
I Met My Hollywood Celebrity Crush!

Jade is a runway model. One night she gets drunk and ends up having a night stand with Dylan a Hollywood actor/celebrity. The next morning Jade realizes she had slept with her celebrity crush, she instantly believes that Dylan took advantage of her because she was drunk. She gets angry at him and refuses to forgive him. A few weeks later she bumps into Joe (another Hollywood actor/celebrity) in an elevator on their way to an award ceremony. She speaks rudely to Joe thinking that he’s pompous, rude and full of pride because he’s a celebrity. She never dreamed that when she gets to meet her celebrity crush she’d turn out to hate them. The two guys eventually form a liking for her and tries to win her heart and Jade falls in love with both of them. Who of them will she end up with? Or will she end up not dating anyone of them?

EstherImosemeAruna · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Denzil’s Collection

The agency is made up of so many other persons who help make the show a success— from the sponsors, the managers, the mother agents, the directors and the fashion designers who come to showcase their new line of fashion every day for the month, down to the models, the make up artists, the skin beauty therapists, the Dj's, the MC, the lighting crew, the photographers and so many others make up the modeling agency.

"Okay ladies and gentlemen that's all from Dora's Collection tonight, for sure the last ten minutes has been worth the view am I right?!" The MC guy announced and the guests clapped in response.

"Please join me to welcome the face behind Dora's Collection, Dora herself!" He invited the fashion designer on stage, the lady climbed onto the runway with a broad smile. He handed the mic over to the gorgeous looking lady, she was a medium size wearing a handless black jumpsuit that exposed her upper body and her flawless white skin. The jumpsuit was carefully coated in glitter, she was shining from head to her red heels. She had red short hair and full makeup. She looked stunning.

"Hello New York!" Dora cheered the audience.

"Yeahhhh!" The audience chorused in mild screams and claps.

"I'm so happy to be in the presence of all of you lovely ladies and gentlemen. Thanks for coming out here tonight to see the passion of my work. Thank you so much! I love you all!" Dora ended her speech and bowed slightly in appreciation to her guests, then she returned the microphone to the MC. They exchanged soft quick kisses on the cheek.

"Ok next up we're moving on to Denzil's Collection! This is his latest line of gorgeous fashion and just like always, Denzil always delivers elegance to its fullest, am I right?!" He praised Denzil's fashion line.

The guests clapped again.

"Get ready for this breathtaking design, perfectly displayed by our top models. Ladies and gentlemen.... Denzil's Collection!" The MC gestured with one hand towards the back stage entrance and a slight bow.

The lighting crew adjusted the lights to a more dim effect. A different kind of pop and rock music began playing, the music gave a striking effect to the scene. Cameras were flashing and the lights from their cameras were bright and blinding, they took pictures randomly and they were fully ready for the models that would soon appear on the runway.

"Let's go New York!" Dj wild added his voice to the music.

Audience cheering and clapping still awaiting to see the design and the sexy models.

"Hey Francine!" Jade called out to her friend.

"Yeah?" Francine looked over to Jade.

"Are you ready?"

"Oh I'm sooo ready!"

"Me too!" Jade replied and the two of them smiled brightly through clenched teeth feeling excited.

"Go now, go!" An agent whispered to the first model standing at the entrance, he gestured his hands towards the girls. And after the suspense, the girls started going down the runway one after the other. The order was from the left to the right. The model on the right side behind the entrance cat walked out first, she walked down the runway beautifully and when she was halfway back to the entrance the next girl on the left side came out to the runway. They were all wearing hot mini gowns with glitters, each gown had its own unique design.

Jade was the 25th person to walk down the runway, she walked out in a green off shoulder, long sleeved mini gown that sparkled all the way down. She walked out confidently with a silent grin, then she cat walked majestically down the runway, she was a supermodel and she acted as one. Jade stood at the end of the runway for like 3 seconds with one hand on her waist, she slowly flipped her head from side to side then she blew a kiss to the audience, she turned around smartly and walked back towards the back stage. Francine came out next, the two girls met each other on the way and gave a high five.

"Get em!" Jade whispered to Francine. She continued her walk of fame to the back stage.


The night's show was a success and finally it came to an end. It had been a long day for everyone especially the models, they've been working nonstop throughout the week since the fashion started. They have worn lots of clothes from the lines of different fashion designers over the week. All Jade wanted now was a goodnight rest, though she loved the job, she knew she needed good rest and as the night drew closer to an end, she kept praying it would come just a little faster.

Once again the MC held the microphone, "Wow tonight has been awesome hasn't it?!" He spoke loudly into the mic and the audience cheered loudly again. "I'd like you all to meet the founder of Veneel modeling agency, who is also the manger of this whole event and also the creator of Denzil's Collection that we all just witnessed tonight! Please ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for Mr Denzil!"

Mr Denzil came up on stage and waved happily to his audience, the MC handed the microphone over to him.

"Thank you all for coming out here tonight! Without each and everyone of you this show wouldn't be a success, I'm honoured!" He began his speech with a soft toned masculine voice. "The designs you just saw are the latest collections for the coming spring...", he paused with a smile. "Feel free to check out the clothes out back after the show... Goodnight!" Denzil ended his speech and returned the microphone.

He was a soft minded person, he understood fashion— it was a part of him and his designs tonight were breathtaking.

The MC cleared his throat to begin. "For our last performance we have Taylor Swift here tonight to perform one of her amazing songs and while she does so, there'll be a re-run of the models wearing both Denzil and Dora's collections! Ladies and gents.... I give you, Taylor Swift!"

Taylor appeared on stage and began to sing one of her 3minute pop song (which had to be extended to a 5minute song) and while she sang, the fifty models cat-walked along side her. It was a glorious and sparkly evening and Jade loved every bit of it!

The show finally came to an end...