
Farewell Life

"Yeah! Go Yufumi Zoko!" My brother cheered from the crowd as I went down the catwalk.

"Damn your sister has a phattie bro." My brother's friend said and chuckled.

"Shut it Hotaki." My brother sighed.

"Oh come on Hori, don't lie your sister has a PHAT one." Hotaki smirked.

Hori rolled his eyes and watched me walk down the catwalk wearing a sparkling black dress and black heels. I also wore gold bracelets, a gold necklace, and gold earrings. He smiled and clapped as the next woman walked past me. I walked to my dressing room and coughed, sitting down in my chair. I panted and covered my mouth. I closed my eyes and raised my head.

"My condition is just getting worse...I just need to push through one more..just one more.." I said then began to unzip my dress.

I took my dress off slowly and let the dress fall to the floor and all I had on was my lavender bra and panties. I searched through the rack of clothing and took out a shiny silver dress. I carefully unzipped the dress and put it on carefully. I zipped up the zipper and heard a knock at the door.

"You're on in 5 minutes, Zoko." My manager said.

"I'll be there!" I called out and put on my diamond earrings and silver bracelets. I fixed up my makeup then left the dressing room.

It was my turn to go down the catwalk and I went as the woman turned back to walk backstage. Something strange was happening to my body as I went to walk down. The crowd noticed it also. Hori watched me and wondered what was up. My legs were weak and my breathing was irregular. I took one final step then fell on the floor, gasping for air.

"Oh no! Someone call for the ambulance! Get some help!" A man yelled.

"Yufumi!" Hori made his way up the catwalk by climbing to the top of the catwalk. He checked my forehead. "God, you're burning up in ways that shouldn't be possible..!"

Hori immediately called for the ambulance. He made sure no one came near me as the ambulance made their way towards the building. People heard the sirens of the ambulance drawing near. A group of emergency workers came in the building with a stretcher ready. They gently picked me up and put me on the stretcher and brought me outside towards the ambulance vehicle. Hori followed and looked worried.

"Is she gonna be alright? Can you all help her?" Hori asked.

"We will do all we can to help your sister sir. Just remain calm." One of the workers said.

Hori nodded and the ambulance workers got in their vehicle after they put me in the back of the ambulance. They drove off after getting settled in the car. Hotaki walked out and pat Hori's shoulder.

"She's gonna be fine man. We've got some of the best doctors in the world. Just have a bit of faith." Hotaki said.

"Yeah.." Hori nodded.

Meanwhile at the hospital, they got me out of the ambulance and rolled me into the building quickly and the doctors and nurses put me in a hospital bed and rolled me to a room. All I heard was the panicked voices of the doctors and nurses. I couldn't make out what they were saying. A few minutes later I was out like a light. An hour passed and I had finally awoken and noticed I had medical equipment hooked up on my body. I saw Hori sitting next to me in a chair and he looked at me then smiled.

"You're finally awake..?" Hori said.

"Hori..?" I mumbled a bit.

"You scared everyone at the fashion show...We didn't expect you to pass out like that.." Hori's smile slightly weakened. "I was so worried about you..."

"I'm sorry to have lied to you about my condition.." I said and slowly poked his cheek. "I reached the final stage of Verpisis Virica...It's an incurable sickness and I just...I didn't want you to worry too much about it. I hate to see you sad and me being here didn't fix anything...I hope you're not mad at me.."

"Yufumi, I can never get mad at you especially when you try to protect my feelings...I just wish you told me sooner, we could have tried to slow down the stages of your illness at the very least." Hori said and held my hand.

"Mr. Zoko, I'm here with Yufumi Zoko's final results." The doctor said walking through the door. "It's not pleasant news at all."

"What is it?" Hori asked.

"Yufumi is nearing her final moments of living. She only has one hour left to live before death bestows upon her." The doctor said.

"I see.." Hori looked down.

"I'm sorry Mr. Zoko." The doctor said sadly. "This is the first we've ever had a patient like this and it deeply saddens us as well that we can't save her."

"You can't slow down the process just a bit? I don't want to lose my sister." Hori pleaded.

"She's at the final stage, we can't do anything about her condition at all. All you can do is spend as much time with her as possible.." The doctor said.

Hori looked at me and looked sad. I looked at him and touched his cheek gently. I smiled sadly at him and brushed his hair from his eyes. He closed his eyes as I moved his hair.

"I promise I'll always watch over you...No danger will come to you." I said.

"Yufumi.." Hori sniffled and had tears falling from his eye.

I rubbed his hair and spoke to him. The doctor left the room so Hori and I could have our final heart to heart moment. He couldn't control his sadness anymore at this point. I let him cry upon me and held him close. I looked at him and tears rolled down my cheek as well. Hori didn't imagine me on this hospital bed at all. He didn't expect me to die so early at my age. I am only 20 years old, meeting my final moments right now. Hori wiped his eyes and sniffled. He sat up and talked to me for a while longer.

"Hori..I just want to say that I love you very much. I love everything you've done for me. I love all that you do for my happiness. I appreciate you more than anyone else in the world...I just wish I could live longer so I could truly show you my appreciation." I said.

"Yufumi...Your words are enough to show how much you appreciate me." Hori sniffled and chuckled a bit. "You don't have to throw a huge party...I just want to hear the words because your words mean alot to me."

"I'm so sorry I lied to you." I said and looked at him. "Please forgive me.."

"I'll always forgive you...no matter what you do." Hori smiled and held my hand.

I smiled back and looked at the roof and closed my eyes. My body grew weaker quickly up until my final breath. The heart monitor showed a flat line and like that I was dead. I don't know what happened from that point on.

"Hey! Hey you!" A voice called out. "Hey! You there wake up!"

I opened my eyes and noticed I was on a grassy plain and sat up then noticed a male fighting off a horde of skeleton knights. I panicked and stood up quickly and stepped back then fell down as I tripped over something. I looked down and it was a long blade in a black scabbard.

"I could use some assistance here!" The male said parrying the skeleton's attacks.

"O-Okay!" I said and groaned softly, in pain.

I stood up and looked at the sword and picked it up. I grunted as flames surrounded my body. It was burning my body, but not in a bad way. I slowly and carefully pulled the sword out of the scabbard. I noticed that my new body had new physical abilities and magical abilities. I only could remember my name and how I died. I couldn't remember anything else from my past life. I couldn't even remember my family, friends, or their names.

"Alright, now that you're awake finally, please help me! There are a lot more coming--"

I dashed towards the skeleton knights and slashed horizontally. I defeated the front row of skeletons then noticed a flaming blade beam defeating the back row of monsters. I was amazed by my new body. The male looked at me in awe then focused.

"Glad you've come to your senses again." He said.

"Uhm, thanks? And you are?" I asked.

"My name is Tsubame Tosu. Who are you?" Tsubame asked.

"I am Yufumi Zoko." I said.

"Nice to meet you. Oh yeah, what were you doing here in a prairie sleeping? This place is infested with monsters and danger beasts ready to kill at any moment." Tsubame asked.

"Your guess is as good as mine. I don't even remember how I got here.." I said.

"I see, well after we deal with these last few skeletons I'll take you back to town." Tsubame said.

We spent 30 minutes dealing with the last horde of skeleton knights. It was draining and we both sighed. I slid my sword back in the scabbard. He looked at me and smiled. I noticed him staring and rose an eyebrow.

"Sorry I was just thinking about how amazing your Swordplay was. It looked like something only a royal demon could do." Tsubame said.

Now that I think about it, my body was moving on its own a bit. It felt nice fighting like that, but it feels as though I have no control over myself when fighting.

"Well let's head towards Warstein Town. We can rest at my place." He said.

"I'll pass, I--"

"Relax, my sister and girlfriend won't mind." Tsubame smiled.

Yeah, "they won't mind" he said. The moment I walked in the house they went apeshit.

"Tsubame! Who the hell is this woman?!" The girlfriend asked.

"You promised Miyachi that you would never cheat on her!!" The sister whined.

"Yeah and above that, she's one of the Demon Princesses! She's an enemy!" Miyachi said and pointed her knife at me then ran towards me. "She must be eliminated!"

She jumped down the stairs, spinning around then slashed down. I caught her arm and pushed her back. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Okay everyone calm down. I'm only offering her to stay for the night. She was randomly on the ground at Marshal Plains and she has no recollection of why she was there. Plus she helped me defeat a horde of skeleton knights." Tsubame said.

"That's because you practically forced me to. How are you a mercenary with little combat ability?" I said.

"Come on, work with me here!" Tsubame said.

"Look, I'm only staying here one night. I have no intentions on taking your boyfriend." I told Miyachi.

"Hmph! You better not have any intention on making him your puppet!" Miyachi pulled Tsubame to her and held him close.

"Yeah!" The sister stuck her tongue out at me. I looked at her and she squeaked and hid behind Miyachi.

"Who's she?" I asked.

"That's Shizaki. My younger sister." Tsubame said. "A natural trouble maker."

"Am not!" Shizaki said.

I sighed as this was gonna be a long night with these three. Out of all the things I could be rebirthed into my soul chose a Demon Princess...Is this who I truly am on the inside? Do I actually desire to be a villainess? No use in questioning it at this point, I should just grow accustomed to this new life.