
I Pursue the Villain! [BL]

When Kai Lunao was on his way back home from school, he picked up a mysterious BL book titled, "The Gold Knight." Shortly after reading the book, he died from a fire. Shockingly he transmigrates into the book! Kai reincarnates as the hero's childhood best friend who was destined to be left behind by the hero of the book. His fate was to fall into an unrequited love with the hero who was the protagonist of the book. However, Kai adores the Villain! Kai does not want to fall in love with the hero, instead, he wants to pursue the Villain!

harutotreasure13 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs


"Kai!" I yelled out when I saw Kai fall.

With a burst of energy, I stabbed my sword deep into the Dragon's eye. The dragon roared in pain as I rushed towards him.

I kneeled next to Kai. Tears fell down my face when I saw how weak and lifeless Kai looked.

"Kai, don't leave me, don't die!" I yelled desperately, but I knew that it was no use. Kai was dying and I had no way to save him.

Kai smiled at me which caused me to cry harder.

Why was he pretending to be fine when he clearly wasn't?

Kai's eyes grew dull and I knew that he was going to die but I still had a tiny bit of up.

My heart wrenched in pain.

"Please...I haven't told you yet that I-" I said with a trembling voice, but I did not get to finish as his eyes closed.

I haven't told you that I love you...

I felt useless. Why couldn't I protect him? Instead, he was the one who protected me from the Dragon's claws.

My heart grew cold as I stared at the fucking dragon that killed Kai.

I was pissed. How could the dragon take away someone that I held so close to my heart? I was felt rage boiling within my soul.

My hatred for the dragon grew and I felt a surge of power passed through me. All I saw was red, my vision darkening. I wanted to kill someone, that someone being the dragon.

"AAAAHHHH!" I screamed in agony as pain swept through my entire body.

I felt something erupt from my back.


Before I could think about that fact, pain engulfed me. I clutched my face from the searing pain mostly coming from my face. It was as if someone was craving some kind of runes onto my face.

But soon the pain was replaced by an unknown power. I stepped away from Kai's dead body and walked slowly towards the Dragon. I felt powerful, indestructible.

This stupid dragon who was still howling in pain was nothing in my eyes. I raised my hand and clenched my first into a crushing motion.

Boom!!! The dragon exploded into tiny particles leaving only the beast core and its bones.

Kill...Kill...Kill...was the only thought in my mind.

I looked around for anything to kill. My senses heightened and I felt the presence of 4 people approaching me. They were about 5 minutes away.

I lifted my hand to kill them, but a gentle hand stopped me.

I looked up and saw a woman of about 30 years old. She had blue eyes and blonde hair. She was surrounded by a heavenly gold glow and had dark black wings.

The woman smiled and me and took my hand into hers.

Looking into her sky-blue eyes calmed me.


The woman smiled.

"Yes, I am Lailah Anastasia Anita, your mother."

"Mother!" I cried as I rushed toward her, hugging her.

"Don't cry, my dear child." My mother said as she gently wiped my tears.

"You've grown my son." My mother laughed.

I pulled back from her embrace.


She smiled at me.

"Before I died, I placed a seal on you locking away your divine powers. Along with the seal, I placed the last remaining energy that I had to place a small portion of my soul in the seal so that I would have this moment to speak with you."

"Divine powers? What are you talking about?"

Lailah said, "Yes, divine powers. I am an angel, well a fallen angel now and you Caliban is a half-angel. It is time that I told you my story..."

She waved her hands and we appeared in a different place.

"Where are we?"

"Inside of my mind, time runs differently here. These are my memories when I was younger, 1000 years ago, when I was 2000 years old." She said as she pointed towards something.

What! My mom was 3000 years old!?!

But I still looked at where she was pointed at and saw a younger version of my mother.

She was wearing blue armor and she walked along a bright path.

"Is that Heaven?"

"Yes." My mother said.

"Hail the Heavenly Angel!" A citizen of Heaven announced.

"She is our savior!"

"She defeated the demons!!!"

"Finally, the 1st Holy War had ended all thanks to the leading commander, Lailah Anastasia Anita!" Another person proclaimed.

The younger version of my mother smiled with pride.