
not enough thanks

,,What happened?" I asked again and again. I cannot understand. So much can change in one day?

,, We saw you lying in blood. You - young innocent child. So we helped..." I didn't understand.

,,We?" I asked.

,,Yes... My name is Mitsu and my sword is Kurou no Tatsu.". In that moment I thinked he was ... Strange...

,,So... You ... and your ... sword...?" I asked.

,,Yes." he nodded. I took the long breath.

,,I need to go... I should not be here." my wounds was almost healed. Thanks to his nature magic.

,,Wait... I can teach you..." He looked at me with big smile.

,,What can you teach me?" I asked with irony. In that moment he took his sword. He almost hit me. I was in shock. He was fast.

,, Still think I don't have something to teach you?" I decided...

,, When we will start?" I asked with hope in my voice.

,,Now... I will teach you everything. From languages to battle skills, even magic..." he leaded me somewhere. It was a castle.

,,Where... where we are?" I asked. I feared what will happen.

,,We are in Dijon.... In estate of Queen Victoria." he looked forward. I didn't know who it was... All the building... The garden. I didn't know it all was here. Were I too much time in woods?

,,Prince Tsume..." he bowed to a strange man. I didn't know what was going on.

,,Mitsu, what's happening?" he looked at me. - The Prince is looking on me... what should I do? Must I do it too?- I thinked,. -Please... don't touch me, now.- I was frightened. If they will touch me, they will die. I don't want them to die. They look kind. They look kinder than the police man, that ai killed with my magic.

,, Don't be afraid. I will not touch you. Your strange magic is around you, like it is protecting your body..." said the prince.

,,W.. what are you..." I asked with no mind. ,,I mean sorry, Your highness. I... I..."

,, Don't apologize, please... I am a wizard. My mother, Queen Victoria, Is a witch. I can read in others like in books." I was shocked. The royal family is covered by magic. Mitsu brought bow and arrows.

,,Let's start with this..." Mitsu said. -When did he disappeared?- I thinked.

,,You can stay here how long you need." Said prince.

,, Thanks... For everything..." I said to both of them. They smiled. In this time I was happy. I had teacher, that took care of me... Like my family.