
I Own Hollywood

Being given another chance at life I am driven to become the most famous actor, director, artist, and businessman there ever was. Having an entire world of knowledge in my head I will make it all from Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Marvel, DC, Game of Thrones, to Pirates of the Carrabian. I will rise to the top and rule it all. First story so going at my own pace.

Ghost_Strike · Outros
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16 Chs

Sunday Night Live

The Next Day…

Steven Whitlock POV...

'We are doomed. We haven't released anything significant in the last quarter. If this continues, we--'

"Mr. Stevens your 11 o'clock is here."

'I don't remember any meeting,' "Who is the meeting with."

"Eren Wayne Sir."

'Eren Wayne, he made Home Alone, didn't he? My daughter loves that film, we are seeing it again tomorrow. What could he want.'

"Send him up."

"Yes sir."

A minute passed and a young man walks in & opens the door and approaches me.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Stevens, thank you for seeing me today," he then reaches out for a handshake.

'He has a firm handshake.' "What can I do you for son."

"I've recently written a book and I'm looking for someone to help me deliver it to the people."

'A book isn't this guy a director.' "Alright let's see it."

He then hands over a stack of papers. 'Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone'.

To give a summary the book begins with one-year-old Harry Potter being brought to his Aunt Petunia's home after his parent's death. He eventually grows up to eleven years old. He is treated very badly by Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, and his cousin Dudley. He then meets Hagrid, who informs him that he is a wizard and delivers his letter of acceptance from Hogwarts.

Harry attends Hogwarts and is thrilled to see how interesting this new world of magic is. He becomes close friends with Ron and Hermione, who spend most of their time together as they are all in Gryffindor House. Harry develops a great interest in flying on a broomstick and also discovers the game of Quidditch. He finds out about his history, the death of his parents, and the Dark Wizard called Lord Voldemort, who is responsible for it. He also figures out the origin of the famed scar he got from this confrontation with Lord Voldemort. He discovers several secrets and events surrounding a mysterious object which prompt him to attempt and solve them with his friends Ron and Hermione.

After about 30 minutes I couldn't look up. 'This is brilliant & there aren't any blaring mistakes here. This could be our golden goose.' Taking a deep breath, I look up and a smile appears on my face.

Eren POV…

"It's a really good story you have here. There are a few things I would change but I would be happy to be a part of this."

"What changes would you make," 'After all, I don't want to deviate too much from the original story.'

"Nothing to the plot just grammar-wise stuff like that. Have you ever thought about making a sequel?"

"I plan on making this a 7-book series and I have the details and plot for the second book. I want to release a book every 6 months."

Mr. Steven's eyes widened, and a smile crept onto his face, "Perfect, I'll have my team come up with the first draft and cover image. What kind of deal are you wanting."

"I am thinking a 60-40 split. I also want ownership over the books."

Mr. Steven's eyes squint and a serious face appears. '60-40, that's too much but this could be our big break.'

'I know he's on the fence time to throw him a bone, "I also have plans for another series that I feel with be equal in popularity to Harry Potter."

A surprised expression and then quickly replaced by a smile. "You have a deal son."

We both stand up and shake hands. "I'll send you the cover samples and you can pick one. I want to get this book out immediately so once you pick one, we'll start advertising".

"I look forward to our continued partnership."

Once I walked out of JeadenCollins my phone started ringing.


"Yo, Eren I just received a call for an interview for you and the main cast on Sunday Night Live."

"What? How could we have popped up on their radar so fast?"

"I'm not sure but this is a perfect chance to get the word out there for Home Alone."

"Alright when is the interview?"

"Tomorrow night."

"Ok, I'll be there."

Next Day…

Me and the cast of Home Alone are being told what questions we will be asked and how long the segment will be. However, something interesting was told to us.

"Wait, I have my own segment."

"Yes, after the interview with everyone here, there will be a break then a one-on-one interview will happen."


Standing backstage, we were waiting for our cue to walk onto the set/stage. Considering how everyone just 2 months ago was a struggling actor everyone was nervous to be on one of the most popular TV spots ever.

Seeing some of them looking like they were going to pee I tried to ease their nerves, "Listen we know what they're going to ask and if something surprising comes up I'll deal with it. Just be excited that your family will see you on TV."

Although everyone was still nervous the look on their faces showed a little ease.

"Alright in case you haven't been to the movies for Christmas the newest movie that is rising in the box office is Home Alone. A story about a boy who is left at home by his parents during Christmas and must defend it from burglars by doing what every person wishes they could do as a kid. With tremendous acting and a very unknown but talented director please welcome Eren Wayne and the cast of Home Alone."

'Well, that's our cue.'

I gave a nod to William and started to walk out. Applause is heard from the crowd as I shake Henry's hand and sit down. As the applause died, we turned our heads to Henry who started to speak.

"Welcome, glad to see you all here. Did you ever think you would be here tonight?"

The first to speak was William, "No, but I always watch this show so being here is a little unreal." The rest of the cast nodded their heads to William's statement.

"Glad to know you're a fan. I mean 55 million dollars opening night is really impressive. Did you guys know the film would be this successful?"

Jeremy was the first to speak, "Actually no I didn't even during filming I was very impressed by how it turned out, and people seem to really like the adventure that Kevin goes through in the film".

"Actually, now that I think about it since the beginning Eren's confidence in the film was noticed by everyone, so it made us believe it kind of ran off on us and it increased our confidence and performance when acting out scenes."

"Yeah, I remember he would say "this movie will change your life."

"Yeah," was heard from each person but me.

"Really well speaking of you Eren what made you have such confidence in the script and the movie?"

'Because in my original world, this movie became a classic for Christmas and was a huge success. But I couldn't say that.'

"Well, a small part of it was that I knew I had a good script and vision for the film, but the big part was seeing the auditions for the cast and knowing that these people could elevate and put my ideas and script to life which I was right about in the end."

"Well, you were indeed right about that. Let's switch over to William, you're being called the next big young actor in Hollywood you excited for what the future holds?"

"Yes, I am very excited and cautious about what kinds of opportunities may come in the future. Luckily when I took the role as Kevin Eren told me that this role could change my life and that I need to be ready for 'Hollywood' and the challenges and opportunities it will bring." When William finished speaking some claps were heard from the crowd.

"Well, again 55 million opening night and releasing in international theaters in 5 days Home Alone in theaters now go and get your tickets it's only going to continue to grow. Thank you all for coming. We will be right for an interview with the director of Home Alone Eren Wayne when we come back". The crowd erupted in claps as the cameras cut and we all got up and walked off stage.

"That wasn't so bad was it," I said with a chuckle.

"Not really no," said William smiling at me.

The cast decided to wait backstage until after my interview to leave. I was not informed about what questions I would be asked for this interview tho.

'Shit, here we go again'