
I Own Reality!

A freak accident claims the life of a man, but instead of oblivion, he receives a fortunate twist: a second chance in the world he's always craved. As a cherry on top, he's blessed with power that can change the fabric of all existence! Watch as he dominates the world from the shadows and find the most beautiful woman to stay by his side. Nothing can stop him, and we will do anything it takes to have his dreams granted. -------------------------- THIS STORY HAS MINOR ELEMENTS OF CANON, BUT IT WILL ALL CHANGE DRASTICALLY. THIS IS AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE. IF YOU COME IN COMPLAINING ABOUT ANIME VS LIGHT NOVEL CHANGES, THIS NOVEL IS NOT FOR YOU THEN. -------------------------- There will be - Lemons, Romance, Action and OP MC. High school DxD - AU!

itsDhi · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

I'm a Real Woman now!

All my mind could think about was breasts as I stared at the unconscious woman attached to my body from above. How the hell can I suffocate when I don't even need to breathe? These things are magical. With a slight grab at Red's breast to move her, my hand inadvertently squeezed the plump flesh before I pushed her body off of me. She fell to the side of my body. "Wah?!" she exclaimed in an unconscious state, before her eyes snapped open and looked at me.

"Did you not hear what I said before going to sleep, you overgrown lizard? You have your own bed! Why the hell did you jump into mine?" Now.. I'm not really mad. It is difficult to find someone who wouldn't be thrilled to wake up to a woman so stunningly beautiful, whose breasts envelop you like an octopus.

"But Ophis did the same. I refuse to be left out of the fun!" Red said, as she pointed to my left side. While turning my head, I realized the gothic dragon snuggled up to my shoulder, drooling in excess to refill a pool. How and when the hell did she get here? Upon hearing the commotion, Ophis woke gradually from her slumber. "Baka Red.. too loud.. shut up." She said before closing her eyes and entering dreamland once again.

'What in the absolute fuck is going on? As I reached toward Ophis, shaking her awake once more, I couldn't help but wonder when my home turned into a hostel with only one bed. Ah, she looks annoyed, but somehow it makes her cuter. "Ophis, why are you in my bed again? Didn't we talk about this before?"

With a serious look, Ophis turned to my face and stared at it without uttering a word. This was a first for her to have such concentration on her face. She abruptly sat up before waddling over and positioning herself on my lap. As she did so, she placed her forehead against mine. "Oi, oi, Ophis! You can't be serious right now, can you?" Great Red said, the shock in her voice making me curious about the situation.

When our foreheads aligned, a bright flash of light appeared between us, causing a slight tingle to radiate on the back of my hand. A purple marking, circular with an infinity symbol in the centre was tattoo'd there. "Mate. Forever," was all Ophis said before closing her eyes and dozing off back to sleep on my lap.

"Hey! You can't just do that and then fall back asleep!" I yelled out, but it seemed the little dragon was down for the count. Turning towards Great Red, her face riddled with shock and bewilderment as she stared from my hand to my face. "Ophis just marked you as her mate for life.. I guess she felt some type of connection between the two of you.. but so quickly? What is she thinking.." she whispered, though it was loud enough for both of us to hear.

"So you're saying she's forcefully become my wife? That's.. not within the expectations I had.." Like, c'mon! I know her adult form is a stunner, but she barely knows me! Maybe the template I have has some additional perks that drew her towards me insanely. Well.. she hadn't even chosen a gender yet. I think she just enjoys the small form factor. God, I hope she chooses soon. I don't want to wake up in bed and see her as an old man. It's possible that I could experience a heart attack.

'Waking up a day ago, and already gained a wife.. is this God-like luck, or misfortune?' musing to myself, my head looked directly at Great Red.

"So.. you thinking of doing the same to me? Not that I would complain about having both of you by my side forever, but at least give me a warning beforehand," winking at her, I lay back down and close my eyes.

"Idiot, not now.. but.. No. I'm going to sleep," she faintly whispered.

As I closed my eyes and took a moment to comprehend the situation, a small smile adorned my face. 'This is nice. The luck I have is pretty insane, from loser to virgin to something I can't even comprehend. Wait, no. I'm still a virgin, fuck. Hey, System! Is there a reason Ophis marked me as her lifelong mate so quickly?'

'Yes. Novus, your soul has no karma because of rebirth, and your existence in this universe is immeasurable. You are akin to a magnet to these so called God's of this universe. Nullification of the racial differences also occurs.'

'Well shit, that's another topping on the broken-sandwich that is my life. My dream of having a large and happy family is actually becoming a reality.' I smiled as my mind finally drifted off to sleep, excited for the days to come.

As the 'morning' came, I woke up to a shuffle on top of me, with both Ophis and Red clinging to my body in their slumber. Dragons can really sleep, huh? "Oi, you two. It's morning, let's get up." Pushing both of them off of me, I made my way to the bathroom and freshened up before heading downstairs to the kitchen. While making a simple breakfast for the three of us, I included bacon, eggs, French toast, and some coffee.

The duo made their way down the stairs, still slowly awakening from their sleep. "Breakfast is ready! Come and sit. I've got some training to do today, so I was hoping both of you could help me a little?" I said sheepishly. These two would be the perfect training partners for me to truly understand my limits.

Honestly, watching these two eat food was a crazy sight. Barely chewing their food, just opening their mouths and swallowing whole. It was like a feeding session at a zoo. After we finished our meal, we made our way to the backyard where the training would take place.

"Okay, let's start with Red first. Because I know about your strength, I request that you come at me with the hardest punch you can. I need to see something." I said, walking a couple meters away and standing in position, waiting for the attack.

Great Red just smirked. I guess she wanted to have some fun. She charged off like a lightning bolt, appearing before me with her right fist clenched and hurtling towards me like a rocket. The surrounding space cracked at the sheer pressure she pumped out. As the first came toward my face, I lifted my hand, open palmed as I grasped at her fist. Like a damp towel falling on the ground, my hand suppressed her punch with great ease. Her face showed a bit of a surprise as she realized her punch had no effect, and she immediately started launching into a barrage of attacks.

Her fists and legs came hurtling at me at supersonic speeds, but I could move with ease, dodging and weaving in between each one as I crept my body closer to her. Gaining momentum, I pressed closer to her body, parrying both fists as I made an attack, making sure I controlled my strength. I landed my fist on her stomach, causing her body to bend in a 'U' shape and shuttle into the distance.

"God damn, you are strong! Sure, I was using my human form, but I can tell that you're a natural at fighting and you were suppressing your strength to not hurt me." She yelled out, but I couldn't tell if it was shock or excitement. Without waiting for me to reply, she launched herself toward me, hoping to land a surprise attack.

We continued fighting for what felt like hours.

"Okay, I give up!" She yelled out, slumped on the floor. "There wasn't even a moment when I could land a hit on you, and besides, your punches started to really hurt. How did you learn to fight like that?"

Smiling at her defeat, I walked up to her and lent a hand as she stood back up. "If I told you that this is my first time fighting, would you believe me?" her mouth was agape at the comment. "Bullshit, that's not fair. How?!" she yelled, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me.

"I have this ability that allows me to adapt to any situation I am in. It's pretty insane. When we started fighting, I truly felt like a novice. But the more we fought, the better I become. Honestly, in the instance, you were my teacher." A small smile on my face. It was true. She taught me how to fight in the heat of battle.

"You're a cheat. This isn't fair!" Red yelled out in protest, before turning around and walking back to Ophis, who just seemed to lounge about. Not a single care in the world. "I'm done fighting you. This isn't fun."

"Ophis, how about you? Do you want to have a fight?" I asked, hoping that she would use the power of infinity. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't even be able to affect me, but it never hurt to test it out.

"No, fighting is boring." Well, that settles that. Damn, she really dislikes most things.

Walking toward her, I stretched out my hand and placed it on her head before slowly petting it. A blissful smile was on her face at the action. So. Fucking. Cute. Though I could hear the slight grumbling of an annoyed red lizard beside me. Before she could say another word, I walked towards her and did the same thing. She didn't push me away, but her face had a slight tinge of red.

Pausing momentarily and looking at my hands, 'Do I have a magical touch? She became so meek after a single pet. I think I've found their Kryponite.' An enormous smile plastered on my face at the discovery. "Okay, you two, do either of you know about the situation with the three factions, or what's currently going on in the outside world?" Both of them shaking their head. What did I expect, why would they care about ants?

"Alright, allow me to give you both a rundown of the world. It will be helpful for both of you to understand that everything is a shitstorm right now. The three factions had gone to war, causing the respective loss of leaders for the devils and angels. They've all gone back to their homes to lick their wounds, but I don't doubt they'll have more wars in the years to come."

I paused, allowing both of them to absorb my words, though neither seemed to be truly interested. "Albion and Ddraig have 'died,' in the sense that their bodies are no longer present, and their souls have been transferred into Sacred Gears. God had a hand in that before his death."

"Those two idiots kept trying to see who was stronger, and that ended up getting them turned into pets. How many times can someone be so stupid?" Red said, her voice laced with sarcasm at the downfall of her kind.

"It's fine. I'm sure even after they gain a host, they'll keep fighting like a married couple."

"I noticed that you two don't have any genders, so I'm curious why you're both using female forms when talking to me." Honestly, I knew Ophis should still be in her Old Man form, but I was unsure.

"I'm not sure about Ophis, but when I met you yesterday, there was something deep within me that assured me choosing this form would be better. I can see now that you like big-breasted women, right?" She had a large smirk on her face as she said those words. Ophis hearing her, quickly snapped her head in my direction. Before I could even reply, her body illuminated and grew larger, before the light faded and she changed.

What welcome my eyesight was another otherworld beauty. It was Ophis, sure, but much larger, and I wasn't talking about her height. Her long black hair flowed down to her buttocks, her breasts. By God, they were huge. She had covered her nipples with what seemed to be black tape, using two 'X' markers to cover them. She still wore her gothic Lolita clothing, but now she looked like she could tempt any many to divorce their wife for her.

"What're you doing, Ophis?" I asked quickly and in shock.

She titled her head, then pointed at Red. "Baka Red said you like big breasts. Do you like this?" she said, as she grasped at her breasts and squeezed slightly.

'Fuck me.. could this day get any better?'