
Caleb in thought

Episode 1

Jude walked into his boss's office only to see his boss and best friend looking so sad. From the look of things, he could tell that his boss was lost in thought again, that was how he has been for three weeks. A tap on the table brought Caleb back to consciousness.

Caleb: Jude?? How long have you been here?

Jude: too long to tell that something is eating you up and today, you must spill it out or I call your mom to tell her that her only son is not fine.

Caleb: come on, you won't do that. You know how my mom can be, do you want her to come here and start crying? Plus, I am now a man not a fifteen years old boy who needs to be pampered by his mother

Jude: nice speech, I can see that Kambili is now good at pampering you that you have to let go of your moms'

Caleb: what do you want Jude? Don't you have work to do?

Jude: I have one right now and that is finding out what is eating my boss up

Caleb: are you still on this?

Jude: sure and I am not leaving here if I don't get my answer

Caleb: fine!!! Kambili has given me three days to tell her about the lady threatening her life or she breaks up with me and you know what that means, my wedding is next month. What will I tell people? I love Kambili too much to lose her, I...i...i

Jude: calm down lover boy, you won't lose your woman. But, who is this lady and what does she have to do with Kambili?

Caleb: I don't know too, she keeps claiming to be my woman and asked Kambili to break up with me or lose her life.

Jude: ohhh! Are you sure the lady isn't one of your secret admirers? Wait!, hope it isn't Nene.

Caleb: come on, it can't be. Nene can't be that cruel. Moreover, I have kept her in her place and I heard she got engaged last month

Jude: wow! So, who could this be?

Caleb: I feel my past is coming to catch up with me but, I have given my life to Christ, and old things have passed away, what else do you think I should do?

Jude: Go to God, tell Him about it and ask Him to touch your woman's heart then, you both should pray about it and move on with your lives. You shouldn't let anyone come in between you, what God has joined, let no man put asunder, not even a text message.

Caleb did as he was advised, he went into serious prayers and after praying for two days, he went to meet Kambili at her workplace took her to dinner, and then made her see reasons why they mustn't let the devil use anyone to destroy their beautiful union. He promised Kambili to be a good husband and father to their children, Kambili trusted him and forgot the threatening messages she do receive.

Just as they wished, the threatening messages stopped, and the duo was able to focus on the preparation for their wedding and finally got married. It was a great event, being the only son of his parent and heir to his family chains of companies, a huge amount of money was spent. His mother ensured she made the event the talk of the town. Kambili's parents on the other side were not super rich but they spent a lot to make the event a success.

As Kambili and Caleb were pronounced man and wife, the joy radiating all over them was great. Caleb was so happy and felt fulfilled, he thank God for finally granting his heart's desire even after the rough life he lived in the past. He looked at the face of his beautiful bride and praised God more.

The couple was driven to their new house to begin a new life. Caleb had ensured the house was tastefully furnished, everything needed to make life comfortable was put in place, and all he wanted was to give his wife and unborn children a comfortable life. He didn't want them to lack any good things so that they won't go the path he went before mercy found him that was why he waited on God for the choice of a virtuous woman and God gave him his beautiful Kambili.

Caleb: Good Morning my beautiful wife, how was your night?

Kambili: (yawned tiredly) good morning my husband, my night was fine, and yours?

Caleb: fantastic yesterday was the best night I have ever had. Of a truth, there is nothing like abstinence till marriage. Stolen waters may be sweet but not the sweetest, I wish I waited till yesterday. I am glad to be your first, thanks for the gift

Kambili: now, my husband is speaking in parable.

Caleb: as if she doesn't understand what I am saying. So, you are having breakfast in bed, go to the bathroom to freshen up, and come back here to have your breakfast

Kambili: wow! That would be lovely but I just need you to carry me to the bathroom pleaseeeeeee

Caleb: naughty girl

A text message suddenly popped up on Kambili's cell phone and by the time she read through, she had goosebumps all over her.


To be continued

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