A woman with white horns and gold eyes looked at Arcane. She summoned her sword.

"Grandma Aeyss.." Arcane said and turned towards her completely. "You still are a puppet huh..? You'll never be anything more than a puppet.."

"I have no choice. It is my destiny to serve under my husband. You fighting against your family is disgraceful." Aeyss said and her arms became demon arms.

"You truly disgust me.." Arcane said and took off her mask and her cloak. "You're no family to me..."

Arcane decided not to hold back at all against Aeyss. She bellowed and her Zodiac Energy surged powerfully as well as her Apex Aura. Her aura surged and she bellowed. The Ophiuchus Symbol shined brightly on her hand.

"Nngh!!" Yui held her head and fell on one knee then her pendant shined bright.

"Sephora.." Cosima said.

"This power..!" I said and gripped my head and fell on my knees.

"Mother.." The Ancient Hero said.

Arcane bellowed and her voice echoed and soon everyone across Eshea felt her full presence. Aeyss looked at her surprised.

"This power...one can not simply obtain power like this normally!" Aeyss said.

"I've lost too many of my people to the demons...my sons...my husband...my friends! I won't allow this injustice to linger for much longer!" Arcane's aura surged wildly and undergone Zenith Ascension and transformed into her Ultimate Form.

"You're just a Demigod and a pathetic one at that! Where could you possibly have gotten that power from?!" Aeyss asked.

"I am the Zodiac Goddess Ophiuchus. Overseer of all Zodiac. The Forgotten, yet, most powerful Zodiac! Creator of the Arcana Power, Creator of the Zenith Ascension, Master of the Kami Style. Master of the True Power of the Yaoke...I have reached a Godhood like no other. If you walked in my shoes...you would understand what I've lost, my sacrifices, my pains! If you were really family, you'd understand where I stand. This power wasn't a choice. This is something I was meant to have to kill demons like you once and for all! Aeyss! You're dead to me!" Arcane bellowed and her aura shook the ground and chunks from the ground began rising as her eyes glowed golden.

Arcane had surpassed Stella in all shapes and forms. It was once believed that Stella was the strongest, but feeling Arcane's power...Arcane surpassed anyone who was thought to be the strongest even the Dark Lords. Arcane never stops growing like the Dark Lords. Aeyss looked at Arcane and her dark aura appeared. She summoned some of her Hell Borns to help her fight. They charged at Arcane.

"This is nothing to me.." Arcane said and vanished then all of the Hell Borns fell to the ground and disappeared in a puff of black smoke.

Arcane appeared behind Aeyss and white lightning surged around her body and her eyes. Aeyss turned around and saw Arcane and took a step back then summoned a more powerful Hell Born. A knight appeared from the ground then dashed towards Aeyss. Aeyss looked at the Knight then a golden serpent made of her aura formed then rushed towards the knight and wrapped around the knight and shattered the knight.

"She's just running through the Hell Borns...I have no choice..." Aeyss glared and dashed towards Arcane and slashed.

Arcane summoned a sword and blocked. Aeyss was blown away by Arcane's aura then Arcane appeared above Aeyss and lightning surged around her arm and she punched Aeyss's stomach then slammed her to the ground. Aeyss's clone disappeared and the real Aeyss appeared beside Arcane and she slashed. Phantom Scales appeared above Arcane and tilted towards the left then her defense was boosted by a lot. The blade hit Arcane then the sword broke.

"What- Phantom Scales.." Aeyss jumped back and tossed aside the broken sword then summoned other. "She can use other Zodiacs power..."

Arcane's eyes glowed then her true aura appeared and shiend rainbow colors. She dashed towards Aeyss. She bellowed and her aura made her shine like a star.

"Mommy look!" A child pointed.

"What is that..?" The woman looked at the light.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Guys look!" Kufka pointed.

Mikoko and the others looked at the rainbow light and felt intense amounts of Goddess Energy. Li Mailin knew who it was.

"Do you guys see what the hell I'm seeing?" Saya asked.

"Yeah...that power surpasses even Stella's and Aria's combined. Who is that..?" Miyuna asked.

"The Power of Will, Hope, and Determination in one. True Indomitable Will. Only those with True Will, Hope, and Determination can obtain Dream Aura.." Kielazar said.

"Dream Aura.." Kotome said.

Arcane's yell echoed across the skies. Aeyss took this time to try to strike. She slashed multiple times and released multiple blade beams. Arcane's power was too great as she tanked all of them. She balled her hand.

"Iridescent Hope!" Arcane bellowed and punched Aeyss and a large rainbow color explosion shot happened. The size of the explosion was massive that it could be seen from all parts of Eshea.

All Hell Borns who were around was destroyed because of the aftermath of the explosion.

"A Supernova Explosion..." Emma said then saw the Supernova shrink in size and the smoke spiralled in a circle. "What the..?"

"Hell Borns! You're all finished!" Arcane bellowed and grabbed the tiny ball of energy. She jumped in the air and threw the ball of energy down at the ground. "Iridescent Hypernova!"

The ball of energy pulsed then exploded and left a massive round crater in the ground killing all the Hell Borns in the area. She landed on the ground and her aura surged. The true power of Arcane was something to never underestimate. This wasn't even her full power either. This was something 50% Power Stella and Aria could do combined. We we're lucky she was holding back. The wrath of this Goddess was more terrifying than the hidden threat we were preparing to face off against...