
I, Naruto's Uncle, Am Really Invincible

*THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://www.wuxiap.com/novel/naruto-uncle-i-am-really-invincible.html Naruto Uncle, I Am Really Invincible This is a translation of Chinese Novel. ********** Synopsis: Venturing into the Naruto World, Kazuhiko found himself positioned as Naruto's future uncle, the cousin of Kushina, and the emerging head of the Uzumaki Clan, which teetered on the brink of annihilation. Kazuhiko had initially anticipated leading a life of leisure as a wealthy second-generation individual. Yet, fate had different plans. The Land of Whirlpools stood on the precipice of devastation. Providentially, just as this crisis emerged, an activation signal resonated within him - the initiation of a unique system that promised rewards through daily logins. He signed in as a member of the Uzumaki Clan, reaping the reward of the [Admiral Kizaru Template], a boon to his powers. Logging into the clandestine chamber within the Uzumaki family estate, he gained the [Death God Zaraki Kenpachi Template]. Further sign-ins on Naruto Rock granted him the coveted [Sage Body]. And within the Valley of the End, yet another sign-in bestowed upon him the [Rinnegan], an ability of profound significance. Years flowed by, and Uzumaki Kazuhiko proudly stood atop the pyramid of the ninja world. With his ascendancy, the Uzumaki lineage claimed the mantle of the foremost family in the realm of shinobi. ********** The cover photo is not mine. If you are the owner message me and I will remove it.

Nobody2NoBody · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
290 Chs

Chapter 61 : My right foot will kick your face

Danzo didn't appear angry, but he had already sensed Kazuhiko's deep dissatisfaction with Konoha. 

It was clear to him that if this clan heir were to become the true head of the Uzumaki clan in the future, it would significantly strain the relationship between the Land of Whirlpools and Konoha. 

Therefore, it seemed wise to make a change sooner rather than later.

Currently, Konoha relied on the Land of Whirlpools for various things, such as Jinchūriki and sealing techniques. 

Danzo couldn't ignore the fact that this young clan heir harbored great resentment toward Konoha. This was the perfect opportunity for him to replace the Uzumaki leader with someone more favorable to his interests.

Danzo's unwavering gaze was fixed on Kazuhiko, akin to the stern eyes of a lion ready to pounce on its prey. He wished he could put the impudent young Uzumaki in his place.

Kazuhiko casually picked up his teacup, seemingly oblivious to Danzo's glare. He occasionally smiled, treating Danzo as nothing more than a clown performing on a stage, completely disregarding his arrogance upon arriving in the Land of Whirlpools.

"It appears this old fool could use a lesson in humility. Perhaps today is the day he grows up," Kazuhiko thought to himself.

"Hmph, Elder Danzo, we're not concerned with your worries about the Uzumaki family. Our young clan heir, as well as our entire clan, is content, and we have a strong bond with the people in Land of Whirlpools. You should focus on matters concerning Konoha, such as betraying your allies and betraying the Land of Whirlpools!" Uzumaki Kiyoshi, the clan's head, taunted Elder Danzo without restraint.

"The Land of Whirlpools is  small and without the alliance contract First Hokage signed with you, you'd be nothing more than rubble by now!" Utatane Koharu chimed in, her voice filled with anger.

"To speak so arrogantly now, showing no respect for the powerful, Konoha has been overly lenient with you!" She spoke through gritted teeth, glaring at the Uzumaki clan members present.

The sound of Kazuhiko slamming his hand on the table echoed through the room. "Are you attempting to threaten the Land of Whirlpools through force?" His intense gaze pierced through Danzo and Utatane Koharu as if trying to read their thoughts.

Kazuhiko had little faith in the concept of benevolence among major powers. 

The Land of Whirlpools had survived through the sheer determination of its people and the collective efforts of the Uzumaki clan. 

As his nation grew stronger, it would possess resources, manpower, and stability, rendering it impervious to threats from other countries. True strength, he believed, came from within, and everything else was mere illusion.

Kazuhiko had long-term plans in mind. As long as the Land of Whirlpools possessed a Tailed Beast and a perfect Jinchūriki, Konoha wouldn't dare act recklessly. 

They had their own adversaries to worry about, including the Land of Lightning.

"Hmph, young man, proceed as you wish. What we've stated today will become clear to you in due time," said Danzo.

"Yes, the Land of Whirlpools is like toads at the bottom of a well, unaware of the vast world beyond. You have no idea of Konoha's true strength," he continued grimly.

"Konoha's power surpasses your imagination. If we disregard the pact signed by First Hokage-sama, your recent provocations alone could lead to the annihilation of the Land of Whirlpools!"

"Remember, Uzumaki clan, while you may have once enjoyed glory and strength, you're now a clan that survives thanks to Konoha's benevolence!"

Frustrated by Kazuhiko's earlier comments, Danzo spoke candidly from the depths of his heart.

"In this ruthless ninja world, weaker clans and nations must learn humility and endure in the presence of the strong. The strong will determine your fate and provide you a path to survival!"

Danzo raised his head and fixed his gaze on Kazuhiko with sinister intent, as if he had returned to his element.

"It's a shame that your naive clan heir has abandoned these principles. For the future of the Uzumaki clan, I implore the clan to reconsider their choice of leader!"

Danzo felt as if he were radiating light, convinced that he was acting for the greater good. He wanted them to comply willingly; otherwise, he would "reluctantly" resort to teaching them a lesson, a lesson they would find bitter but enlightening.

Danzo believed that his words, the words of Konoha's Elder Danzo, must be heeded.

However, his impassioned speech was met with indifference by everyone in the room. They regarded him as if he were a clown performing for their amusement.

Kazuhiko rose from his seat slowly, the white windbreaker draping over him. He gazed at Danzo before speaking each word with deliberate intent.

"Compared to your arrogance, Konoha resembles more of a toad in a well. The Land of Whirlpools has never relied on the kindness of others but on our own strength. Ultimately, it's one's strength that defines their power, not mere words."

"Today, I'll show you just how strong the Land of Whirlpools truly is."

"Consider this your warning: my right foot is about to meet your face. Feel free to try and dodge it."


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